/whimsical walloper wednesday/ with the lads
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feel shite and tired and hungry desu
just brushed me teeth then had a bag of crisps and now my teeth are all crisped up
we believed it and we achieved it
Check this out lads wahey
Back from my interview for the xmas temp gig
The lower manager person who interviewed me was an alt type, she said she was in her 20s, looked very young - had a lip, nose and GUM piercing
Despite being a qt, she said she had a bf who watched anime
Once again I got told I look very young, she joked that she was about to get a young workers permit form for me
Anyway, it went well and she strongly hinted that I'd get the gig
Thanks for ruining my childhood mate
You really get on my nerves.
Can't wait until the rejection comes back you fucking pedo.
hey congratulations! hope you get the job m80. :^)
People here use that term all the time
>on here at 11am
Try applying for jobs instead of talking everyone else down
>Thanks for ruining my childhood
hate hearing this. if he hasnt gone back in time and physically raped you, your childhood is the same as it was before you saw the image...
did you disclose your sexual offences to her?
It's a figure of speech mong
No, but he didn't get caught putting the cameras in the toilets in next so *fingers crossed*
figure of speech that means fuck all
only mongs say it
mega mong
Your life means fuck all
why is it ok for everyone else to say it?
said the mong posting on Jow Forums
amer, you are the only person who uses 'gig' in that way here so unless you larp as multiple its just you bud
Do you present yourself as female at interviews?
I admit I did want to bang angela anaconda when I was a kid
bad vibes here today. need something to do. trying to lose weight and get Jow Forums. any other robots trying to climb out of the hole they've dug for themselves? :^S
Because you are a creepy sex offender and we dont want you here
Fell asleep at Midnight, only just woke up now. So why am I still tired? That's 11 Hours sleep and I could easily sleep a couple more.
You are already doing it wrong by calling yourself a robot. Lose the autist labelling
Ah come on you can't just say someones gay
Found some app that's meant to help you get a sleep routine but it wouldn't let me set it to more than 10 hours a night, like back off app u don't know me
>current year
>not having a job that lets you work from home and shitpost in peace
Had a pretty tchy dick the last few days. Sort of a rash on my foreskin and bellend.
If I have chlamydia I am going to be in deep shit.
>Normie problems
Back in Taipei for now. Thinking to go to a club tonight. Currently in an English theme pub.
sexy monica
good strat m80.
There's a lot of discrimination against trans people so I think it best to present as male before securing the gig
fortnite halloween event
is that why you present as law-abiding too? because of discrimination against sex offenders?
*prays they don't really run background checks*
Still laughing about poley bragging about the fact he had a new amazing 22k a year job before he even had it.
Can't make this shit up.
with your hands in your pockets ssstubbily running to where I'm unfresh undressed and yawnin well what is this craziness this crazy talkin you caught some small death when you were sleepwalkin
Shouldn't you be in school young man?
Have to wait for the black ops 4 event cause gay PS4 exclusivity
>tfw like Fortnite but hate the building mechanics
Sucks cause I'd probably play it a lot
I'm enjoying the new black ops battle Royale a lot tho
it's half term waheey
>people with multiple face piercings landing management roles
I want to go back to the time when even a loud tie would be frowned upon
>tfw dont like most of fortnites mechanics but love the building
the building is the only thing that makes this game good honestly, if it were removed it would be a ridiculously average 3rd person shooter with terrible shooing mechanics
I think I'm enjoying the call of duty battle Royale so much because it plays so well like a call of duty game and the inventory management is really slick
I haven't played Fortnite since last year if I'm being honest
fair enough, i played the beta for blackout but it ran like shit on my pc and stuttered a lot so didnt really play much but the map looks extremely fun.
not having any food from mcD's today, lads. only a drink. large coke. luvvit.
>whole slice from a bloomer loaf fit into my toaster
Quite impressed lads
Is this a larp or do you actually go to maccies daily
This is the first COD I've picked up since Black Ops 2 so maybe I'm just enjoying it more because I don't have franchise fatigue. Tempted to get Red Dead on Friday I can't justify two expensive purchases like that so close together.
yeah, pretty much daily. it's right by my office so it's become a bad habit. weening myself off of it though slowly but surely.
its weird how much more "normies" britfeel is at this time, its almost like a completely different community. not that i am complaining btw
>amazing 22k a year job
imagine thinking 22k a year is amazing
>Not at work now
What do you classify as normie? I'm the lad always banging on about Black Ops 4 and I'm diagnosed autism. Just got done meeting my psychologist and starting an autism work skills course soon. Quite depressing, really. I wish I was a normie. I can't believe where my life has ended up.
Are you one of the lads on over 60k a year that still posts on /britfeel/?
if a girl willingly breathes the same air as you, you are a normie
gotta pay for a fucking std test can't go free clinic cause one of my mates works there and too nervous to go gp unless I'm certain
please don't tell me you fell for those larps
just totaled up the calories from breakfast, the lunch I just ate, and dinner this evening, and it comes to 900kcal
th-think I might need a bit more than that...
I've only had 400 calories today but I've been on a 600 calorie a day diet for weeks now
To be fair I'd probably go far too often myself if I worked next to one. It's a blessing in disguise that the closest fast food place to where I work is a shitty Subway
No lad, I was being sarcastic. I find it hard to believe any of the autists in here even have jobs, let alone ones that pay over double the average wage
>I've been on a 600 calorie a day diet for weeks now
what breed of dog are you?
>What do you classify as normie?
I think its mostly a bull shit label, hence the quotation marks. i can just tell that the proper seething lads that call themselves robots are not here yet. People can mention girls and relationships at this time and typically get ignored.
We are indeed, guess which services I'm having lunch at today
it has a spoons
oh, for sure. it's an easy trap to fall into. i have bad eating habits to begin with. but i am trying to turn my life around. hit 300lbs for the first time this month and that was a real fucking eye opener. i'm ashamed.
Just on an extreme keto meal replacement diet. It's been working well in losing a lot of weight. Probably going to stop it soon though because I wouldn't wanna do it long term.
Why do you retards always take the "all or nothing" approach to losing weight? There is no reason at all to stick to such a brutally low calorie intake
>not going days at a time without food due to poverty
Check out this rich fancy man.
they are mongs or lazy. Anyone with a bit of sense does the normal thing and reduces their calories slowly over time while working out on top.
>stick to the lower calorie intake
>lose weight
simple as
I dunno lad I'm autistic so having three meal replacements a day at the exact same time appeals to me. I supplement in snacks here and there as well though and I've still been losing weight and I drink coffee with milk and stuff too.
Jesus tap dancing Christ lad, isn't that the weight Homer reaches in that simpsons episode where he deliberately makes himself fatter
This is for neets only
Give Curly Watts one from me, lad.
only gone and done it, lads
dunno lad, but it's definitely heavy as fuck. hence the sudden 'oh shit, i need to get my shit together before i kill myself' mentality. :^(
you're a good lad, i like it when you post stuff like this because i also like buying blu rays from hmv. are you the same lad that posts figures sometimes?
The Fog and Commando are kino, everything else looks like B movie junk. Also you should have got Toxic Avenger 4, it's the only good one
Nice one, lad. You didn't answer me earlier. Do you use streaming services too? I couldn't be spending money on BDs all the time so I get to watch a lot more movies than usual being subscribed to a few services like Netflix and NOW TV. I do spend way too much on television boxsets though.
>cuck faces on cover of Toxic Avenger
Aye, I sometimes post figures too.
I like b-movie junk though.
sorry lad, went out around half 9. Only streaming service I have is Netflix. Thankfully youtube has a lot of old 80's stuff like Chopping Mall and Slaughter High
Norf FC had some graffiti in the toilets 'bradford city FC ointment crew'
>Go on out Jow Forums
>Today I was fired for the 27th time this year.
Is there any hope for me or should I just kill myself?
I cant even get 1 job
If I remember right troma has all their films on YouTube as well lad
If you're that useless, I'm surprised you even got a job
You bought all those or stole em'? Mental
Possibly. I just like the aspect of having a physical version of stuff.
>fired 27 times
though this is probably a larp, what did you do to cause that?
Bought. around 114 quid altogether.
It wasn't me some other user...
Was there ever a point in your life where things were so good that you couldn't believe how you got it?
No, never, and I honestly cannot think of a situation where that could be true
i once ejaculated so hard it hit the ceiling. never done that since.
not at all. Even if one good thing is going on there is always equally bad shit happening in my life. I think i could only feel the way you describe if i fell in love and the other person felt the same way.
I've hit my eye a couple of times.
I've came in my own mouth from a distance by accident.
I wonder what else it could fit in. Put yer hand in.
just had a dozen grapes
good for me i suppose