/drug feels/

What y'all smoking/snorting/injecting? Just smoked 3 grams feelin good!

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3 grams? how are you physically able to walk?

That's the trick, I'm not I'm chilling in bed with my Snuggie.

even now three grams would have me slumped over and passed out within 15 minutes. why smoke so much? just get a dab pen and take 2 or 3 hits and you'll be flying.

lol not OP smoke a lot, and your tolerance builds and I can smoke tons of wax and drive just fine

t. medical marijuana card holder

thank you autism :)

some people like to take it slow user

I can get a weed card for my autism? Damn, just another reason to hate living in GA.

no cannabis so I'm stuck drinking whisky and eating parmesan cheese listening to breakcore, here's hoping I can round up some bucks for tomorrow to go see the weed man

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been hitting my oil cartridge, gonna get some edibles later today from a close friend whose makes amazing edibles, ive been sick so my tolerance has dropped since i havent been smoking
>also have a bunch of acid and my edible friend also grows mad shrooms but i havent felt like tripping in a while...trying to focus on college

Just smoked a blunt before exam and fucking aced it. I piss on all those braindead drugless normies who spend their lives in the hell of sobriety, thinking that it's gonna make them smarter or something...

You dont seriously think normies dont do drugs do you ?
Sraight-edge are a minority and depravity is common.

Cant trip tonight because I have stuff to do tomorrow. I've only taken a 100mg LSD trip, what difference will 200mg make?

You honestly think they do, don't you?
Go back to Jow Forums.

man guys I just had a nightmare tier trip

>took around 220ug of eth lad
>live in tokyo.
>hadnt eaten all day
>go to a convenience store
>walked past like 7 jap cops arresting some drunk guy
>felt like they were all staring me down
>police in japan are liable to stop / search / drug test you on the spot for no reason.
>extremely paranoid
>get in the store
>4 90+ year old women in the store
>get some food and go to the checkou
>as I am waiting in line I get hit with psychosis, basically a break from reality
>reality basically froze for 10 seconds, my vision went nuts, everything was morphing. In my head I though I had just passed out in the store and was in my own dream world, and I was basically fucked, about to get arrested and deported etc.
>after literally like 10 seconds of broken reality I decided to just see what exists outside of my current vision so I walk outside the store (everyone is still frozen to me)
>as I get out I realize I basically just shoplifted, ran back in, paid, time was moving insanely slowly
>basically ran back home, past all the fucking jap cops and ran to my room
>closed the door and my heart was fucking pounding jesus christ I am retarded

maybe I should give these psych things another go if that's considered a nightmare trip, my one went kind of like that and I just assumed I was barely holding onto it being a good trip

that said I could never do psyches in tokyo I'd end up thinking I was trapped in Enter the Void and would be shot to death by jap cops in a bathroom stall

my worst one I had a similar psychotic break on 400ug at the fucking line to a show, I was about 1 minute from getting in, then some fat black woman comes out and says "EVERYONE OPEN YOUR COATS" or something and I for some reason thought I was fucked, and it triggered the psychotic break similar to the one above, but this time I decided to just try to run into the show, I basically got grabbed by the large security men, pinned down, and later brought to a medical tent, given some thing to chill me out VIA NEEDLE TO THE ARM, while I was being restrained, put into an ambulance and strapped to a bed in a hospital

that was cool, I didn't even get in trouble, thanks canada. the whole time this was happening I would have moments that felt like they lasted up to a minute or two where I would break from reality and live in my own dream world where I controlled what I was seeing etc, basically irl lucid dreaming

really fucked up but extremely interesting

ran out of tobacco now I have to smoke pure weed joints, eugh

about 12:30 pm my time and i'm on 10 shots of vodka and an empty stomach. ran out of weed yesterday so i might have to ask someone for a loan but that's dehumanizing even if he's a good friend i grew up with. i might have to start dealing myself soon.

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there's already a /drugfeels/ thread
fuck off

and the op started a new one. fuck in.

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Those aren't psychotic breaks. You just got paranoid and confused (which tends to happen an psychedelics, who would've guessed?). Here's a tip, don't trip if you're paranoid about the spectre of "psychotic breaks", you'll end up psyching yourself out and convincing yourself that you're manifesting the symptoms you read off of wikipedia. You're not qualified to make these diagnoses. Stop using psychedelics, you clearly can't handle them.

I don't think you know what psychosis means friendo.

ive tripped a lot, like 50+ times, I dont know what these events are but they seem like psychotic breaks to me. everything is perfectly normal, and then I detach from reality and go into my own world with the audio and visuals almost entirely being created in my mind. it happens when I do 200~300ug+ doses of acid. its usually not scary, just these two times because I was in public. other times it was really cool.

just cigarettes because i dont have money for weed

Okay, enlighten me. Do people have psychotic breaks and recover 10 minutes later? Would a hospital release a man who had a psychotic break in public with no repercussions?

>seems like
And what are you basing this comparison off of? Wikipedia?

My point is that it's dangerous to throw severe diagnoses around so callously, as there is already too much psychosis-psychedelic paranoia. But hey, i'm some random asshole on the internet, what am I gonna do? If you guys want to play paranoid self-diagnosis be my guest.

i know your plight, i used to literally run from the government (cops) but now I literally buy from them (canada)

its just a drug induced episode, im not saying im psychotic or anything like that, there is not need to get obsessed about the label, I'm just sharing an experience

You're adding to the wildfire of fear and propaganda. Look, just be careful with self diagnosing yourself with severe mental episodes. Surely you recognize that you're nowhere near qualified to make these claims? The problem is that normies will pick up on these claims without questioning their validity. Suddenly we have a populace who believes that acid causes psychosis.

GA's awesome brah, in ATL we have awesome weed at good prices, and great gun laws.

An unjust law is no law at all. Just be discreet and you'll be fine.

Have any of you guys tried Fentanyl, the most potent drug out there?

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Yes, because I actually talk to people.

I want to kill myself but I want to get into heroin first. Anyone got any tips? I'm not even sure where to buy heroin at the moment. How much is a good amount to buy, and how do you know what is good heroin? Is snorting it fine for a first time?

How expensive is a habit compared to cocaine? I mainly do cocaine and Valium at the moment spending about 1k a month.

>Only smoke grass
>Go through is so slow that a half ounce lasts 6-7 months
>Finally run out
>Text dealer a few days ago and nothing
>Ask around and no one has heard from him
>and so the cycle of finding and sizing up a new dealer begins

Wish i could find a reliable plug

This. The media's portrayal of drug use isn't indicative of normie use. Normies like to HEAR and SEE that in their media because it excites them with how "dangerous" it is. The truth is, most people are content with their booze and "weed back in college". Oh and caffeine. Every normie NEEDS their coffee.

rawlin rawlin rawlin off 600mg caffeine, 50mg ephidrine, 1mg klonopin, and like a liter of some potent poppy seed tea. Plus a footlong italian sub from Goodcents that was straight flames :P Been a good day so far

If anyone is lookin for a quality poppy seed plug while Sincerely Nuts is on hiatus just ask

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Enter The Void didn't teach you anything about using psychedelics in japan?

major normie here, almost everyone i know at least smokes weed occasionally and most people do uppers now and then. psychedelics and opiates are less common among normies, but it still happens. saying normies don't do drugs is complete bullshit

Not pure fent but I've had plenty of experience with various analogues. PFBF was my favorite and made for an amazing summer a couple years ago, but you can't get it stateside anymore. The current analogues aren't quite as strong as O-DSMT so I just stick to that when I want a hard hitting nod as opposed to the all day long high I get with poppy seed tea.

Okay, show me some statistics.

Normies rdo drugs occasionally. The people who I party with who like to do ket, md, coke, 2cb every weekend would probably be considered normie by Jow Forums standards but are pretty fucking far from the normal, successful, every day population.

i mean, you can google statistics on how many people use drugs in general, but that won't give you any idea on whether they're normies or not. i'm just speaking from experience, i don't think there's any conclusive studies comparing social status to drug use

only thing i found was this, which only refers to socioeconomic status. although i would guess that people from families with a high SES are also more likely to be normies, and this studie shows that they are more likely to use alcohol and marijuana


normie =/= "normal"

>tfw sober 3 yrs
>still get mad cravings
>too poor for drugs anyways
>kek, like that ever stopped me
Im lucky Ive got no connects because dealers can sniff your fucking desperation and Id be fucked
Been offered drugs and denied like a faggot and times like these I regret it

Im slowly coming to the conclusion that I accept drug use, responsible drug use
Fuck this straight edge sober life, I can't accept not ever getting high and getting that pure bliss that a clean life will never give me

normie is literally short for normalfag

This is pretty pussy by /drug feels/ standard but I wanted to post about it

Once a year around midway through fall, I cancel any responsibilities or work I may have for 4 days straight. I buy a pack of cigarettes and I stock up on coffee, sips, whatever I may want so I don't have to leave the house. Then I stay in playing ARPGs and shooters for the entire time, smoking ciggies and drinking coffee. This is notable because I don't smoke at all outside of this time-frame and I smoke exactly one pack

Just bought my pack for this year, went with the yellow pack of American Spirit. Last year was Marlboro reds. Looking to do it this weekend

Order online user :)

Online has the best shit user

thank you for enlightening me. still doesnt mean the exact same thing as "normal", it's more nuanced than that

oh my fucking god just google search psychosis already the definition is right goddamned there it isn't schizophrenia

Wish I had a female friend to go on a Bojack Horseman Sarah Lynn style bender with.

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>Wish i could find a reliable plug

I have only ever encountered scum for an entire decade, including my longtime dudes. Make sure at least 1 friend comes with you physically and you got more than your bare hands. I remember nearly shitting my pants back when I was a kid and a dealer was giving us 1.25g instead of the two grams we asked for, I took my scales out from my bag and weighed it right in his car but my buddy was with me in the back seat and we were prepared so it was 2v2 if anything. Thank god it's legal now but still fuck those people

I wish i could do drugs, theres just nobody in the neighbourhood that sells, barely any users too. Im in the (former) weed capital of the world for fucks sake, but i cant seem to find a plug

>dodgy weed dealers

What kind of shit hole do you live in? All the weed dealers here are hippies.

Even my gear dealer is a nice bloke ffs.

its the end of the month and im just waiting on those neetbux so I can go buy inebriants since my pos dealer won't let me keep a tab

anywhere with blacks

this was Toronto before it was legal. More specifically a shithole satellite suburb of Toronto. People have literally died over weed deals here

Nice trips and interesting ritual. Heard plenty stories of people going on stimulant and FPS binges but that's a unique one. Even if it hasn't been a problem in the past be vigilant about the tobacco use staying in that 4 day period and nothing more. It's just not worth it for your wallet or for your health otherwise

Normies only accept people who do alcohol and weed on weekends. Normies may also try coke or LSD once or twice in their lives but it's to never be discussed.

DMT full moon user, are you there? How did it go?

anyone have any tips on geting weed. Live in Sweden btw

I live close to malmo

I mean, marijuana is illegal in Sweden. Sweden's marijuana laws are among the most regressive in Europe.

Your only hope to get it would be to buy it on the black market, but that would be a criminal offense and in theory you could get arrested for it. Shit's so fucked. Sweden needs to join the 21st century. They are way behind the curve.

Fuck off.
Pretty much all stim are normie accepted and most normies try stuff like ket or whatever.

What happens if a shady package you ordered gets intercepted? Will they just destroy?

Or will the boys in blue squeeze the screws on you?

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It's not illegal to be have something sent to you. Anybody can send anything to anybody with or without their knowledge. If something illegal was sent to your address you could just as easily be a victim of a malicious act as much as you could be a criminal.

They fuck you as soon as you claim ownership of the package. If you are told to come to your post office to collect your package or told to sign for it when you don't usually have to do that for your mail, its probably a controlled delivery bust. If you say that you didn't order anything and don't know what it is and refuse to claim ownership of it, you will be in the clear.

Damn, dealers in the US and Canada sound like dickheads .
Round here I've had my plug literally throw me a 20 for 10 when he couldn't be bothered to look for it in his bag.

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last hit i have left of dmt

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Literally the first thing when you google psychosis. Maybe you're the one who needs to google it.

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where are you from? im from the UK and dealers near me are cunts

UK too, only a small northern town though so probably a lot better than any cities.

>was a huge stoner in highschool
>after graduating stopped talking to people so no dealer
>went 6 years without smoking weed
>earlier this year I realized you could order it online
>kind of sketchy but still did it
>now it's completely legal (canada)
Fuck it's going to be hard for me to be sober, so far failing
Probably gonna smoke a joint in public later

picked up just under 2g of turkish, it's decent keeps me well for 4/5 hours at a time. if anyone has questions about UK heroin scene i'm here

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How was your experience ordering it online?

Pretty easy, packages arrive in usually 2 days
I live next to a city with lots of dispensaries but I just saw fuck it and order online, don't have a drivers license
Most mail order marijuana sites get you to send them a .jpg of your ID to prove you're over 19, but I remember one site that just asks "Are you 19 or over?" and they take your word for it
Package looked discreet, inside it was an air tight sealed bag that didn't smell at all even when I put my nose up to it
Lots more selection than buying from a dealer who has 2, maybe 3 strains. The website I buy from has like 50 different kinds, not including concentrates and edibles