Old Meetups

Any pre-2013 anons on? Maybe those from '08 onwards?

What were meetups like back then? They always seemed awkward from the photos but also incredibly comfy. I haven't seen any meetups beyond /cgl/ which inherently social and Jow Forums. When did they die out?

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Post the photos please.

>When did they die out?
le problematic/doxxing culture started around 2013 so... yea

Well I'm from 2006, so from my perspective meetups were completely fucking verboten. For awhile, most average users didn't even know what moot looked like. (Meximoot)

The prevailing wisdom on the internet back then was that using your real identity on the internet created a 100% chance that some psycho would jump out of the woodwork and murder you. The first big meetup wasn't until we got banned from Otakon in 2009, but I'm sure there were a couple of smaller ones, although everybody hated people who brought Jow Forums into real life.

The mods probably had meetups, but I didn't know shit about those. Anyway Jow Forums meetups in that era were basically this picture.

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went to a few group meetups in 06-07. scientology protests too. just a bunch of college freshmen being quirky and random. some older couples and stuff would show up. smoked and drank on a camping trip with a group of them.
>shot a potato gun in the mountains
>sat around a fire trying to gross each other out
>used long exposure on a picture to write 'anonymous' with an LED with everyone in the shot
wish i had that picture at least
>noticed a guy kept leaving the fire to collect wood but only brought back a few sticks each time
>followed him and asked if i could take a hit
>he goes "you're either really clever or really observant"
>kek a bit
>proceed to smoke it up

would have gone to conventions or more meetups but 1. nothing ever happens in arizona and 2. i was just an autistic teenager back then

>would have gone to conventions or more meetups but 1. nothing ever happens in arizona and 2. i was just an autistic teenager back then
Were there any boards meetups for the uk around that time?

I have an intense regret for not going to any meetup when they were still oddballs and weirdos.

>Were there any boards meetups for the uk around that time?
yeah there were a lot of UK /b/tards. i would get jealous cuz you guys seemed to be getting most of the action

Now you're making me feel more regret.

Anyone saved any pictures?

sorry if it's any consolation i regret not meeting more anons too. even just something like "i'll be waiting at " then 5 posts later there are 2 anons who met up with the guy saying they're going to smoke weed in a park. i was just sitting at home playing starcraft wishing i could meet some people i would actually enjoy being around

unfortunately not, i don't know anyone from back then

>although everybody hated people who brought Jow Forums into real life.
this is also really true, and i miss that a lot. it was really special to crack some inside jokes and find out someone went to /b/ or /v/ or whatever. and the people you met felt like they were really good friends, like you knew them without ever meeting them before. i've gotten that with some robots but it's rare to find people nowadays who actually came from Jow Forums instead of redditors or fags who follow facebook meme pages.

You know, even if board meetups started up again, it would never be the same as before. Too much has changed.

Are goonmeets still a thing?

yeah it wouldn't be the same at all. you wouldn't meet people who are on the Jow Forums IRC channel for example, they'd just be failed normies and gaymurs hopped up on monster spouting PRAISE KEK and shit. back then we were united by internet culture and weird humor, feeling outcasted our whole lives, a love of technology, etc. kids these days are way too afraid of violating social protocol and questioning authority. it sucks.

idk they're probably borderline feminist rallies now

>idk they're probably borderline feminist rallies now
HEY, I like SA, I still have an account there somewhere.

haha, i don't think it's all bad. i've only paid attention to people like slowbeef/diabetus and chip/ironicus over the years. was there a specific subforum you especially liked?

I always felt 2000s Jow Forums and the 2000s in general was a cringe decade based on people trying to find themselves through randomness. I just started watching Lucky Star, the staple anime of the 2000s, yesterday. It was better than I expected and reminded me how the internet was still forming and still safe from newfags, even with the introduction with the iphone and social media.

It makes me wonder if old Jow Forums will ever return. I don't think there'll be any ever turning back desu. It's like that image of how fandoms die, once dead it's gone for good until a new fandom is born and even then there's no guarantee if it'll be safe from normalfaggots.

I just stayed on GBS.

GBS 2015 was weird it was like Jow Forums-lite for a while.

oldfag reporting in.
never been to a meetup. imo Jow Forums culture started dying when the scientology thing started. remember guy fawkes masks and the protests? yeah. it was really over after the wallstreet march.
anonymous means anonymous. once you get your face out there gg.

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>a new fandom is born
There will never be a new fandom, there will never be new anons. Our people are going extinct.

What's worse is nobody will remember Jow Forums anything other than stormfront 2.

I came here 2010, started out using /b/, then Jow Forums then Jow Forums then Jow Forums and now I am just dabbing on jannies on /tv/ with the occasional visit here.

It's not just anonymous. People never adhered to rules 1 and 2. And it doesn't just apply to /b/, it's the whole fucking site. Don't mention a meme outside of the site or the internet. That's what happened to pepe, it was mentioned by dense everymen who thought it was funny mentioning it not allow in instagram but irl in rallies and such. The lack of self awareness was astounding, grown ass men who thought they looked serious and whimsical with a Pepe button.

And the pic you posted made me question if the question of why I've rarely seen anime as good as K-ON, Haruhi, and Bebop is a result of what I've stated above: a normalfaggot, everyman infection.

I thought we could migrate. 8ch was the last hope. Now it's just a political base.

>not allow
*not only I meant

>a normalfaggot, everyman infection.
Don't be stupid, anime always had a high noise-to-signal ratio which became higher when they started pandering to otakus.

>8ch was the last hope.
God no. I don't think you understand that what created Jow Forums and anons (and old internet culture) was very specific.

Lol if anyone from that pre 2013 era still hangs around here I pity them.

yeah you get it. rules 1 and 2 were violated a long time ago. you summed it up pretty good.
i'm not sure if you're bagging on haruhi though. it wasn't that bad. just don't watch the stupid fucking arc endless 8. you will lose your fucking mind.

Wasn't bagging Haruhi at all man.One of my favorite anime, even watched the whole endless 8. I feel the movie redeemed season 2 and if there is a season 3 you'll see some remnant of an old Jow Forums.

>People never adhered to rules 1 and 2.
It's more than that though.

Are there any photos of these meetups?

>went to Jow Forums around when Death Note was airing
>look it up
I really wish I weren't here right now.

Death Note is still new to me. Man time flies fast.

i'm not sure if you're aware but there was a spinoff for nagato. i haven't watched it yet so i can't tell you if it's worth it. i watched the endless 8 too because you just have to. i think it's legally required in some countries.

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Jow Forums didn't have meetups pre-2010

Seems like a lie.

i meant to reply to this post
my bad

>zoids genesis
>First episode date: April 10, 2005
>Final episode date: March 26, 2006
huh? that cant be right

Yeah, I've heard of it and will probably watch it after Lucky Star. But it looked so different from the original Haruhi series and movie I put it off. I know the Haruhi anime still didn't finish the storyline that's still continuing in the light novel series, so I don't know what's putting them off with making a proper season 3.

Here's an opinion most people on /a/ wouldn't hold: I find the animation in season 2 and the movie better than season 1, and I liked the OP/ED better than season 1's. Don't understand the hate it gets.

I'm pretty sure it's wrong, I was still in secondary when it aired and that was 2000-2005.

i believe typically production studios will release a limited season in order to get people to buy the manga. i also agree that the nagato spinoff looks oddly different from the original series.
>lucky star
my nigga.
if you're doing that era i also suggest Gurren Lagann.

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I'm actually going through a quasi nostalgia phase for the 2000s. I started watching anime again two years ago but it was mostly 2010s series like K-On and Non Non Biyori and classics from the 1990s like Evangelion and Bebop.

>if you're doing that era i also suggest Gurren Lagann.

Thanks man, will do.