How has being a bully victim affected your life long term?

Society pays off bullying. Schools and teachers dont give a fuck about it and parents are too busy with their lives and investments of time and money in school fees to risk challenging the school. As a result kids like us spend 13 years of our lives essentially going into a prison yard like environment with a hyper vigilant/stress attitude for years and years on end.

And heaven forbid you fight back or defend yourself because that will only lead to greater retaliation as kids dont understand honour nor will they let things slide if they are defeated. That or their friends in some over the top show of loyalty will run in to help their mate thinking they are being like their 18yo badass brothers on schoolies, and effectively beat the shit out of you.

School counselors are useless and only exacerbate the problem. I remember when I told my parents I was being bullied their answer was to call the school and be told 'we'll set him up with the counselor' instead of 'Son you have our permission to knock the cunt out with a chair. No greater satisfaction will be had. Its not like you like school anyway are we right? Who cares if you're expelled'. So there I was already marked and once a week having to be called out of class to go see the counselor.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>The only language society understands universally is force/violence
>Society can't comprehend why young men become monsters and shoot up schools

I'm a big angry retard and mainly got left alone because I would fight anybody physically for slightly antagonising me when I was a kid.

I befriended some other robot kid who was getting bullied by some normie once, told the normie to leave user alone and stop bullying him or id beat the shit out of him.

Does that technically make me the bully?

As a result of my years in school I naturally developed a very defensive and angry complex. I started lifting alot and got pretty jacked, I joined the military and in every group I wa sin I always demanded to be the alpha. So much to the point that is trained the working environment as I refused to follow anyone and viewed everyone as a threat. I purposely kept everyone at a distance and would assume if someone in a work place was confident or out going they were automatically an enemy.

The biggest problem was the rage. As a I never had the tombstone courage. reliable friends nor the physical ability to stand up for myself in school I never got the anger out I needed to and it built up over years and years. I avoided fights because I always knew Ide use it as an excuse to kill someone(I always carry a knife) and Im scared of prison as it would be very bad for me for above mentioned reasons. As a result of that I was recently kicked out of a Police training course for assaulting someone. Months of not being seen as the alpha, not having people respect me and being exposed to the hands ont raining made me snap. Add in alcohol and I took an opportunity to hurt someone. I didn't hurt him that bad and in fairness he did touch my property without my permission and he was my friend(sorta). But I did warn him and when he refused I attacked him and made him stop. He reported it and I was lucky not to be charged but none the less was kicked out the course in total disgrace.

This action all stemmed from the time the guy started throwing paper at me in year 9 english class, the times I was always picked last for sport, the times Ide walk passed groups of kids on my own and theyd all laugh at me, the times kids pulled my bag down when waiting in line for the canteen, the times someone kept kicking me in school assemblies and the times the teachers laughed at it.

After I left school I joined the military and nothing I did in the military on deployment compared to how bad school was. I wasnt even bullied in the military in fact it allowed me to thrive a little as I was quite fit at first and very interested in the military way of life plus I wanted to kill. None the less people didnt see me as the alpha or a leader. Even when I had the solution and stepped up people did follow me. Instead choosing the tall handsome cool guy who often go it wrong. This only made me angrier and years and years of discipline and stress made it all fester more and more. Eventually I grew more and more angry and drove friends away and caused tension within my team and work environment.

Im not gona lie, I legit thought about shooting up my school and going out in a firefight with the cops. Its lucky Im in a no guns country but had I been in the US I would have done it. I totally empathize with mass shooters and feel no remorse for the victims because in all honesty they probably deserved it for being popular. Its not that they all bullied but they are guilty but affiliation as they usually hang out with or date the bullies. Only serving to empower them within the school social hierarchy.

Another thing to about bullies is that they arent just overcompensating for their shitty home life. Most bullies come from well to do backgrounds, have money, are good at sports and get free rides, grow up with lots of validation and support. They bully simply because they can and they enjoy it.

See I was a manlet so I couldnt fight back. I went to an all boys rugby school and some of the lds in my grade were benching 100kgs and doing roids in year 10 and playing for country in rugby.

> being a manlet not being able to fight back.
Nah you are just a pussy my dude.

>mfw American "schools"

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OP and Anons
>no guns country

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>thinking the bullying ends at school

Lmao, in courses and in uni bullying is rampant. Also the workplace is much worse, you get normalfags who are so damn experienced at the art of bullying half the time you'll be impressed with how they fucked you over.

No it was literally because I was being bullied by guys who at 16 who the size of 26 year olds. And who had 30 friends equally as big and angry. If i had fought back which I did a few times the retaliation was far worse. I also got into trouble and they didnt.

No idea how long this will be;

During primary (Elementary) school I spent 6 years there. Bullying happened a lot but it was never too bad as I'd always give curses to my tormentors. I'd get back at them by damaging their toys, beyblades or yugioh cards. Scratching their bikes while no one is around, it was a battle. I even punched a few of them. However some were way too smart or cunning, and well some were way too strong for me to just best them. I was humiliated several times on a very severe scale, each day I was a target of small stuff, but I kinda brushed it off. Physical bullying sucked, it really hurt being wacked by much larger guys, and crying in the mud in front of half your class including your crush had some slight behavioral impact. I wasn't really a talker but I soon isolated myself and just spent my free time with no one other than the only person I trusted, me. A major tipping point was when one of the bullies found out where I lived and had his criminal family members break into the house and steal my ps2 and all my ps2 games, he bragged about it to me and showed off some of the games. That completely destroyed my will to fight back as no one believed me, and even after my family called the police they basically told us to lock our doors and windows (The window was smashed, that's how they got in) and basically said that's all they can do. It was fucking terrible. Intermediate is just 7th and 8th grade, bullying was bad there but it's just more of the same. I was beaten quite bad in the toilets and left in a puddle of urine. Not the bullies, but they just basically beat me until I was dizzy and dropped me into it. Of course once I complained to teachers and the headmaster nothing happened aside from an increase of bullying.

Highschool is what really fucked me up because everyone was a lot stronger, more malicious and had connections. I had been beaten up many times, had knives pulled on me. cont/

>And heaven forbid you fight back or defend yourself because that will only lead to greater retaliation as kids dont understand honour nor will they let things slide if they are defeated
In my experience, you can sometimes solve it with violence. Just so long as you do it right and your bully is male and about the same age as you. I realized it late but I stopped some bullying when I faught back.

The worst part about it is when children or girls bully you. There's NO way you can fight back and you won't get sympathy from anyone.

Some of them even tricked the tards into thinking I did some bad things to their parents, and called them names etc.. I forget how it went but as you can imagine they went apeshit on me and no punishment for them as they are tards and the bullies weren't even questioned. They played dumb. I can't even type it all out it's just the typical physical and psychological bullying. It happens still, it happens at the workplace but it's all with mind games. I have trust issues and really don't believe anyone actually likes me. I think everyone is in on it to make me look bad in some way, It's a thought and feeling I can't ever escape from. That's the main thing that has affected me. How many genuine people have I shot down because I thought they wanted to abuse me?

Who knows..

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Getting the fuck bullied out of me every single day from the age of 5 until I finished high school turned me into a neurotic, self-loathing, distrustful mess who also believes that violence solves every single problem. It didn't work out great. At this point my brain is wired in such a way that basically every social interaction sets off an immediate fight or flight response and I have to forcefully shut it down.

Being bullied also taught me to not just distrust, but actively hate and work against authority. The kids who bullied me the most were always the ones with parents in positions of power. Local land owners, teachers, principals. That kind of deal. It was a fast and harsh lesson to realise that power exists to aid the powerful and brutally crush and disempower those who are "in" on it.

TL;DR bullying made me a deeply unpleasant and frustrated person who hates himself.

ITT shit that never happened.
>i don't have agency over my actions because the evil people beat me up when i was young
quit being a little bitch.

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>A major tipping point was when one of the bullies found out where I lived and had his criminal family members break into the house and steal my ps2 and all my ps2 games, he bragged about it to me and showed off some of the games. That completely destroyed my will to fight back as no one believed me, and even after my family called the police they basically told us to lock our doors and windows (The window was smashed, that's how they got in) and basically said that's all they can do

Fucking jesus that brutal. Where did you grow up?

>Extensive abuse and mistreatment during vital developmental years has ZERO effect on human beings or other living creatures for that matter
BIG brain.

>Quit being a faggot and just accept it faggot

Spoken to like a true shit scared normie whos about to have his power base pulled out from under him.
Youre the same liberal fuckwit from my Jow Forums thread. Get outa yeah ya faggot. I hope you get shot one day.

BIG beta more like it. Go get some fucking sunshine.

>Youre the same liberal fuckwit from my Jow Forums thread.
holy fuck this man is (pretending to be) delusional.
nobody feels sorry for you kid. pretending to be delusional won't change that.
where did i say that you have to accept your shit life? i think you should accept responsibility for your actions, and stop being a bitch because you are in control of it all. i don't give a crap about your half true half exagerated sob story.
>you cease all conscious function when you get beat up
GALAXY brain.

>ostracizing people daily during the years in which their character and mentality develops the most has no effect on them
No, you idiot

>>you cease all conscious function when you get beat up
ugh...what? How did he say that?
Point is, you adapt. Especially if you're young.
If people laugh at a kid or beat him up for expressing himself, for example, he will adapt by not expressing himself, and thereby be slowed in his development.

Seriously, pick a random kid to sing or draw or whatever, give the rest of the class the order to laugh at him for what he does, and he will stop doing it. Not that difficult to understand.

Didnt read lol.


>"lmao just stop being a bitch"
>I have no understanding of how the human brain and nervous system functions
shouldn't you be in school?

>have no arguments
>i know this stuff because i'm a genius who studied neuroscience for years, not because i read it off of Wikipedia/Britebart and then considered myself an expert.

no that makes you a based friend

t. person who wonders why all these school shooters and random maniacs have become common


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I was bullied randomly throughout grade school and raised by a liberal peacenik single mother who told me to never fight back. Not that it would matter because I was usually smaller than most boys my age due to poor nutrition. That's just how life is, poor stupid single mothers raise weak, malnourished and pussified sons who end up getting bullied for being runts and losers. It's probably an evolutionary drive in humans to weed out weakness. The only problem is that because of technology, the weak can get their hands on guns and mow down the winners. The media will vilify the bullied and cry crocodile tears over the bullies though. And everyone will carry on like the cow-eyed simpletons they are wondering why these shootings continue.

Ironically I'm actually good looking despite having been thin and average height most my life, and I'm not so autistic I didn't eventually learn social skills. All bullying taught me is that everyone around is a pathetic, fearful animal wearing a human suit and that if you're not constantly trying to take advantage of people, you're cheating yourself out of one of the few pleasures in life.

When I tried to bring my bullying to the attention of authority figures like teachers and counselors--as I was taught by my mom and others--I either ended up in me being punished along with the bully because "they can't be sure who started it" or simply because they were too lazy to bother, leading me to realize that authority figures are low-effort and often low IQ grifters just trying to get through their day.

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Not in the fucking slightest. And if it has it has for the better, taught me not to give a fuck what random people think and keep doing what I'm doing.

i'd say no since you only threatened to do it. also based

For me it taught me people are going to be this way no matter what I do so I may as well do whatever I want because the outcome is always the same. You can't move up the social hierarchy so there's no point to not offending people.

I know I've got issues I can't be bothered explaining properly but damn dudes... Somehow I imagine these are American schools.

I 'fit' in because I was autistic enough that people mistook my being serious but robotic (literal) demeanour for banter/humour and dry wit. I always tried to look out for the kids I saw on the outside getting picked on and I didn't mind getting all 'terminator' on bullies as they described me.

And yet I felt worse when/if it meant I had to signal "no" just because I stood up for them they couldn't be friends with me either. The mental stamina or social skills to be properly friends with anyone I just didn't have beyond what it took to neutralise being 'othered' further.

Im actually a csa survivor, so people could already sense my deeply rooted trauma
I was bullied daily, I dropped out of society.
The harm people did to me affected me deeply

>be me
>be considered really fucking weird by pretty much the entire region i live in
>used to be bullied
>broke the nose of my bully one day with a toy shovel
>parents of my bully came to my home later that day
>i politely explained why i did what i did
>bullies parents flip their shit at me
>mom somewhat flips her shit at me
>dad flips his shit towards my bullies parents
>bullies parents and their fuckface son leave
>dad is proud of me
>mom is dissapointed in me but knows it was for the best
>never really get bullied again
>over the years turn into somewhat of an urban legend due to my weirdness working out for me.

Just gimme the sauce OP, and no one gets hurt

People my age don't seem to know how to negotiate. They just are triggered and want you to follow everything the group does, no consideration to the individual even if it hurts them.

You can't make up with them either because they cement your status as low even if you self improve.

Did their parents teach them to be this way? It's like the only way to win with them is force, fear, and willpower.

I don't think I was bullied as bad as some people because i came from a pretty nice suburb, but I remember just getting mentally shut down by everyone every time I would open my mouth. It felt like I had to tactically worry about every little word that came out of my mouth so I just said fuck it and did drugs all the time. Everyone I met was a piece of shit and now I feel like a fucking retard for caring and not just learning how to comically treat people like shit instead.

I'm mostly likely much older than you. This whole PC culture shit was dying in it's first incarnation when I was a kid. It's most likely either something rooted in human nature or American culture. Maybe it comes from our Darwinist worship of rugged individualism and violence. Who knows. You're right though that people are, underneath everything, motivated primarily by fear and pain.

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Here ya go op

>i'm a genius who studied neuroscience for years
Timestamped evidence or it's a larp

You know what, don't bother. I already know it's a larp.

youre based

just use your free will to supersede the structure of your own brain bro

You pretty much nailed it. I was shifted around after getting expelled from a bunch of different schools, that stopped once I hit high school and god damn. You can't really do shit, you tell and you're a snitch which results in more bullying. You fight back, and you become the "bully" in the eyes of administration, and even your own family. Any mistake or misconstrued joke you made around the time of the incident will be shown to slander you and paint you as a bully, so no one wants to help you since hey you're bullying them, so they're just reacting. Maybe you should just stop?
I honestly want to blow my godddamn head off, I hate this fucking planet.

Can't we all just be glad schools get shot up?

>Grew up pretty sensitive guy, could not fight to save my life. Was afraid I'd hurt the other person.
> could not make friends with guys for over 12 years due to fear of being assaulted.
> just started to make guy friends. Feelsgoodman

the strong prey on the weak, it has always been like this, if you don't want to be prey become strong

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People have always robbed and murdered people. That doesn't mean it's right and the offenders shouldn't be held accountable.

it turned me into a fucking weirdo. like i could talk to people but i had to be over the top to keep there attention, i gave up because it was so taxing and now im myself thinking about killing all my bullys lol.

>Get bullied a lot because I was a weirdo even though I tried not to be and tried to make friends
>Tried to tell the teachers about the bullying - nothing happened and was sometimes made to feel like I was making it up
>Tried to stick up for myself - got in trouble for it and bullying continued while the teachers wrote it off as "well you shouldn't have done what you did should you(Sticking up for myself)
>Over 15 years later all my bullies have wives and kids, live in their own homes and have jobs
>I'm a mental health ridden NEET who will never be a proper part of society

I still have fantasies of shooting up and blowing up my school. All the people associated with me have long since left but that doesn't matter. I still want that place to burn to the fucking ground for the hell it put me through.

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This is why i dont get how people are surprised when you talk about workplace bullying. Some people think its absolutely absurd and that such thing could never happen irl. Could it be because the trauma of being bullied has lead them to wilfully ignore it when it happens and just pass it off as "banter" or "thats just how life is"?

Bullying in the adult world is much more vile, underhanded and severe. A school bully calls you a faggot and maybe beats you up. A bully in the real world makes you lose your job and end up homeless.

It made me realize most niggers and spics are low IQ and have low impulse control

>going to (school) in the first place
The social aspect was OK in small doses but as someone who was home schooled until I was 16 I wish I just stayed home and studied then went to uni and did a non meme degree
High school ruined my career life and psyche bunch of degenerate scum brainlets and this was 13 years ago and I was the bully most of the time the culture is horrible it's like working except worse what the fuck is wrong with (normal) people they are unironically toxic as all hell to each other and me to the point I always have to quit groups

You should just find said bullies and kill their families and them. Kill their families in front of them, then them. You can fulfill your desires still.

Its funny to think that the only reason you hate nonwhites and love whites so much is because you think whites dont bully people. Do you not seen all the people here who are white and got bullied THE FUCK out of them by other white people?

I left school at 12 after years of bullying, I'm now a friendless shutin loser who can't talk to people

Maybe, but it would seem like a wasted venture because I'd only be able to reach a couple targets before I'm caught. With the school I could do a lot of damage very quickly and feel satisfied.

Ugh, protecting myself? Standing up for myself? That sounds like to much of a hassle.

Is there really anyone even in the school who bullied you? Also, you can easily kill several families if you do it right. Little tip, arson is the best way to destroy evidence of murder scenes. Police tested and approved.

The thing about bullies is that they wont remember you at all, which makes them very vulnerable.

With social media it is so easy to just find the people that tormented you for years in school and find their profiles online and see their families, and there is a lot of social engineering you can do to legally fuck with your bullies in that way.

Share some methods broseph

All my bullies ended up worse than me but I'm still a neet virgin so?
Moral of the story is who the fuck cares

What do you mean? Just use leftist liberal media and SJW tactics. It works for them and they never seem to suffer any legal repercussions from it.

Thats not the only reason i love whites and I dont hate people who arent whites/NEasians, I just think we are inferior

Like what? You cant just call someone racist with a new fake account you made, that shit doesnt work. Plus you also need to know how to keep your own ass covered and stay anonymous

Yes, that is the main reason. The other reasons are just shit you made up to rationalize your self hatred.

Remember the bakery that wouldnt sell gay wedding cakes? Shit like that but be less cringey and use your imagination

Why do you think I hate myself?
Recognizing that im inferior doesnt mean I hate myself

It made me stronger.

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You know it. Big time.

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If you're bullied as a kid, and you blame your shitty adult life on it, you're lazy. Plain and simple. Everyone ever has been bullied.

Not true at all. Some people just have been constantly throughout their entire life pushed around by everyone and eventually they just break and become shutin hermits.

There is a difference between being bullied a few times here and there, and being bullied daily for years on end to the point where it impacts your grades and attendance at school.

Infact dropping out of school due to years of consistent social defeat is what turns people into social recluse NEET hermits

>fat people are this delusional

i wouldnt be surprised if being called disgusting since 5th grade had something to do with my bdd and anorexia that basically rule my life

You lose the moment you quit. That's always your choice. If you're down for awhile that's okay, but if you stop striving then you've lost.

No, laziness is what does it. Everyone has been bullied. You're not a special snowflake.

I was that legbeard girl in class that everybody made fun of, even the more unpopular kids. I had no friends at all. It fucked me up pretty good. Have really bad mental issues, no friends still at age 24, social anxiety and fear of strangers, can't handle any confrontation, crumble in interviews and can't get a job, and don't even feel like a woman- feel like a disgusting piece of shit failure of life that should've died instead of my sister. I'm also extremely bitter, rude, judgemental, and uncaring. My social skills are basically "speak when spoken to" and apologize if someone gets mad at me and try to run away. I hate my fucking life, I HATE MY FUCKING LIFE.

But if you bring a gun to school everyone will call you a psycho

Could it be, an actual female robot? My condolences.

>he's this bad at reading greentext

I mean it used to bother me until I looked up all my bullies up on facebook and they're all still in my old home town sucking dick for meth and trying to cover up their meth face with too much makeup.
ahhh it was awesome.

What I went through transcends bullying and is probably better classified as harrassment. I feel very detached and apathetic towards people. I have been hurt so much that I have no desire left to form bonds with others. I see everyone, especially my own family as NPCs with nothing of substance except for programming intended to make them emotionally abuse me. I am a drifter, not forming meaningful relationships with anyone except for one of my professors that I see as a mentor figure. I would say my nihilist outlook is due to my autism, but despite being an aspie I tried really hard to make friends when I was younger. I am just utterly and completely alone and just sit in my room in between classes and dissociate. I have no idea what being loved feels like. I feel like I was made a defect and I am not meant to have companionship. I have no emotions anymore. Having knives pulled on me, getting hit, and being socially ostracized in my formative years probably made me this way, but part of me feels like I deserve it, especially because my school never did anything to stop it and even joined in on occassion.

I agree with OP. However, we should not forget those children who are the worst off, and for them school is a way out of abusive parents/guardians.

However, to make this possible it must be the common opinion that school is good for everyone. Unfortunately, the tradeoff is that some children experience a downfall in their happiness.
