I've noticed a strong correlation between inceldom and grown men that still live with their parents
Manchild = incel
holy shit your iq must be sky high, how did you figure that one out
I live with my mom and get laid no problem. If I moved out to live in some dirty cuckshed, then I'd probably be an incel
>chad lives with his parents
>still gets laid regularly
explain this
Sure ya do bud, I know women love nothing more than to be taken back to a guys parents house and fucked in his racecar bed. Maybe you can play nintendo afterwards and mommy can bring down popcorn and soda.
>taken back to guy house
get laid virginboy
first, on club hook-up (my favourite) night, no slut would have problems with fucking at hers, some might even prefer it since you just met and she feels better at home
second, I'm not ugly and not ugly people get away with a lot. mom works during the day and there's never any problem fucking around then AND my divorced mom's house is real fucking nice
and I do have a real nice racecar racecar, that I can drive around courtesy of my mom's, so honestly I'm all set
Not all basement-dwelling manchildren are incels. But all incels are basement-dwelling manchildren.
>Mom hears there was a scary criminal in a nearby state by newsman which is why you can't go outside and play
>Mom hears a group of friends got drunk and they all died by spooky newsman which is why you can't hang out with your friends
>Mom hears a child was touched after she got out of school which is why you need to come home immediately after school
>18 years old
>"You need to go outside and learn how the world works"
Please don't blame men for ending up this way when our mothers have stunted our growth
I live by myself and have a job
Still can't get laid
You can't afford to truly looksmax as a man without living at home. How else will you have all the time and money for the surgeries and designer clothes and best supplements?
Hair transplants cost a lot so does nose surgery, steroids, designer sunglasses, expensive teeth procedures, jaw surgery, expensive gym memberships, special diets, anti wrinkle, best dermatologist, acting lessons, laser eye surgery, chiropractors.
Without living at home you'd need to use lots of loans and credit to get all these procedures done in your 20s. Because what you want would be far above your income.
I've noticed a near 1:1 correlation between being OP and being a massive flaming faggot.
You'll get the Nobel prize for this discovery.
I live with my mommy and lost my virginity when I was 15 though
Bigga dick dave
ngl but who the fuck cares, get a 'wageslave' job, mingle with society and eventually get a girl. Fuck me the state of Jow Forums. Use this site as entertainment not an escape
Bigg dick davus
If you cohabit with another person (ie a girlfriend) your rent is halved
Why would you want to cohabit / date with a girl that is just trying to get you to pay half her rent? You're just betabux, she's have sex with you as a chore so you can be her rent boy
She's also paying half your rent so you can afford to leave home.
No. She's refusing to have sex with you unless you pay half her rent so she can afford to leave home. Waste of money they're using you.
Not if your a beta cuck being taken advantage of.
My friend ended up moving out with a jobless woman with mental health problems. She rarely was employed during their 3 years together and he said the whole experience cost him about $50,000 in rent and other living costs associated with being with her
He is now 29 and living back at his parents house
That poster is either a roastie or delusional. It's creepy for a girl to try to separate you from your family to try and manipulate you easier.
Why isn't she living with her family? It says more about her and her family that she can't get along with them.
If she cared about you, and not using you for your home, then why would she dislike you more for living with your parents then if she didn't know where you lived at all. It just screams gold digger.
It's like if a girl only liked you for your car.
Because it's doing you a favor too? Why should one person pay rent if two people live there?
This is how men today think. If a woman works they think she's trying to be a man and get angry at her for focusing on career. If she gets help from a man she's a bad person for "leeching" off a man. The moral of the story is do whatever you want because you're demonized either way.
Why should you live there in the first place. She doesn't want anything to do with you if you don't provide her lifestyle. She'd settle for any guy doing that. You're not special, you're an extension of her ATM that she would tell is a man-child worthless piece of shit if you don't help pay for her. She doesn't like you at all, she likes your money. All of a sudden you're such a person she's in love with to you're the most degrading thing she can think to say to you if you live with your parents. Do they think the same thing about homeless people that live on the street? You're worse than that if you take care of your extended family. You're not dealing with a person that is providing a beneficial relationship. You're dealing with a gold digger. You're a replaceable walking dildo ATM machine.
A women that wants a man with his own place is not a gold digger you idiot. No grown man should live with mommy. Now moving in and living rent free, that I agree is bullshit. But expecting a grown ass man in his 20's to not be living with his parents like a teenager is not gold digging.
Because it's cheaper than living in your own apartment idiot. If your apartment is $800 a month and her apartment is $800 a month it makes better sense to live together and get the mutual benefit of only paying $400 a month. Both of you paying $400 extra because of idealism is stupid to me.
>tfw kicked out of the house by my mom
>tfw you're a trucker 24/7
>tfw you're still an incel
Do you have any idea how expensive looksmaxing is? If you're on your own you can't have the time or money to do it because it's wasted on rent and bills instead of plastic surgery.
You can't afford to truly looksmax as a man without living at home. How else will you have all the time and money for the surgeries and designer clothes and best supplements?
Hair transplants cost a lot so does nose surgery, steroids, designer sunglasses, expensive teeth procedures, jaw surgery, expensive gym memberships, special diets, anti wrinkle, best dermatologist, acting lessons, laser eye surgery, chiropractors.
Without living at home you'd need to use lots of loans and credit to get all these procedures done in your 20s. Because what you want would be far above your income.
Living with parents doesn't imply not paying rent and or exchanging additional labor.
Expecting a man to not live with his parents is gold digging, if you like any man except the one that lives with his family you're anti-family (he'd be foolish to introduce you to them at all in any way that's flattering, I wouldn't introduce them to any well off connections I have family or not) What you're talking about is a guy has to be in a certain wealth class and expend a certain amount of income or savings constantly for you to be interested, that's gold digging. In addition to gold digging you sound like a baby boomer lol you can't even have kids you're too old. Why would any guy be interested in you?
It's stupid if a girl is only interested in you paying 400 a month for her. You're renting that girl the same as the apartment rofl
Paying 400 is less than paying 800. Therefore you benefit too.
You're calling me anti family when i'm a fucking italian latin catholic. Its not about money, its about being a man. Women want a man, not a little boy.
Or I can just let some girl try to find some guy that think he's benefiting so he just pump and dumps her then she wonders where all the good guys went since she can't hold one down, while I find a girl that likes me for me and not some shitty apartment. Hell I could go take off on a vacation just about any time I want and try to meet women that don't know or care that I live at home.
Yeah you kind of sound anti-family. Obviously I wouldn't bang you at your parents place. Probably. Definitely not regularly at least.
You can't afford the time or money for expensive looksmaxing in your 20s without either living at home or putting everything on credit. It's not possible.
M8 fok you I'm saving a shit ton of money living with my dad
he hasn't seen me for numerous years because mum had the full custody so he's real happy about me living with him too this also makes a perfect excuse for why I'm still living with a parent
My theory is to focus on looksmaxing before you move out and before you get a girlfriend. Otherwise you waste money on rent and things instead of getting to your top looks potential. You can't get laid easily before looksmaxing.
Whatever works for you. It's your life the world is your video game. I go questing once in a while. There aren't many interesting random generated events unless you want to play the evil alignment.
This is just proof that non incels are bad people. Anyone who dubs someone else completely worthless because of their looks makes you a bad person.
there's a strong correlation between inceldom and being physically unattractive
manchildren are mentally immature
that's the whole point
they have childish hobbies/passions as a symptom of that
>hook-up night
Yeah youve never been to a club
I know way too many hideous dudes fucking decent looking girls, the difference is they're out of the house, have real jobs, real hobbies, can speak their mind in front of a group of people, ect.