Do men who don't lift deserve human rights?
Do men who don't lift deserve human rights?
At one point we all had to decide to improve our lives. Were you born the man you are today?
this man gets it, he's made it
but hes also a bluepilled faggot now, kys
unironically no. If you squander your gifts as a healthy male and reject the gift of gains, you're a fuckign bastard and should be decapitated and let me piss down your throat
Do manlets go to heaven?
What do i become then, a slave?
>human rights
nah brah
I'm not a manlet but I recently felt how bad it must be. I'm seeing this girl and we really have perfect chemistry and smooth sailing, we jokingly talked about height and I made a joke about how she wouldn't even go out with me if I was smaller than her, even if she liked everything else about me.
She said probably. How do manlets cope? You just can't make it up with anything else.
It's something i have no control over though so why do i need to cope
>How do manlets cope?
Based on my circle of friends, they whiteknight really hard and parrot the usual lines about how women are not visual and only care about personality and confidence. Basically, self-delusion.