Why don't men just lower their standard?
Why don't men just lower their standard?
Because it's already at rock bottom.
She's not originally wrong.
She's only wrong because any girl can find a guy but not the other way around.
I'm 6'3" and not a murderer. I'm a wizard. Really makes you think about women and truth.
all I want in my gf is her to be nice and cute
>Really makes you think about women and truth
? Why would I associate those two things
>chad looking for dates
>(everything she listed)
>women looking for dates
>just be chad
ftf her
>I'd like if he were taller than me
>she mentions murderer in the same breath as beeing short
So the ready to deal with drama, no money, skinny but tall cyborg with no interests?
No shit, senpai. Twatter is NPC Neural-Network.
That's wrong you fucking retard
Nice bait. Ugly or average women have just about the same ridiculous standards. They don't want to settle
She can't be more wrong.
>Women: I'd like if he were taller than me and not a muderer.
Sure, as if those are the only requirements. On tinder women swipe left on 20 guys before they finally find some guy with a face they think is attractive.
Meanwhile guys go for just about everyone and even the ugly girls get tons of matches
Would you like dating a woman taller than you?
Just go after short girls
>I'd like if he were 20 cm taller than me*
I'm 172cm yet I'm too short even for sub 160cm girls
the fucking irony of this shit, the requirements are almost entirely the other way around
this bitch is fucking stupid as fuck
Women are definitely on easy mode, is there any argument against it?
>inb4 it's still hard to get relationships
It doesn't help. I'm 6'4 and it doesn't get me more attention. Face is most important. Height can be a factor, but only if you meet this one
It never worked for me thus far.
I cant tell if they're stupid or outright manipulative to the public
You dumb fuck. It's not about "getting attention" it's about being considered at all. Literally "this tall to ride." Does the blood not reach all the way up to your brain, lurch?
Then pls date me, I like shorter men. As long as you don't have a mommy or loli fetish, everything is okay.
You little aussie faggot why are you such a women orbiter
The ugly girls don't get dates though.
She can't even do this shit meme right. "Not a murderer" is already a completely arbitrary bullshit standard, and anyone creepy looking or perceived to be creepy acting qualifies for being a murderer in their minds.
I'm shorter than you and have fucked sub 160cm girls as well as 175+ xm girls. You're doing something wrong.
Ugliest woman in the world can apparently friendzone an average guy
Ugly men date hot girls all the time don't forget.
How tall are you and are you a biological girl? If you are submissive then great.
Not really though. Also the homeless population is all guys so there's that.
>As long as you don't have a mommy fetish
If you were 6'4 you wouldn't be considered either you degenerate retard. Believe me
Sure, where are you from? isn't the user you replied to btw
read the comment section, it's hilarious
No this is not the norm. Just because it happens doesn't mean it isn't rare
She's wrong so that makes you twice as fuckin' wrong, M8.
I am 5'8-5'9 (174cm barefoot, 176cm in shoes). I don't really care about sex all that much to be honest, so I have no idea whether I am submissive or not. What are you interested in? Where are you from?
Womens standards:
>6 ft +
>Extremely muscular
>Large penis
>Feminist yet dominating
My standards:
>Doesnt have an annoying voice
>Have a couple shared interests
Unfortunately for you the sex part is very important. I once dated a girl your height (found her on Jow Forums too).
But everyone knows you are lying. You only want a 10/10 Stacy. And in addition to being your mommy gf you require her to be a virgin.
I just want someone that would be happy to spend time with me
I see, that is okay. I think I am only into vanilla. Good luck next time, user.
>10/10 Stacy
Nah I cannot stand Stacys. I would fuck one but I would never want to spend any extended period of time with one.
>mommy gf
Yikes. Sounds like projection.
>you require her to be a virgin
Except that all girls can get guys so that's bullshit. Incels are actually alone unlike femcels.
If you're actually interested in a robot manlet then please send me a email here [email protected]
>nobody wants me reee why women only want tall chads
>oh you are not into bdsm??? sorry, not interested
Give up user, you won't find your normal nice boy here.
Nothing extreme mind you, just that having a healthy amount of sex is important in a relationship. Maybe that other user is better for you if he has a low sex drive.
Of course she doesn't need to find a guy here she has options like all girls...
>still not knowing to never post the short address of sharklasers
That user wasn't me. It's propably a normalfag who butted in on the conversation.
>still not knowing to never post the short address of sharklasers
What will happen now
>all the things men want from a women can be acquired by changing attitude, and developing yourself
>women want something from a man that he can never achieve, his verticular lenght equals his chance with women
I truly cant decide what is worse, w*men or these 170 cm larpers claiming to have fucked 17362836 women
You just somehow appear in all height related thread stop larping/lying please
Anyone can access it, that's what. Always post the long address.
Tfw told I look like a murderer every year in high school
>If someone claims to have had sex with a girl he must be lying
Don't you have an incel board to be whining on? Get off Jow Forums.
Men: I want her to have traits she can help and influence
Women: I want him to have a genetic trait he can't help that isn't even guaranteed to be passed on from father to son
People love themselves too much nowadays and don't smell their own shit.
>be me in 2025
>be a chad
>talking to some thot on tinder
>i have executive status now, they gave me it for being a rockstar or some shit i forget
>totally worth it for the harem forming of you're into that (i am)
>she says something about politics and I tell her I'm going to vote for trump for a 4th time
>"omg you're such a robot what is wrong with you"
>explain to her that I just don't believe in female politicians
>calls me an incel
>call her a roasty whore
>she asks what I'm doing later
>"maybe you haha"
>have her drive over and fuck her in her car then tell her I'm busy right now and send her home
Incel revolution sure feels good boys.
if my standards were any lower i'd be dating a dog. i think i'll higher my standards and fuck a man.
nah I want a qt slightly autistic tomgirl with short brown hair who gets mad when someone mistakes her for my younger brother
Most men are taller and only negros commit crime.
Women can't do anything that's why they demand lower standards.
Yes you asshole.
My first thought is that women are competing for the same very limited group of high status men, who therefore can afford to be very picky and exploitative themselves.
>women being this offended by the idea of men having standards
Well which is it bitches, do you want me to plow everything that moves or hold out for a good woman?
>Don't you have an incel board to be whining on? Get off Jow Forums.
You're In an Incel site genius.
>170 cm
>getting laid regulalry
maybe nextime kiddo
170cm isn't even that short, it's still taller than most girls
...and other hilarious jokes you can tell yourself
grow up please. Both literally and mentally
>men's standards are too high
That list isn't even massively unreasonable. Mostly just boils down to behaving like an adult that takes care of themselves and has hobbies.
God forbid a guy wanting something beyond a lazy, fat womanchild.
Well if you're white you only have yourself to blame. You'd literally have to have an asshole for a face not to get laid by something at 6'3" and white.
WTF?????? Being a virgin is that much of a deal killer? Virgins literally have no stds. How is that a deal killer?
Lmao, 20? More like 200, the average man is lucky to get 1 Match per 100 swipes. And even then most never respond. - meme gender
#1 priority for women is regularly getting dicked hard by a guy who knows what he's doing. Everything else is negotiable.
>Men looking for dates: Cares about the woman's personality and how she conducts her self in public
>Women looking for dates: Only cares about a single physical trait that men have no control over
Really makes me think
Yet those same women never ever approach men in bars that sit alone sipping their beers. Normal men are completely invisible to them.
? You seem angry and buttmad. Who hurt you?
I think these emails only last for an hour? Have you saved my email, user?
>who hurt you
roastie detected now it all makes sense
Women are turned on by men who are pre-selected. If a guy hasn't fucked yet they think something must be wrong with him mentally or socially.
Yeah, that's not accurate at all. Women's standards used to be like that years ago, but online dating has raised those standards to insane heights. Women have found that for the most part, dudes will fuck anyone. So these girls get interest from a ton of different guys and they compare their different traits and will only respond to the guy or guys they deem superior.
The part about the guy's standards only applies to Chad. Because he knows his worth and isn't going to settle for some 6/10 with a shit personality.
this is good blackpill material, especially the "no options at all" bit. This is what they literally believe
Dude, you are a fucking retard. Women are lowering their standards more than before. It's never been easier to get laid as an average guy.
You're welcome lads I'm saving you guys from virginty
Now go get em
I don't know if I want to lower my standards anymore than this
but women are garbage, its them who need to approach and beg for my attention, not me
>not a murderer
>implying women don't love and fetishize murderers
>implying there isn't an actual term for this that psychologists had to come up with because this is such a common thing among degenerate whores
Thats how you die alone though
>going up to random girls and asking are you single
Surprised nobody's mentioned Jeremy Meeks yet
is there anything more disgusting than betamales? no seriously, is there?
these genetic mistakes, they see their favourite online PUA-idol do epic PUA-style pickups then when they FAIL at doing the same, cue losing it in front of some roastie who then goes mad "at all men" in general until another chad comes into lyfe and fucks her brain straight
but why should the chad be responsible for the mental health of the roastie in question? why don't PATHETIC BETAMALES, who back in the day probably wouldn't have even dreamt of getting laid and would have just got conscripted at 15 to go die in some lord's war, why don't these fucking JOKES, STOP role-playing and when they get "blessed" with a chance to procreate, they take their fucking time and pay for the roastie's needs like a goodboy gentleman and FORGET about their chad-delusions?
why don't you BETAS do that, instead?
fucking sick and tired of your shit, pussyboys
t. chad
been alone so far, its no big deal
Why don't women lower theirs? It's proven to be way higher.
You have to somehow work this into the conversation. You can flirt with her as much as possible but many girls are completely oblivious to the fact that a guy is flirting with them.
You also have to be willing to ask for her number. She won't magically give it to you.
Why don't women just lower their obesity rate? Only like 4/10 women in the U.S. are even fuckable since they're so goddamn fat
Women literally walk up to me at that race & height just to tell me how fucking ugly I am. You are just retarded.
As a dude, my only real standards are:
>Theist or agnostic
>Likes sex, preferably a switch or dom
>Shares some interests
>Wants kids
This is who posts constant streams of cuck porn. Some brown person extremely insecure about their race. Why not just go after girls if your same race?
>be 6'2''
>Find girl you fall head over heels for
>Same interests and sense of humor
>Always laughing together
>She only likes short guys
>girl only likes short guys
hahahahaahhahaaha, nice copes virgin