Yall want free money?

Yall want free money?

Likely wont reach its goal for a few years but a bunch of ex-paypal guys are starting something up, looks like it could very well be the next thing. A paypal/bitcoin type hybrid.

Best that happens its a free 10,000 dollars, worst is you click on a link and nothing happens or middle ground you get an early foot into the door for the next big money exchange

https initiativeq com/invite/rVpN526sX

You can only get invited from a member, only lasts for the next 14 days

Attached: 1539728569838.webm (1114x954, 1.12M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Nigger Nigger Trigger Bollinger Bands Nigger

Didn't read but what's the sauce on that video?

Wow, now this doesnt sound like a scam at all.

Have a look on the site, read up yourself and weigh the pros and cons. If you decide you want in then you know where to find an invite

the fact that your website is blocked by Jow Forums's spam filter tells me your site is a scam.

Hell i dont know if it is blocked by the filter, just best practice to rid the other parts of the link when sharing

Alright im interested but not clicking that shit nigga

Tell me more. I have big boy bux to blow.

Attached: images (7).jpg (183x276, 17K)

He says it's basically 10000$ for free if you register using his link.
It's just data mining....

Doesn't seem to work actually

your code doesn't work, post a new one

dont have to spend shit, its a plan by ex paypal guys to form the next paypal as a paypal/bitcoin hybrid type thing. theyve got a hell of a lot more info on their site

pajeet i don't give a fuck about your malware but post sauce of this webm

https initiativeq com/invite/Se2ZJi2iQ

your referral code isn't working

Thought so. Fuck u op for getting my hopes up

Attached: 95dfb0c899299112ceb810341b0335b4d4c63e40faa028988fc2a6f089c9d88c.jpg (1280x720, 53K)

How bout ypu post a screenshot of this site?

Attached: 62f.png (491x456, 294K)

Do you want to earn FREE, EASY MONEY online from home with NO SKILLS?

Well you can't. Get a job.

Attached: 6457.jpg (178x227, 9K)

Still nothing. It's one spot per link or what?


You can but you need money beforehand. And lots of it if you want to live off it and especially a lot if you want it to be effortless.

No data mining from what i can tell, just paypal guys trying to make the new thing

Being realistic THIS IS NOT FREE MONEY, though it could be it is more realistically an early door to the next paypal. the idea behind it is on the site, take out the referral link part if you want to know more in depth about it.

for all those who say the link isnt working any more new one is down below

https initiativeq com/invite/Se2ZJi2iQ

ignore that shit its a pyramid scheme

pyramid schemes work if you get in early :^)

Yeah until you get arrested

You better give me a fucking sauce