Autism AMA

got diagnosed with autism today lads, ask me anythign I guess

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Was mommy embarassed?

will you get autismbux now?

I scored 42/50 on the diagnositic criteria for Autism Spectrum Disorder and further testing said that I dont have it.

Got diagnosed with Schizoid Personality Disorder instead.

no she was fine
yes I have to go back to get a full report and they'll help me fill out the forms

the assessment done on me had questions which would indicate other mental disorders like ocd, schizophrenia, etc.

Did it also have a lot of drug and alcohol related questions?

I got angry with the testing because I have never even drank alcohol or taken drugs or even smoked a cigarette in my life and I had to answer literally 300 questions relating to drugs and alcohol and put N/A on all of them.

This is what the mental health people think, they just assume you must be some drug or alcohol ridden cunt.

nice, it's comfy knowing you don't have to work now

Is there a test? If there is, what do I have to answer to get diagnosed?

Nope, nothing about drinking at all.
hopefully my application goes through fine
depends on your country and the individual practitioner. look up AQ test to screen urself

My autism testing was the psychologist making me draw a bunch of pictures and tell him the meaning of them. After the picture drawing test the school diagnosed me with Aspergers.

First applications for autismbux are always rejected. You need to have more than just a diagnosis. The younger you are the less likely you be accepted for autismbux. This is because you must undergo several years of psychological treatment and have some kind of evidence showing you have tried to gain skills or experience and failed.

It is actually really hard to get on unless youre 30+ years old. They dont just automatically put some guy in their late teens or early to mid 20s on autismbux unless they have really severe autism where theyre pretty much clinically retarded with a 40 IQ which you dont have because you can form coherent sentences on Jow Forums

Why'd you get diagnosed? I guess I mean like why or how'd you even get set up for test? Doctor or parents suspect something, or did you ask?

How do they diagnose diabilities and mental illnesses with a piece of paper alone?


As I said, a diagnosis is not enough. You need evidence and data from generally multiple Clinical Psychologists and or Psychiatrists that show that your condition is not only diagnosed, but fully treated, and fully stable. Meaning there is nothing else that can be done to improve your situation. The govement wont accept you as being fully treated and fully stable without several years of psychological treatment.

uh i live in the uk and we actually care for our retards
i wanted to understand my brain and maybe get autismbux. i asked
they did some tests too, making patterns, telling a story with a book

Do you have trouble with social cues?

do you like women with pubic hair?

So like what'd you tell/ask doctor? Did you mention something like tism specifically, or that you just wanted to get tested out of curiosity? Also how old are you?

I told them I wanted to get tested for autism and presented a list of my autistic traits.
I'm 22

How do you feel about trains? Do you like trains?

I loved them when I was younger.
Games are now my interest.

I see. I'm just interested because I suspect myself, but I might just be a social retarded fuck. Did they mention any benefit to being diagnosed? Like meds or anything?

uh I don't want meds
I can access autismbux and other support now though

I wouldn't want meds, I was just curious if there was a benefit to getting diagnosed outside of just confirming. I guess having option for tismbucks would be nice, but I hope I never have to use that.

somewhat, but if I'm friends with someone it's ok


>being diagnosed late in life
>not even autistic enough to be diagnosed early
can you do anything right?
t. Diagnosed at 6

autism education here was stuff like the non-verbal autists and only recently stuff like Asperger's is more published about

where do you live?

Where do you live OP? What kind of testing did you do? I'm currently waiting on my assessment results appt on November 5, really nervous to hear what they think
I had to:
>had to put around 25 metal prongs with shaped ends in holes with right and left hands respectively
>had to replicate patterns with cubes with red, white, and half white/red sides
>typical pattern IQ testing, find next pattern in sequence to 3+ patterns
>had to solve math questions that ranged in complexity from basic math to algebra 1
>spelling test with increasingly difficult words
>basic history and general knowledge questions (who was cleopatra? What temp does water boil?)
>repeating sequences of numbers and letters that grew with complexity in order&backwards
>had to repeat numbers/letters while arranging them in sequence
>had to describe what emotions felt like (what is happy/depressed/anxiety/anger to you?)
>had to read children's book together and describe pictures (Tuesday by David Wiesner)
>had to press button when 9 followed a 1 but other numbers appeared on a machine
>filled out 400 question psychological survey
>had to show and tell how to brush my teeth
>answered oral survey about family history, day to day life, and psychological profile
>had to give definitions of words with increasing difficulty
>had to describe the similarities between two words

I live in the UK.
I had to answer about 40 pages of questions about my life and then do some test where a woman gave me something to do a observation test where she asked me:
>make a puzzle out of these shapes of 2 different colours, and ask me for these 3 pieces if you want them
>tell me a story with this book with no words
>tell me a story using these random objects
and then she asked me random questions like
>do you feel lonely
>do you think others feel lonely?
>what are you scared of?

autism isnt real. you are just shit at life like the rest of us.

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>uh i live in the uk and we actually care for our retards
feelsbadman. murican here. applied for neetbux because of depression, social anxiety, and ptsd. got rejected and appealed and rejected and appealed and rejected and appealed and rejected. 31 btw and have about 10 years of trying to get better.

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the centre told me they will help me fill out the forms when I go back to collect my report to give to the doctor and that I will qualify for them

Fucking good, thats a just system
Dont pay people for being useless

i payed a lot of taxes when i was working. also i just want the neetbux to help me get back to being functional. i wasn't planning on using it forever.

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good lad! oregano