Hey, loser. Why aren't you voting for your local Conservative politicians?

Hey, loser. Why aren't you voting for your local Conservative politicians?

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because voting left or right is slacktivism. just buy a large patch of land, mary a beautiful wife and go full varg. don't indulge in the (((beast))) starve the beast.

I don't like voting between a giant douche and a turd sandwich.

>voting at all
>voting Conservative of all things

Because I'm not a cuck for Porky.

Because voters don't decide anything, only the people who count the votes.

Because he's a kike

I am voting for them and they are getting elected

Because they aren't conservative enough.

Politicians are all lying scumbags, I don't trust any politician enough to vote for them.

Because all republicans are shills for israel. They also back pedal whenever they lose ground and try to meet liberals half way, which never wors and only gives them more traction

I have no reason to. They aren't looking out for my interests.

And there we go with the communists

inbred brainwashed miserable shill

Voters don't decide anything. No matter who wins, they still bow to Israel.

why would i vote for some old fagot boomer that has a sex dugneon full of children they rape and sacrifice and dont let me smoke weed?

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Because I don't care who becomes mayor they are all the exact same person running but in different bodies

to trigger le libz xD

and accelerate the upwards transfer of wealth, the old rapists need their third yacht

When they will support 15$ min per hour for minimum vage. Pays should go up with productivity.

>Why aren't you voting
I'm 26 and I've never once voted. I don't see why I should.

>just buy a large patch of land, mary a beautiful wife
I would if I could. Land is too expensive and beautiful girls don't see me.

I will when Leafland's next federal election is. He's not much, but Bernier is the best we've got.