Anyone else feel like barbell squats are unnatural and dangerous ultimately leading to injury ?

Anyone else feel like barbell squats are unnatural and dangerous ultimately leading to injury ?
>inb4 mad strength fags
Not the movement of a natural squat motion, but the placing 200kg on your back while you do it aspect

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Yes it's definitely unnatural for the muscles to respond to progressive overload by growing and becoming stronger

not really, no

i'm just worried about getting shorter desu.

No you've probably got a muscular imbalance or are squating too heavy.

Yeah it’s easily the most dangerous exercise you can do.

That's bench you dopey cunt

I would agree, it has never been a natural way to hold something before the barbell came along
>inb4 pics of someone holding a log across their shoulders in the 1800s or some shit
Front squats are natural, back aren't, end of.

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That's a funny way to say upright row.

>not benching in the power cage with safety arms just above body height so you can drop the bar with absolutely zero repercussions

>That guy who benches in the squat rack

If you want to be the only guy wearing a weight vest in the gym because you want to "distribute the unnatural weight", be my guest
or spend all year between a leg press & dumbell split-squat lunges.

I'm going to stick with squats because I want to hit all those muscle groups in one motion and not be in the gym all fucking day.

t. weak, shit looking faggot with a sub 185 pound squat

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complete the second half of the exercise and you’ll return to your original height

not dangerous at all
you just increase body weight and are supposed to do the natural squat movement with it
you are supposed to put it over mid foot all the time
even if you dont lift it you can sit all the way down and drop it backwards

so many people on Jow Forums call deadlifts a meme that will fuck up your back but tons of people in my powerlifting gym including myself have tweaked our backs (or worse) with squats but never really with the deadlift. the modern lifestyle of everyone being a desk jockey makes our lower/mid backs weak and it is dangerous loading that weight across your back unless your strengthen it. i used to really feel the load of the weights on my mid/lower back when i squatted but now don't really feel it on my back since i started doing reverse hyper every time i go to the gym

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If you won’t work on your mobility, yeah you can’t do it.

But with a little stretching and form work, you can stop being a little bitch and squat without problems

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Why are these machines rare as fuck, all I can find is reverse leg curls

Meant to write prone

It's actually really sad that we have this ability at the start of our life,but todays lifestyle just fucks you up big time and you have to work for ages to have a decent squat again

They’re a meme and expensive

I had one in my home gym hoping it would help with recovery and it had no difference

Its like we dont need to squat at all!

If squatting doesn’t feel natural to you it means you progressively overloaded too fast. Reset back to 0 and start again. Leave your ego at the door.

T. Recently reset from 160kg squat to 20kg relearning your technique, form, breathing, bracing, belt location, foot position, hip position, etc

Squats are an excellent leg strength and mass builder nevermind a simple movement to perform if you maintained any flexibility or athleticism in childhood. There are so many variations emphasizing different muscle or power. You just sound like a retard who wants to write off an entire proven exercise because it's hard for them or causes them pain.

babbies can squat because they have completely different proportions and weight distribution and are thus a bad example

Almost anyone who isn't really fat,crippled, or a pussy can manage to learn to squat correctly. It may take time but they can physically do it.

I'm not arguing about that, I'm saying babies are a bad example.Their head is like what, 20% of their bodyweight? And their limbs are short as fuck.

Just isolate your core. It can't keep up with your legs through squatting alone and eventually you find yourself under too much weight for your spine.

>but the placing 200kg on your back while you do it aspect
Just do front squats then.
You'll move less weight (80% of your squat, ideally), but it will still be heavy as fuck, and you could do them without a rack (you should be able to clean that weight up).

Some people have different proportions which make the squat feel unnatural, for example longer femur bones make you lean more forward when you go down. I had problems with the squat until I fixed my anterior pelvic tilt. IMO the squat is good but not a "natural" movement because it requires a lot of practice and correcting for most people before they can do it with proper form.

I forgot to say I could always slav squat all the way down easily, but it's not the same movement pattern ( at least for me ) as squatting with a big weight on my shoulders.

t. manlet with baby legs

Doesn't feel unnatural to me but after a certain point training for strength does become unsafe. That's just how it is, if you want to become strong you're eventually going to get hurt.