Thinking about going on anti anxiety meds

What's the experience you had on them?
Will they make you a mindless drone like all the normies say?
Is it a meme?
Does it actually help with anxiety?

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Please tell me. I wanna know

no but the withdrawal will be very hard.
I am on venalfaxine for a long time and it helps me a lot to go through the day but when i missed them just a signle day it is very hard for me.brain zaps and derealisation is very strong. alcohol works fine with it if that matters to you.
you have to decide for yourself it your current state is bearable

So you weren't zombie like?
You were normal?

bump cause I want to know too

sometimes there was this zombie feeling yes, but my current state is that i can do anything instead of sitting in plane white room shivering and feeling like i am about to loose my mind.
i have the feeling that i my emotions are always blunt there are no extreme ups and down. for me the downs through anxiety are far more extreme then any good emotion could ever reach in my imagination. that's why i say you have to ponder for yourself

Do you have any problem with your sexual libido? hearth palpitations?

I use a lack of sleep as a numbing agent. Just sleep 5 hours a day for 5 years and you feel nothing anymore. Bonus points if you start when you are young

Alright I'll try to get on them. I hate having anxiety so fucking much

I've been taking Prozac for a few months and it's helped with my anxiety and depression with only a few side effects. I have spontaneous yawning fits about 7-8 hours after taking them, I have diarrhea most mornings, and my libido is down and it takes me longer to cum but seems to have made orgasms slightly more intense.

Hmm that's a risk I'll have to take

Yes and no i think my habits of watching porn have a bigger influence on that. I still get rock hard on hard shit but casual vanilla sex wont get me hard i guess. the only sex i have is with hookers
hard to consider for me as i used to get up really bad in the morning. on the other side when i sleep up to 15 hours i also feel like shit. I will try to get out on schedule in the future maybe thats an improvement.
be aware that it can get worse in the first weeks and it will take about 3 to 6 weeks to take effect.
also everybody reacts different to any medications. you have to find out what works best for you. stay away from benzos like xanax, tavor or valium they will make it worse in the long term. it is not easy i know but you can make it. godspeed

Whats the safest anti anxiety to go on?

i have started with citralopram and settled for 150 mg venlafaxine. i have heard that venlafaxine made other people hear voices, but it doesn't affect the libido as much as citralopram

I never had any problems beside the withdrawal symptoms on venlafaxine

Which do you think I should start with or should I just let my doctor decide

>witch hat

My boy Bill takes Xanax and sometimes it seems like he's stoned.

They've literally saved me. I went from a complete shut in and literally fucking shook to being able to talk to people naturally. I still have trouble with a few things like holding back my power level because I'm not used to talking to normal fucks but im working on it

to start with citralopram is very common but it isn't a bad move to adapt the medication to a diagnose. you can always switch to another mediaction more easily if have taken it just for a few weeks

That's what I need

Hmmm do you think my doctor will prescribe it?

i don't know if this depends on where you are. different coutries different medications/names.
I have just read the wiki of venlafaxin and it does not sound well...

I'm in the us
Originally us

google it if it is available in the states

There's an ssri called Citalopram

venlafaxin is also sold as Effexor. there are different meds for anxiety and depression. a doc has to know for what is what

I'm on Zoloft rn and it's helping a lot, especially with my depression but also with anxiety. It makes me feel much more willing to overcome social shit and actually talk to people in my daily life. Also weed lol

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Also the Zoloft doesn't make me feel like a zombie. I feel like I can be more like myself and come out of my shell and shit. I have noticed its harder for me to be moved by something and cry now tho

What about what said
Is zoloft good?

I'd say you should try it, here's no reason not to give it an attempt. If it doesn't work for you you can come off whatever drug they give u, it's not heroin you don't get like addicted for life or anything. And there's lots of different drugs that will affect u in different ways and have different side effects, u just gotta keep trying them until u find one that works for you. I only got to Zoloft after 2 years and like 4 different drugs but this one really works for me

You should just start with whatever your doc/psychiatrist recommends. Theyll know what's best for your case

Also each drug affects each person differently so there's no real like 'good' and 'bad' drugs it's mostly just figuring out what's right for you. That's gay but unfortunately that's how it is. Neurochem is too complex to simplify to good and bad

Eah SSRI pretty much has the same side effects listed for them too. Usually it's just different people get different parts of the list or no side effects at all. U get them especially when u start a new drug but they go down after a while, but some effects can stay

Thanks, ill let my doctor decide

I never took zoloft i can't say anything about that

Been on lexapro for about eight months now. I still have anxiety, but it's nowhere near as bad. I feel a lot more in control of my emotions and have a lot less stress. Only side effects I had for the first couple weeks was a really dry mouth. No zombie drone issues.

Thanks anyway user.

Thank you for sharing your experiences on it. It's helping me get eager to take them