Tfw live in shared accomodation

>tfw live in shared accomodation
>stomach felt bad because I've been eating nothing but garbage recently
>take a shower
>shit like I usually do
>try to put it down the drain
>it's clogging up and the shower is beginning to overflow
>can hear "Hey man hurry up I'm late for class,"
>run back to my room and start crying
>can already imagine what they're all saying about me
>genuinely paranoid they're going to call the cops on me

why do normos gotta ruin everything? I'm probably going to be kicked out of college for this

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Hm, that's very interesting user

>shit like I usually do
In the shower?

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>Shower pooping

There is no chance at redemption for this act.

You deserve what ever punishment you receive user.

I hate normalfags too, but its nobody else's fault except yourself for shitting in a public shower.

saves paper/time

What can the cops do?

Yeah but so does shitting in the toilet and then getting in the shower, that way you are just washing off the residue and not literally trying to pack turds down a drain like a mongoloid.

>Shitting in the shower
what is wrong with you, user?

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Listen to tripply dub-dubs here

Piss, shit, clean and shave in the shower. What more do you need? It's not disgusting

are you serious? who takes a dump in the fucking shower???

you're disgusting and I hope you get kicked out

Dont worry user those normies are just jelly of your efficient time saving methods.
make sure to curb stomp it down harder next time.

>It's not disgusting
What the hell is wrong with people these days? Did the devil just release autism spores into the air or something?

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>Did the devil just release autism spores into the air or something

good greentext, absolute fucking lol.
>if that is true, actually not even a therapists can help you

OP you're only way out of this is to make out like you found the shit in the shower and cried in your room because you were traumatised by it.


Shower drains are not designed for shit you tard. You will stink up the place and clog the pipes

You are worse than street-shitting Indians
That's if you aren't one

shart in shower the american way

>Shit like I usually do
You usually shit in the shower?

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God, you absolute fucking subhuman retard
Shit goes in the toilet
Not in the shower
Not in a shitjug
In a fucking toilet

why are there so many indians on Jow Forums? it seems like every other day there's a thread started by someone who doesn't know you POO in the LOO

>shit in the shower and try to put it down the drain
should have done pic related

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Why the fuck do you shit in the shower. What the fuck. How are you in college. What the fuck I'm actually so done with this fucking website

Waffle stomping is a terrible idea why tf would you do that

I piss and cum in the sink, its normal, but shower pooping is going too far.

>being new
>being normal
You can blast it down, at home, with a sprayer on your detachable shower head (that you take apart to give yourself enemas).

I was feeling terrible today, but at least i know that i am not you op

>giving yourself enemas with a shower head
>not with your kitchen sink head
get the fuck out normalkike

>having the privacy to go into the kitchen to do that
Real abnormalfaggots live with their parents and have no privacy to do that. Check your non-US bux privilege or fake autism if you work.

why the fuck would you shit in the shower user

what's wrong with you?

the shower is supposed to be a clean place where you refresh your body, why would you soil its sanctity by shitting in it, especially if its not your private shower and you have to share it with other people

Squatting over a shower gives you piles and you are more messy when giving yourself enemas is another reason. More so, you can relax better in the shower and wait until you're ready rather than sit on a toilet all day, or pace then sit then pace.

Even furthermore, why would you respect other people's sense of sanitary? As if you've never fucked yourself up the ass, it's your ass, why care when the shower will clean itself anyway? Your ass isn't as dirty as all those other people you're washing off yourself to begin with that you are exposed to. Just them breathing in and out, logically, infects you. It's not about being clean really, though your shit isn't that unclean or you'd die from blood in the ass.

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>he shat on while showering
holy shit op thanks, this is the best thread on this shitty place in a long time

your logic does not make sense to me

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I am a disgusting fuck but imagining this still makes me want to puke. Figuratively kill yourself, faggot.

Hey OP
Can't you just unclog the shower using a plunger?
Let the water flow and use a cleaning product to disinfect.
Clean it up and say it was an accident.
Nextime use the toilet.

This thread reminds me of this image, keep it up OP. I want to hear the outcome.

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I really really hope this isn't real. I hope to god there isn't someone this pathetic actually out there

his life must be fun

Waffle stomping has its pitfalls

Where the fuck did you actually get the impression that shitting into a shower drain is a good idea? They aren't fucking meant for shit to go down them you autist, you deserve anything and everything that you have coming at you.

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