Sweating Excessively in the Gym - What do?!?!?!

Sup Jow Forums, i have been going to the Gym for 1 month now, mainly focusing on Cardio Splits to lose weight/strip fat etc. I am 72KG and 5'10 so not exactly a fatty hamplanet

Anyway, the problem I have is, every time i work out for more than 30 mins, I am literally drenched in sweat.. im talking fallen into a swimming pool/amazon rainforest 100% humidity sweating, with red face etc, after a 30 min incline treadmill/450 cal burn. I am wearing shorts and thin heat-losing gym shirt so I know its not the gear. When I come of the rower it literally looks like i have pissed on the machine seat.

Its really starting to knock my confidence - due to how much I sweat in the gym, I am getting a few sideways looks, a few staceys im sure were laughing at me and a chad the other day even said "need a towel, bro?!" when i came off the rowing machine. Its making me not want to go to the gym.

TLDR; I am sweating too much in the gym, what do?

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Just stop sweating

I love to sweat. Recently I haven’t been sweating at all. Even during spin class.

comeonbruh, i thought the gym was the 1 place it is socially acceptable to sweat profusely.

Also, i literally go HAM on the cardio machines, none of this sitting on your ass taking selfie bullshit, my friend said unless you come away from a gym session in actual physical pain in your muscles from the burn, you are half-assing it. I have a pretty high pain threshold and like pushing myself with the cardio and have made good progress over 1 month, the problem is I am sweating like a motherfucker. My Gym is also full of girls (especially after Xmas peak etc) as well which compounds the problem, i dont want them to think I am some weirdo and it is making me drop my spagetti

pic related, this is pretty much how i look after 20 mins on the treadmill, only sweatier

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come on guys, anyone else have this problem? help a brother out...

I do and I just wipe my head after every set. its that easy :-)

You can't really do anything, it's just the way your body works

its kind of hard to wipe your head with a towel when pounding the treadmill or rowing machine, there isnt any "inbetween sets". I do have a hand towel i use but i sweat so much it isnt really very effective

>Sweating Excessively in the Gym - What do?
Only train until sweat appears, then stop.

t. all trainers and athletes until ca 1850