Sex is overrated btw
Sex is overrated btw
Die komura or whatever you were namefagging as last time, you are a mentally ill fag trying to cope with his inceldom
Sex on itself is pretty overrated yeah, I had better orgasms when masturbating. However, cuddling with a loved one afterwards is honest to God one of the greatest things on earth
>Not like I know this of course
Thanks for the canned reply virgin
I don't know, is it?
Maybe single people just focus to hard on it and the good parts of a relationship aren't neccesary about sex.
80% of this board consists of porn dumps
Maybe it's time we tell the mods to make it blue
No I know you are an incel who is jealous of normies who have sex, last time you made a post about wanting to hurt innocent people just because they talk about sex too much.
You are a pathetic little incel faggot who needs to a hero
I don't see that much porn desu.
Maybe I ignore most porn threads, that could be it. Not that interested in it.
There are still some nice threads from time to time.
Technically yes since I put so much stock into having sex for the first time. It's like Half-Life 3: I've been waiting so long that I'm going to be disappointed no matter what.
Still want it tho
lmaoing @ you posting this anime girl i bet you look like this irl
People dont stress about not being able to get sex for the feeling of it.
People stress because not being able to get sex indicates youre not worthy or attractive to other people which means youre basically a genetic life failure
is feeling loved overrated?
I want people to burn regardless of their conversations, their repetitive talks just add up to the heap of trash that makes them.
You won't say that when I fuck your cute butt ;)
user it's a fucking trap
Hes an unpassable italian tranny with moorish blood
You still look like a man irl
Yeah thats why you should an hero you envious little incel faggot, hating people just for having conversations and minding their own buisness is not reasonable and a sign that you are mentally ill trash
Cuz I am a full man and intend to remain a man as long as I have a shred of sense. Only buttblasted virgins spread lies about people on a taiwanese skyfishing anonymous forum.
He mentioned his height last time hes is too tall to pass lol
Only virgins complain about people having sex lives, virgin
I never killed a fly if you think I'm some sort of psycho.
What are you talking about lmao? I'm like 5'7 lol get your shit right
>as long as I have a shred of sense
yeah, about that...
you just gained some anons respect
I still have enough sanity to know I'll never be a fucking girl
>I'll never be fucking a girl
but are you cute?
Love isn't though
No I look like a guy.
>roleplays as anime girl
>"No I look like a guy"
>using anime pics
pick one
pretty sure everyone who uses anime reaction pics is a guy here... what's your point?
>I never killed a fly if you think I'm some sort of psycho
Because you are fag who is scared of people but if you had a gun you probably would kill people
>I'm like 5'7 lol get your shit right
Too tall for a woman
>pretty sure everyone who uses anime reaction pics is a guy here.
thats my point. You are all ugly hairy stinky masculine men
Lol he thinks hes a trap
I'm not hairy or even stinky lmao
using anime pics =/= pretending to be anime
try harder your arguments are as bright as a third grader's
It does mean that you subconsciously think you are an anime girl
I don't want sex I want someone whom I love and who loves me
Wait, so if you post porn it automatically means you think you're a whore? Makes sense.
not if it's with some one you love
But would you not sleep with a woman given the chance? That's why none of you robots have girl friends; You're all a bunch of sex-deprived whores.
I wouldn't if I didn't like her
I've turned down girls I didn't like in the past
T. Porn addict who lost all dick sensitivity
Don't worry op, anyone who doesn't think sex is overrated is a virgin. Also I think you're cute even if you aren't.
yes but it is still good oregano
I've been called cute by girls in the past but I guess I just have a low self esteem.
No because you dont pretend to be the woman in the porn. That might be different in your case though, so maybe you really are a whore on top of being an anime girl larper as well
Hey i know who you are
First you call me a virgin and then a whore, make up your mind man.
the wonders of only having a few reaction images
I never called you a virgin
>Only virgins complain about people having sex lives, virgin
Where did i say that?
Maybe you only use a few reaction images because you like to be recognized
Hey guys lets get along here and all agree that sex is for reproduction
No it's because I really like that one and I usually phonepost so space is an issue
My favourite is this one
It is. Cuddling is much more important. Even a really nice kiss can be better than sex in its own way.
No fuck off. Sex is for fun, dont be a bitter cuck just because you cant get sex atm. Im a khv myself but sex is ok for fun as long as you arent fucking 10 different people every week
>sex is for fun
>I'm a khv
Well i also phonepoast and i have gorillions of images saved. You may not do it intentionally but i think you like being recognized.
It really do be that way, Satan. Life is a fuck, nothing is fair. Sex is for fun and you arent getting any of it. You either learn to deal with it or you go down with it
That was me not him
Bottom half of that image sums up your response
i'm sick of you poojabbers and your beta enablers
you sound like a woman are you a femanon?
OP is ban-evading btw