I really want to eat pussy

I really want to eat pussy

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Me too, user. I'd savor it.

i'd rather put my pee pee inside it but eating it doesn't sound bad either desu

Can't believe this post is oregano.

Eating pussy is really the best you can hope for. You fucks have so little sex experience you will be the worst lay of every woman unfortunate enough to let you inside her.

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It's not like you can't screw up eating pussy.

I want to make a girl cum, really hard.

Yes you can, there's a lot more to it then you realize, if you don't know this its either because no woman ever told you or you've never eatin pussy, or both

I'm a beta male pervert so I genuinely unironically prefer eating pussy over actually putting my dick inside it

I love eating pussy so much, I wish I could do it everyday

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Not even surprised that betavirgincels love eating pusy
Heh, you're supposed to FUCK it not EAT it LMAO
t. you-know-who

The one time I had sex I didn't eat her pussy. I ain't a bitch ass nigga

You are either leaping or dumb as shit. How hard is it to like making your partner feel good!

Most of the times you're gonna be okay if you lick the general area of the clitoris and finger the roof of the vagina from shortly after the entrance.

prolly a bot its bruteforcing originalio coments.

Protip: She was disappointed at your lack of skills in bed

>finger the roof of the vagina from shortly after the entrance
what does this even mean
like when your finger enters, go in a little then rub the top?



Yeah, most girls have a kinda bend / cluster of muscles, some girls it kinda has a different texture: its really only like three inches in. Dont apply to much pressure but just enough so they have something to push against.

Yeah. Basically just reach in with your finger(s) and do the "come here" gesture (presuming she is on her back). It feels a bit spongy and she'll most likely like it. Just trim your fingernails before

This is a meme, it's okay for foreplay but if you want to make her come it's all about the clit, clit, clit

I know how you feel OP. What if we ever manage to get it on with a girl and she has an ugly pussy though..

Attached: Vag45.jpg (1008x1280, 226K)

This is the last thing I thought I'd learn here. Doubt ill ever use these techniques but thanks anyways.

If you want to make her come let her ride you upright for as long as she wants to (that could be hours). The trick is you are not allowed to tire out or gym.

Bonus if you have a large cock like me.

People either love it or hate it.
I personally love it more than pretty much anything.

Why would cum autocorrect to gym? Orginal niggers

Just write stuff with your tongue
ez pz

> t. you-know-who


Good. She was probably a thot and would have given you cancer. If you're going to eat puss, then it better be with someone you're committed with. Having sex once and eating a stranger out is disgusting. If she were your wife or a long term gf then it would be better.

Remember, hating whores is result of million of years of evolution. Those who fucked around and got aids died. Get someone you can be sure won't give you an std..

You guys are thirst as fuck. Please have some integrity...

Probably used an L instead of an i