This thread is dedicated to social dancing such as tango, ballroom, swing, salsa, blues, etc.
Dance is an elite Jow Forums hobby, as it will force you to care about your posture, balance, and mastery of complex body mechanics.
This thread is dedicated to social dancing such as tango, ballroom, swing, salsa, blues, etc.
Dance is an elite Jow Forums hobby, as it will force you to care about your posture, balance, and mastery of complex body mechanics.
i thought men go dancing because they think they will get pussy
> tango, ballroom, swing, salsa, blues, etc.
All meme dances, pretty useless in daily life. I doubt it will help you to not look like a total sperg on a dance floor, where you are unlikely be able to use any of these.
Social dance js really fun if your SO is also into that sort of thing. Look around for a swing society nearby. Most will be okay with you just watching, and some will even give lessons.
Any club if even kinda busy is a pretty easy place to pick up girls desu you don’t have to be good at dancing. You just need to be fun, willing to do crazy stuff, and in a good mood lol
dancing is fucking gay
Who /kizomba/ here? Used to dance for about two years, quit after getting married. Still dance with the wife though.
>pretty useless in daily life
When has any kind of dancing been useful in your life?
I got challenged to a dance off on my way to work just last week.
Jokes on you, I have no life.
But my point is, you won't use any of the shit, listed in op-post, unless you are in dancing class. It's useless for casual club dancing.
it will teach you rhythm and boost your confidence. not useless by any means. also couples dancing is a good 3rd-4th date idea IMO.
What is posting on 4channel useful for?
Nuthin. But at least I enjoy it. Dance lessons are literally gay, unless you attend them to get pussy.
There is a lot of shit you might enjoy that you won't get many opportunities to use. But that's a legitimate criticism and I have to agree with you there.
To rag on OP a moment, he didn't even state one of the most physically intense social dancing styles: the lindy hop.
>going to a club
shiggy diggy user
>crazy stuff
you mean like be attractive and charismatic?
>didn't list lindy hop
>what is swing
you are pic related
>implying posting on Jow Forums isn't gay as fuck
>all swing is lindy hop
Great minds think alike.
lindy hop is a part of the swing dances, how fucking autistic can you be
In Hispanic culture you need to know how to dance either salsa, merengue, or bachata, preferably all three. Its it even about getting pussy, its about not looking like the autist who doesn't know how to dance. You'd look pathetic if you didn't know how to dance. But this is just Hispanic cultures, I'm sure Americans dont give a shit and if that's your scene then yea they're memes. But just know that if you're Hispanic and dont know how to dance you are the lowest of the low.
It's not even about getting pussy*
Sorry my autism is acting up again
Friendly reminder that men who can dance have more sexual partners than men who can’t dance
>how fucking autistic can you be
No no no being down for doing things that other people wouldn’t do, shit test girls back when they do it to you, if someone suggests something actually go do it, keep the night moving along and not boring, etc.
>tfw 33 year old khv
>been taking Latin dance lessons for 6 months, still consider myself a beginner
>tfw no gf, haven't made any friends in the classes
What do?
If your IQ is so low that you haven’t studied socializing then I don’t know what to tell you. I’m autistic as fuck but I just studied how to copy normies with my obsessive focus powers.
And how do I socialize or study socializing?
>tfw no friends or social skills
What dances do I need to know in the different countries? Especially Argentina, where I for some reason want to find my qt Catholic wife?
Ballet is God tear level dancing. It will get you more fadge than you can shake a shitty stick at. It will improve your posture, and confidence tenfold. You will be nailing 10/10 ballet girls for the rest of your life. Take the fucking ballet pill gentlemen.
You don’t need to know any of that shit. I just go to techno/house shows and bounce around and wave my hands like I’m some kind of stupid conductor and I get tons of sloots. Just dress in decent fitting but not tryhard clothes with cool shoes.
if you don't start with ballet before you're five you're never gonna make it
it would be good if rockabilly girls in polka dot dresses actually looked like that
You can start at 25 and still get plenty of Donna's kebab. Obviously you won't be performing in the bolshoi but you'll get good enough if you're flexible enough to get plenty of girls. There are so few men in ballet that there is almost no competition
Does anybody have the gif/webm of the guy doing the different weapon reload animation dance?
too much real life my guy
a lot of hobbies are useless in daily life.
Fucking kek
I just try to mimic zyzz
Dance is the ultimate autist filter. If you're born a chad you'll have no trouble learning to dance, it will be fun and intuitive. If you're not it will be a torture and you'll never feel natural.
You need to apply those skills outside of the lessons, fellow autismo. Truth is any dancing will teach you enough motor function and casual moves to not look like a sperg in the club.
Just go to a club, even if you hate it at first. Picking up chicks is super fucking easy, especially if you can actually move like a human when they want to dance with you
Been doing zumba for a year.
It's fucking fun.
Soon I'm gonna explore other dancing classes.
is there a kind of dance that doesn't require me to listen to horrible music? i'd honestly like to start learning how to dance, but so far all my encounters have left me wanting to leave right away just because i cant stand having to listen to garbage.
a Latin dancing club or regular club?
How do I get grills to dance with me when there are better dancers, their friends and Chads around?
Cumbia and maybe tango
Depends what your definition of horrible music is.
I bet there are groups and classes for all kinds of music.
Real talk: how hard is it to actually learn to dance by yourself? Any good video series?
There will always be better dancers and Chadder people than you, broski. That goes for everyone since people have innate preferences, no matter how much this board tries to convince you that there is an objective perfect guy. Individuals dont conform to statistics.
The good thing about dancing is that it's a one-on-one thing otherwise it becomes autistic. If you catch a girl mirin' approach her, but her a drink or ask her for a dance.
Literally any club will do.
Been thinking about learning salsa or something, I'm a pretty good dancer solo but no clue how to dance with girls
I can breakdance and shuffle and Ukrainian dance, but I never learned any good partner dancing :- (
It's fun as hell to whip out breakdancing moves when I'm at music festivals and the beats are lit though.
used to swing dance twice a month with some friends, got me my first gf
Pretty easy, just tailor it to music you like or to the music that they play at the clubs (basically just whatever is popular atm)
You dont even need to learn "dancing" necessarily just some popular dance moves and have decent timing to the song (which is why actually knowing the songs helps)
t. Ex was a dancer and she used to compliment me on my timing and moves even though I've never had any lessons
people who compete in dance offs dont have jobs
Ukrainian dance masterrace
This is how I do dance with my fellow Jews!
Learn to dance salsa, merengue and bachata. THATS IT.
No matter where in the world you are, girls will literally BEG you to fuck if you care enough to dance just good enough to look non-robotic while you make them spin and dip them every now and then.
Bonus points if you're white. A white guy learns spanish dancing and black, white, hispanic, asian, indian and every single fucking type of chick will be attracted to you.
>take dance lessons
>literally filled with 40+ year olds
cute girls do hip hop dancing these days
Good topic.
Veteran swing dancer here. I'm going to get the red pills out of the way since this is an anonymous image board and I never get to share this in real life. This is the information I wish I could impart onto every new male who comes to our studio after day one, but can't.
>#1. Get fucking good
It is a common culture in dance communities that there is no such thing as a ''boring dance'', or a ''bad dance''. This is, of course, complete and utter horseshit. Women are secretly and incredibly judgemental about the worth of dancers despite what you will be told. Experienced female dancers hate dancing with bad leads (a safe a bad lead), unless the bad lead is attractive. Even attractiveness won't buy you a ton of grace time.
Your first few times you will get a grace period however, because newbies are fun and dance communities are typically kind. But starting after your first lesson, you are now in a race to get good or permanently imprint onto the group's brain that you're a loser. This means if you're going to try dance, take it seriously. Even though I just told you women will hate you if you suck, don't worry, the effect isn't THAT quick, and you don't have to be THAT good to avoid it. But I personally recommend trying to get as good as you can within a 6 month window. Guys who stick around doing the bare minimum tend to become ''outsiders'' of the group because they suck and women hate low value men.
There's a limit to how much I can really teach you on getting good quickly that your instructor won't tell you. It's a mindset and priority thing rather than an 'do X to get Y' thing. After you get past the 6 month to 1 year mark and you are better than everyone who started with you because you made it a priority, you can start to relax. You're good enough to hang with any dancer, you get to have MORE fun than the other guys because you're better and more creative, and now you have a neat skill.
>#2. Dance instructors = Jews
Dance communities will try to nickel and dime you to death with all the workshops, lessons, private lessons, competitions, etc. Individual group social lessons/dances are usually cheap, but the scene as a whole starts to add up. My advice is to don't feel pressured into retaking material you already know from the same instructor unless you TRULY need it. They all try to pressure you into retaking shit so that you can learn it 'more'. You really do need the practice, but there's a cost/reward factor. Book big events early, and never buy at the door. Do your research on traveling instructors to make sure their workshops are going to elevate you.
At the same time, it's good to go to a healthy amount of events. You'll learn a lot and you'll make a lot a friends.
>#3. Gender roles exist
Every single dance community is very pleasant about establishing that leads and follows can be of any gender. This is very positive, as it's good for people to learn both sides of the coin to become truly skilled. You should of course know that leading is a masculine act and following is a feminine act. Dominance vs. submission is sub-textually in play at all times. Make no mistake, if you a man, you better fucking choose to primarily be a lead.
>#4. Do. Not. Hesitate.
If you hesitate in asking women to dance, you're done. You're fucking done. If people see you sitting in the corner while everyone else is dancing for prolonged periods of time, it's fucking over for you. If your reputation becomes that of a shy or bashful dancer, it's a very hard hole to climb out of. Trust me when I tell you I've seen literally hundreds of guys fail at dancing because they are too timid. Eventually, females are not receptive to them, they don't have fun, and either are ignored or quit. Your instructor will try to baby you with 'pep talks', which in turn makes you look even more like a beta chump.
Timid is not a word you can have in your vocabulary when being a lead.
Yes, it's hard to find someone your age.
But there's so many GREAT tutorials on Youtube you can try and learn by yourself, it'll be harder without a partner but if you're willing to do that alone, then wtf nothing can stop you.
>#5. Dancing is sexy.
Yes, dancing can get you laid. There are multiple reasons. Here are a few:
• Humans are biologically programmed to find complex mechanical actions beautiful
• Being a good dancer gives you social standing within your local dance community
• Dance is filled with sexual tension and sexual parallels, even though no one overtly states it
Depending on your local scene, you may be meeting tons of attractive and young women. (Hint: if your scene has no young people or young/attractive people, it's shit. Pick a different dance). Experienced dancers visiting out of town are the easier lays since they don't have their home group to worry about. Being a dancer gives you good social graces off the dance floor as well. It's an interesting conversational topic and gives you social proof.
I don't recommend dancing if your primary goal is to get laid. You're not going to have fun, and you're not going to be able to burn through chicks as fast as you would probably like with other avenues, say, Tinder.
>#6. Pressure =/= stress
As a lead, you are under a lot of pressure. The quality of the dance depends on you. An experienced lead/inexperienced follow combo typically produces a better dance than an inexperienced lead/experienced follow combo. In redpill #1, I told you that you are in a race against an unspoken clock to be not shit at dancing. However, you can't let pressure turn into stress. Nothing will turn the group off faster than a guy who is getting visibly upset at dancing. Have you noticed the running theme here of ''don't be beta''? There's a reason; it's fucking important.
To be frank, you are not good enough at dancing to get mad when you make mistakes. There is a stark difference between pressure and stress. Understand the gravity of your role, and use that to harness your focus into providing the best experience you can. It's your responsibility to make the dance fun and to excite your follower. Don't forget it.
You really want to be the only white guy in a class full of thots looking for bbc?
I can shuffle and g step really well but i have zero coordination when it comes to these old timey fuck dance moves
#7. Be attractive
Attractive people have more fun dancing. Don't be fat. Don't be unkept. Dancing is highly sexual, so it only makes sense.
I see fat old dudes who have great dances because they are fucking good. Real good. Skill is king in dancing. But in dance, like most avenues in life, being at your most presentable creates the best possible energy.
Congrats, you made it through my ramblings. You are now equipped to start your dance journey off with more knowledge that the average guy. This is the stuff no one teaches, because if they did, they'd be ostracized. But it's the truth. Thank god for 4cha(nel), or else you'd never get to learn about what you didn't know you needed to know.
I know a lot of the things I mentioned in these posts sound scary or negative, but do not fret. I bring them to your attention so that you don't miss them. Dancing is a great hobby. It's fun, you meet a ton of cool people, and is overall very healthy. I consider it a medicine to combat social awkwardness. It's a life improving tool, if you take it seriously. You have the opportunity to make friends, meet girls, have fun, compete, and travel. Fucking great, right?
extremely high quality posts here
I quit because I wasn't getting laid and moved away from the scene where I made a lot of friends, but this all rings pretty true.
when it's the last day of school and you need to show your bullies who's boss
VERY informative and true.
Would you care to post some videos of what you would consider a great ballroom chemistry for dancing?
I don't mean the bullshit let's-spin-nonstop-the-entire-song type of dance, like, a good chemistry salsa video.
>take dance lessons
>match with azn qt3.14
>parents drag her out 2 months later
supposedly it's seen as inappropriate in their culture
>gid gud
well no kidding. if you're a guy, that's what you do.
Even my teachers took turns shitting on the retards (in the literal sense of falling behind the learning curve).
>da jews
maybe at the top. Certainly the guys designing the program contents and pricing.
spent 5 years dancing, 5 of my 7 teachers were regular countrymen, the other 2 were enthusiastic and talented immigrants (longterm, possibly second generation. No language trouble or anything).
As a male youth, i had pretty free reign after becoming established at the school. Good dancers get their pick of the ladies as well as the courses - for free, for lack of males to partner the abundant cashcow solo girls with.
>gender roles exist
... yes?
of course.
Just don't have a stick up your ass. It's fun, challenging and enriching to follow occasionally. Like brushing your teeth with the wrong hand, but publicly.
>don't hesitate
yep, that's a constant from the "real world" as well.
nyah. It is, but if you're prone to pop a boner from touching a girls arm, you should probably wear a jock strap to not distract/get distracted.
will fade with competence.
Women are extremely rare at the extremes, this point really just emphasises #1 and #4
Why do men do anything if not for that reason?
thx for the words of wisdom senpai!
i have a question aswell. so some acquaintances of mine gave me a crash course in dancing a while ago. i forgot the name of the dance, but basically they taught me a set of moves to use and how to lead. i sorta got the hang of it and they said i was doing alright, with isnt worth a lot considering what little training i had.
but my question is; what's the point of the dance? while we were going at it i could repeat the moves of the dance and not feel incredibly awkward, but i feel like i didnt "get it". after half a song i mostly thought "i've done this already".
where in lies the feeling of the dance?
Music drives everything. The song is the point. The song is the dance. Your actions are based on the music.
It's like the theory of relativity. Music and dance are the same thing. Or at least, that's what dancers strive to present.
It's hard to learn. If you start dancing without a musical background, you're already unfortunately at a disadvantage, because 'simple' stuff like timing and counting beats is something you're going to have to focus on in addition to footwork. Beginner classes usually don't bring up musicality and other stuff because it's too brain scrambling.
I like to watch Jack and Jill competitions because the dance pair is random. The dances are improv and and not about scripted choreography.
>wearing a fancy dress
>women kneeling before me
I could get behind that.
Nice vid
But I'm not a tall Chad that looks like he lifts with clothes on. What now? How do I get a at Russian dancing gf?
Thank you based swing dancer.
I've always liked swing and electroswing, might sign up for some dance lessons after the holidays are done. Only downside is that nightclubs dont play that kind of music where I live
I was with you until you posted a video of choreographed dancing.
You can't even do this shit at a party, dance or club. And it was shitty.
I meant something like this
But with much less spinning ffs.
That guy is a great example of good lead that dances bad. He doesn't have much rhythm but you can't even notice because he makes sure everyone's focus is on how good he leads the chick and makes her dance.
thats a nice answer, i was too focused on the moves to even hear the music. also i really didnt like the music.
i've never much cared for music actually, does that mean i'll never much care for dance either?
Not necessarily. I'm an autist that drives with no radio because I prefer silence to music, yet I still like dance.
Not him but I dont care for music too much either. So long as you have a good ear (which isn't hard since most songs nowadays recycle eachother) and you focus on the moment, you'll be fine.
Damn this turned out to be an amazing thread
Threads like these are EXACTLY what Jow Forums used to be at the beginning, people interested in a hobby you happen to LOVE so you take your time writing concise, helpful tips and advises so you can like it enough to be another one of "us". Now this site is a unfortunate cesspool of people hating people WHO LOVE THE SAME THING just because they disagree instead of having a grown up argument.
Me included.
Imagine if there was a /ballroomdancing/, you know how shitty that place would become after a while??????
>just learn how to dance
Never gonna make it dancelet
Im Chicano and I don't know how to dance
And I still get pussy
>qt Catholic wife
>in argentina
sorry user all catholics are niggers here
I would love to learn and practice polish folk dances but I really can't find shit in my area (germany). Any Jow Forumsizen knows how to get into it?
Thanks user, wholesome posts. I started salsa a couple of months ago and really enjoying it so far. I started off going only once a week but I soon wanted to become good at it so started going twice a week.
Not going to lie, originally started it to get laid but it turned out to be really fun. What you say is true, and most beautiful girls only dance with the really good guys, which is also one of the reasons I want to become really good.
The two dancing classes last two hours on Monday and Friday. I often perform well during the class and the instructor often compliments me. The issue I'm having however is during the social sessions after the classes. This is not due to my social awkwardness, but rather that I do not have/know enough moves to keep a girl spinning for the duration of an entire song, and I notice I tend to forget the moves I learnt in the previous lessons. Do you have any tips for memorising the moves?
I go fishing alone because it’s relaxing and I enjoy it
Not everyone is 14
You have 72 hours to get the move down in a lesson, or you will forget it.
can you still pick up chicks in clubs without dancing?
is shuffling Jow Forums-approved?
Alright, should I practice at home on my own between sessions? Any good youtube channels you recommend? Also wanted to ask, what sort of clothes are most appropriate for salsa? I usually wear some slim fit v-neck or crew-neck white/black tops which show off my gains without me looking like a douche. Do you wear shirts?
it's not choreographed at all though, it's improvised, that's what jack and jill is
It's like swimming, study only helps you not die on first contact, you'll have to actually practice to develop your socializing muscles memory.