Why do people hate incels?
>I don't understand the hate. Does involuntary celibate represents something else that I wasn't aware of? It's just a single guy seeking a gf...
Why do people hate incels?
this "society" you live in was built by men and those men built it for their families
when they see you failed abortions "drop out" of society, they want to spit in your face
and rightly so
being an incel by itself isn't hated, it's incel culture.
They fall into the same category as "neckbeard"
A lot of people who are active in those communities, tend to be toxic, sexist, racist, and just pathetic. Smarter to just call yourself a virgin, instead of incel, less bad rep with it.
interesting point of views but I still don't get it
incel = involuntary celibate
it doesn't mean neckbeard or misogynist
Liberals (aka "people" as they exist in western society) hate incels because it stands as firm evidence that the society they have created is not as egalitarian as they claimed it would be, and that their precious sexual freedom is excacerbating inequality, not improving it
Yeah i know, People don't hate INCELS in themselves, they hate INCEL community
People don't like incels because it means being an entitled cunt and liar.
>I *can't* get sex it's literally impossible for me
No you fucking twat. You could get sex easily. But you just make excuses.
Because they're faggot Normans that can't understand
ok then tell me how can I as a 5'10" slightly below average male get any sort of romantic approval
>A lot of people who are active in those communities, tend to be toxic, sexist, racist, and just pathetic.
Like every community on the net. Especially when there's no rules.
I don't hate them, i pity them.
Because they are people who prefer to live in their imaginary world where they are the victims and can't do anything, instead of facing the reality and trying to change it.
Ron PerIman the cat
>could get sex easily
Then why am I actively dating for 5 months now and didn't get sex?
Look at the guys with gfs who match you lookswise and figure out what they do differently.
I think this proves that no-rules society/community cannot function properly.
People need leaders who enforce rules on them otherwise they turn into cavemen, start inventing crazy cults that give them purpose, attack eachother and so on.
Imagine what if the USA were like Jow Forums, it's fucking crazy.
Don't go for church girls dude, you just get blueballed
Disrupting your shit thread to see who got it
>You could get sex easily.
The world pities instinctively women and children, not men. Men can be admired when they achieve things though, but, a loser?
Why do you think they hate men of whom are losers OP? They can never be wanted. They have no value. Children, unless downies or something, have potential, when male. Women obviously are typically wanted, but men are nothing unless they achieve things. A man cannot achieve things unless he gets laid, because that is the only instinctive reason he achieves things, to take it up a notch to get you to understand. I myself get tempted to tell anons off for going to work and then bitching about loneliness: why do you even work?
What prevents you? Just fucking leave your basement and get on tinder.
Because they've deluded themselves into thinking that it is all about looks and if they were 10/10 chads they'd get pussy.
Because incels by definition are incapable of impressing a woman and women are in control now. Its her turn, bigot.
yeah come on dude, I know you don't have a job or go to school anymore, and I know you don't have any female (or male) friends, but can't you just talk to a girl and fuck her? Like come on bro. Just meet a girl bro, it's really not that hard
Why is it difficult for you to talk to people?
Besides never actually leaving my house? Social anxiety mostly
Have you thought that maybe you could leave your house?
fix it then
what's the point of giving up