>she has a boyfriend
>they always have a boyfriend
She has a boyfriend
chrid-chan, you?
grr, i mean *chris
Wasted digits, what a shame.
Wow. Get it the fuck together lad. Really sit down and think about what you've done
>she has a boyfriend
>you fuck her every now and then anyways and her cousin doesn't tell anyone
Kill yourself for wasting those digits
omg i am so sorry
What an absolutely shit -10/10
>gf plays game with a group of people
>after a few months they find out she's a girl
>starts hitting on her
>she says she has me
>they lose their shit
>meet girl
>oh, I'm in a relationship
>oh, I'm not happy with it
>breaks up
>get together
no prob.
nice septuplets
>inb4 "you just have to the better man and take her away, bro"
>he seriously would consider a gf that will leave him for the next better men
>he is that mindlessly narcissistic to assume can be no better man then him
>he will actually easily find a gf by having that giant blindspot in his psyche, because that is the muh confidence most girls see as attractive
>while you being realistic is being seen as weak and without confidence
Dating is madness inducing.
Fuck everyone else, I think thats a great use of digits.
>realize she will end relationships that easy
>she will dump you for any new guy that will show up in her life
You are lucky! In my experience they always have girlfriends...
>not becoming the M in a MFF relationship
step it up
Yeah, with a shitty mindset like that you've got it coming.
I don't.
Holy shitto,giogio.
if she will dump her bf for you that easily she will dump you.
No exceptions.
If theres one thing thats been shown is that people follow patterns, people dont change (no hun, not even for you)
I'm talking weeks, couple of months, maybe even a year here. I've managed to break up happy marriages with that shit accidentally, well, not quite, because I'm not that much of a dick and broke off contact.
But, most good women will be in a relationship most of the time. If they realize you're better than their partner, yes, they will go for you. If someone even better shows up? Well, tough luck, that's life. I'm pretty good though, so I don't worry much tbqh.
ban this fool
>I've managed to break up happy marriages with that shit
And well, not quite that happy, but she had kids (so I'm not romantically interested anyway), was still an amazing fucking woman, then she realized I'm like her husband, except actually funny and interesting to be around. You wouldn't believe how many innuendos a woman can pack in a harmless night going out together.
I'm drowning in dubs and trips here too.
Because I don't think with my dick.
and you really shouldn't, good going
bumping this very very originally
Chris-chan ruins yet another thing, I love it
Hey man I think you need to lurk moar. Learn how to make high quality posts because this is terrible. Go home and think about this
good numbers, bad post
Imagine being this butthurt over some repeating digits
I hope the next get is a tranny or orbiter thread just to spite you
>proto-stacy in 5th grade had a boyfriend
>girl and her friend who loved teasing me had boyfriends
>childhood friend and loud, outgoing boyish type had a boyfriend
>the girl you just met who usually starts conversations also has a boyfriend
I'd be fine staying friends with girls if it weren't for my constantly daydreaming thirsty brain that just HAS to want more out of life
Literally every girl I've ever liked has been in a relationship.
What is this sorcery?
usually because any girl that's likeable will score a relationship, and almost everyone likes girls. doesn't mean all single girls are bad people, just not popular enough in the eyes of normals. good luck waiting for that BF spot to open without looking like a manipulative Nice Guy in her eyes. there's no winning for robots.
They were lying. Or at least some of them were.
"Sorry, I have a boyfriend" is the easiest cop-out for a girl when she's not intersted.
this is also likely, based trips
Not a bad get, talking about the Infinitely High Boyfriend Factor
this, underrated post
game was rigged from the start bois
>sit with her the other day
>things seemed good
>she is acting somewhat different
>"user, you don't love me do you?"
>"I will always, always be your friend."
>that crushing and cold feeling in the spine
>You too.
>she still wants to cuddle and make out the next days like before
>..what did she mean by that?
>they always ignore you
dating is a game just for attractive people and average looking sociopaths.
>implying stealing someone's partner and ruining their relantionship just for your retarded lust or ''love'' is moral or makes you ''the better man''
I swear, most males in the West just deserve a 7.62x39 in the head and only the very few lucky survivors live their sociopathic life.
I stayed awake for an extra hour waiting for septuplets, and you offer me THIS? I hate you. I hate you. Fucking hell, I'm out.
>she is single
>you are competing with 3 billion other men
>she has a boyfriend
>you are now competing with 1 other man
phew, for a second I thought you were gonna make it hard for me
>But, most good women will be in a relationship most of the time.
So basically, even if I were to acquire a gf, she'll probably have at least one backup man. Good to know.
Fuck social media.
Congrats on those 8's user, you earned them
Yep.. Even the rest seem like you have to force them into it. They say about their dream relationship
>I want to start as friends and slowly fall slowly
What they mean is
>if you don't say be my gf or fuck me fast, you'll be a friend forever
Why do you feel the need to disrespect the people who come to this board?
What % are of girls are even single at any given time?
zero zilch nada
>she has a boyfriend
it's all right op, trash deserves trash, just sit back and enjoy the shit show that is her life, and make sure to remind her from time to time on what she missed out on.
Fuck all those gaylords, I actually like this get
i hope this is better
>women that are desirable usually need 3 things: agreeable personalities, agreeable looks, and fertility (everything else is just icing on the cake)
>this means girls with average faces/bodies minimum, from 18-25yo, and no extra emotional baggage
>this is a very small percentage of women
>the men that want them: any single men from 18-65+ and a few married adulterers here and there
>the ratio of dateble men:women is crazily out of wack causing most of the desirable women to be quickly snatched up and are taken off the dating market
>all women that are left are subpar women that rotate in and out of failing relationships with desperate, often average men
>all women worth pursuing have bfs
>>this is a very small percentage of women
only because most women don't have
>agreeable personalities
and here's a protip: it's easy as fuck for women to have agreeable personalities. they just don't when they interact with you, because you're not a chad.
at least 90% of 18-25yo women are decently attractive enough, with most of the few exceptions being overweight/fat bitches
Pretty much friendo. Finding one with all 3 basic gf-requirements feels like finding a unicorn although these traits are literally average.
What a fucking waste of high quality numbers there pal
>tfw I though I could get a girl to break up with her bf for me
>tfw I still can't believe I let myself try to do that shit
even after going to confession for that a long time ago, I still feel ashamed and keep a lot of distance between myself and a girl who might might have interest in who has a bf so I don't let myself make that mistake again
give us the story faggot
originali misitami
There really isn't a story to it. I just really liked some girl and tried to get her to be mine and kinda thought i could with the encouragement of a friend I had at the time.
only when your around
the truth has been spoken
This is probably the greatest achievement of your life and you blew it.
there are only a few times where a get was actually wasted, like that one time with the really shit post
Yeah, the 44444444 who just said "check em orignidufnsjn" or some shit like that.
Nice digits.
but not a solid post, fate is very weird
it has happened 2 times this year
fuck my Iife
>cut off contact with oneitis
>literally ten days later normiebook says she's in a relationship with some goober
this was expected but i still wasn't ready for it
Can't we just reference it
Big huge number
Methodical composition distracts me from the present condition of
humanity. The certainty that everything has already been written annuls us,
or renders us phantasmal.
>he talks to girls
Fucking normalfag
>that crushing and cold feeling in the spine
Every single time. It will continue to repeat this pattern to a mathematical proof. I have been dead for most of time and even before time was even a thing. I have always been dead and will continue to be dead forever. This blink, this microcosmic twinkle where I hallucinate that the particles which make me up are one cohesive beast of a symphony and promise, will go on equally the same as my nonexistence in that it will go on unaffected and unstimulated by that which birthed me and which makes me fear that said nonexistence, which makes it unfamiliar to me even though it is the most familiar thing possible.
Greatest achievement in robot's life and u waste it
>he talks
based and redpilled get
100% of girls have boyfriends, 50% of boys have girlfriends.
Explain. I know that's how it is, I just need an explanation.
>What is this sorcery?
You not being the only person who likes her.
>100% of girls have boyfriends
100% of the girls that you give attention to. Ugly girls like me don't ever get asked out because we're invisible to men.
People with sexual and social value who want to be in relationships all find each other and get pre-engaged by 18. If you're single past that age you're either a slut or no one wants you.
who are you QUOTlNGFAGGOT
A shame that such epic septuplets are wasted on this board, and a shtty fucking post on top of that. Git gud user
Idk man the attractive ones get flooded with new acquaintances all the time. Soon as they break up either they had friends on the sidelines waiting or new dudes charm and pick them up, so they never spend much time in between being single. But thats just my opinion
Pls go out with me. I'm 26 from Finland
fuckign hell what a waste