>A girl is very drunk at a local youth club this weekend.
>She is very beautiful and has lost her friends.
>Take her to a dirty toilet.
>She is dressed like in the pic. Make her lean over the toilet seat and get her pants and panties down.
>Her vagina is clean shaven and tiny.
>Try to get it in and it's nearly impossible.
>She's a virgin.
>Try harder and gradually it goes in.
>I'm in shock as I feel the warmth.
>Manage maybe ten thrusts and cum.
>Blood is trickling as I pull out.
>She's like that hurt.
>Jerk it hard again and we have sex two more times.
>Vagina is visibly changed and smells like fish.
>Her phone goes off and she pulls up her pants.
>Her parents pick her up in their car.
>Turns out she has a boyfriend.
Arab guy in scandinavia here
Anyway, Arab women are way sexier than shaqra swedish women
Looks like you timed it wrong to get all the digits there lad. Try again in a few months
>Arab guy in scandinavia
bit of a pleonasm but ok
I shall get this greatest get to be gotton!
Your cuck fantasy literotica is shit.
Idk lads I am Mexican and this vaguely reminds me of picking up white teenage gymnast girls in front of the rec center over the summer
Spic women are hot tho (their culture is shit, so they are inferior to Arab women), why do you go after white girls instead?
I really hate spics tho
fake and gay
>Vagina is visibly changed and smells like fish.
honestly pathetic user
Read the details more carefully. There is more than one giveaway OP has never seen a vagina in real life.
Her vagina was tiny because it was closed up, the lips still glued together. She was an innie and I made her a slight outie. Also I only saw the vagina from behind. It probably would look bigger had she spread her legs for me.
arab guy fucks multiple times a virgin drunk girl and sees how her purity goes away.
As a fellow Arab in Europe who wants a virgin (non-arab) wife, I find it rage inducing.
but at least it was a fellow arab and not some retarded chad or normie to take her virginity and then not give a fuck about this thing like stupid western normies usually do.
We are destined to rule Europe, brother, and blonde girls are up for grabs.
If it helps I would have kept her and made her my wife if I could.
Indeed brother, we are the future of Europe, can't wait to get my blue eyed blonde wife.
shit that never happened for 500, AhMed
>angry Pole taking his anger out on AngloBulls by larping as a Mexican
Hispanic girls are thicc af tho
>will never be white
>will never have pure blue eyes
>will never reach 6'6"
>will never have golden hair
>you will always be a shitskin
They will obviously be a mix between us and the original populace. A good thing, since Europeans these days are too weak. Too many altrustic genes, perhaps.
>you will never have IQ like mine
>you will never be a millionaire like me
>you will never have houses in multiple countries Western and Non-Western
>you will always be a frustated cumskinned fag
>white girls love arab men a.k.a actual men, not onions boy fags who let them cheat on them with Tyrone.
Western society decided to commit suicide when the accepted retarded concepts like the ''Sexual Revolution'', good luck with your abortions if you will have a gf/wife to begin with.
I am sure I will never be anything of what you say and guess what : I dont want to.
I love the way I look except for my medium height but being a 6'6 lanket is probably worse than being an average height guy.
>falling for all this bait
can someone translate this into literal terms ?
weird that you still end up here of all places
one may even jump to the conclusion that you are a larper, desperate for attention.
this will be my first and only (you), don't spend it all at once kid.
>Western society decided to commit suicide when
they bought what the jews were selling. Degenerative faggotry included.
Larper kek
>being rejected by the Eastern European society (can't wait to move to my house in England) = not good enough for r9k
>if my oneitis decided to be with me instead of rejecting me, I would have never been on this site in the first place.
>I'll take things that didn't happen for 10 million pepes
Based invader
>this definitely happened
r9k clearly the board where normie club goers come to make lengthy posts about their night out, especially in greentext.
fuck off faggot
white women here open their legs for arabs if they so much as exist.
which country are you from?
original comment from an arab.
I married a virgin and have been plowing her with my six-inch girth for five years. Aside from her lack of a hymen, the appearance and smell of her cunt remains perfectly pleasant. I think that its sad and wrong that you write outrage porn for racist incels with a cuck fetish.
From the land of Syria.
if youre gonna make a fake story at least make it believable
If you actually grew up with Hispanic women, you would not like them at all.
even though this is bait the sad thing is this shit probably happens daily in middle east europe.
Nice bait, really pathetic user, are you sure you are at the right board, I think you belong to /b/
>She was an innie and I made her a slight outie
this one is genuinely funny, 8/10
>incel talking about sex, bulls, and nationalities
Arabs are probably the one race that will actually(no joke) get fucking exterminated. They are actually a million times worse than Africans, it's just that we give them millions of trillions of dollars for their shitty oil, but they can't even create a country they don't have to flee from or that they want to live in despite this.
yea because Syria (the one people are fleeing from) and Saudi Arabia (and the one ''you'' invest in) are the same country.
>implying that the Arabs didnt had some of the best if not the best states in the Early and Intermediary Middle Ages.
>implying Arabs didnt conquer a lot and didnt create a decent amount of things.
Goddamn you Arabs and your Medieval Oil,
>implying that most Arab states aren't artifical states created by foreign powers that shouldnt have been countries in the first place
>implying that arabs aren't ruled in most countries by retarded dictators that do whatever they want and dont care about the average arab.
>I guess we survived in the harshest of deserts for thousands of years and then created greatest empire of that time
>we dont die that easily like Europeans who got infected by some rat and the 1/4 of Europe died.
Thats what I said. I love the way spic women look (because they are hot and brown, a lot like Arab women), but their culture and everything else about them is shit.
I am a muslim and i fucking hate living in SoCal. I just want a qt non-spic brown wife
>Europe is getting BLACKED and ARAB'D
>America is getting SPIC'D and BLACKED
>60% of young white men are either gay or pathetic little virgin losers, the rest are cucks raising mulatto kids
>white women grow up wishing to racemix, protest and risk their lives to save brown men, shit on white men with all their hearts, dream about having mixed kids
White people will go extinct in 50 years. Africans and Hispanics will rule the US and a Muslim Caliphate will rule Europe. Sad but this was the past and will be the future. White people deserve it all too because of what they've done. Let's celebrate my black and brown brothers.
Why can't non whites make their own countries? Why are whites the only capable people on Earth? Maybe the East Asians are ok too though- I'll give credit.
Oh also, shit story, Saladin. Maybe I would've believed it if she wasn't a virgin.
White people went into non-white lands and stole and destroyed. This is justice, revenge, and your responsibility. Not shut up and sit down like a good little tiny pink dicked virgin loser. White women chose us, not you. Just go away and die in your little hole.
>be white
>have white gf
>will make white kids
>don't give a shit what decisions other dumbies make
The end times are near, friend. Your "victory" won't last very long. And even still, you cannot achieve anything on your own because this was brought upon by the Jews and our traitorous collaborators.
> itt arab fantasies
Imagine bating this hard
whatever you say, but keep in mind that you have to make children in order to continue your race so it would be actually useful for you to try to convince the average white roastie to make children.
lthough fishy although not straight away.
still fake as fuck though
you didnt make her an outie jesus fuck. she was probably just swollen and sore as sex is liable to do.
>lips glued together
im getting bags of sand vibes
>survived in the harshest of deserts for thousands of years
Barely hundreds, at time when your "harshest" of deserts had a fertile land the area of Germany
>created greatest empire of that time
Greatest by which metric? Because it's easy to say you own this whole desert when nobody gives a fuck about it and now you're the "greatest" empire.
>we dont die that easily like Europeans who got infected by some rat and the 1/4 of Europe died
Because your "empire" was so poor you had no rats, nor people that would write it down.
did it smell like poo? anytime i spread my butt cheeks it smells like poo and i wash it
whitey got offended.
>implying Saudi Arabia (yes I speak about the Arabian Peninsula and not about pre-Arab Syria or Mesopotania) has the fertile land area of Germany.
>implying the first documentation of the arabs wasn't thousands of years before Christ with the civilisation of Dilmun and many other ancient arab states and civilations which a good search would land you the answer
>implying the Rashidun and Ummayyad Caliphate weren't strong and some of the greatest at that time
>implying Medieval Arab states were poor and didn't have people to document things. Also back then the Arabs had the biggest life expectancy due to their way better hygene then the european peasent at the time (do you even History bruh?)
Seriously, people here on Jow Forums (besides /his/) know anything about history?
can't wait for some white retard to tell me that they invented the sun, but they already try to make Jesus Christ look white.
I'm already a winner, because I made a white virgin pussy queef for me :)
>besides /his/
lmao all 4channers boards are full of dumbfucks, no exceptions
>being an amerilard whose knowledge of history doesn't even scratch the surface of the greatness of the islamic civilizations
You're barely not a Jow Forumstard, nigger
Never happened, and also gtfo of (maybe) my country you dirty sand nigger.
Haha, triggered. Thx for paying taxes for my rent and smartphone, and thx for letting me break in one of your women.