>different men like different types of women. Dominant women, submissive women, tall women, short women, shy women, tomboyish women, sometimes even fat women
>different women only like Chad
Why is this?
Different men like different types of women. Dominant women, submissive women, tall women, short women, shy women...
Women like personality over looks. Chad personality just happens to reign supreme and be the optimal choice.
>different men like different types of women
I mean not really. Sure some men will probably have a preference, but I highly doubt a guy is going to turn down a hot girl because she isn't tall, or shy etc.
Men don't give a shit about personality, and only want to stick their penis in women that are hot and have plenty of jiggly sexual meat.
>Why is this?
It's not. Stop lying.
I have very low standards for looks but care more about personality.
And not the "personality" woman care about.
On a muh vagina level, they do not care about the men. If he is bearable or likeable that is some nice plus, like your favorite type of tits on a girl.
Other people admiring the guy, and getting resources and protection of him, that is what her instinct asks.
And while women CAN override their instincts and choose different, there is precious little incentive for them to do that. Society ASKS them to indulge in what their hind-brain wants actually.
I think most women are just too similar cause of their hivemind way of thinking, they're not as individual as men.
Most women pretty much live the same life as each other. I think if equality actually works then women will lose their hivemind way of thinking and be more like men.
Absolutely not true
There hasn't been one in a while but make a fembot husbando/celebrity crush thread and see who they post.
Incels are like women. What a surprise.
Provide a source on those claims, anons. Or is it because no roastie touched your peepee?
>study by (((Steingold))) with less than 100 sample group
No thanks
>Chad personality just happens to reign supreme and be the optimal choice.
You need to elaborate on this if you want to be taken seriously
>but I highly doubt a guy is going to turn down a hot girl because she isn't tall, or shy etc.
Everyone has preferences if you are assuming she is "hot" then it already means the viewer is see as attractive.
>Men don't give a shit about personality, and only want to stick their penis in women that are hot and have plenty of jiggly sexual meat.
You are either a woman trying to bait or a projecting faggot, men who think like that are mindless apes that only follow their urges and dont think beforehand or arent unable to control them, supress them.
Seeing women just as a piece of meat is sociopathic behaviour and not as something that diferent than masturbation and settleing down with these primary reasons in mind is also just as bad.
You're not totally wrong, but my ex-girlfriend had a tall friend that I was head over heels for. There was nothing wrong with her, but the fact that she wasn't taller than me really turned me off from time to time
>Incels are like women. What a surprise.
If you are really refering to this board and not the shitheads on reddit and incels.me then you are wrong.
This board is full of contradictions and people fighting over every topic pushing sometimes both sides. Its a cesspol
Oneitis thread is full of extremely similar looking Stacies. I remember in one of these, with hundreds of pictures, only one woman didn't look like a Stacy (she was still extremely pretty of course)
Because women don't want to sustain a body within their body for 9 months for it to come out ugly and retarded. That's kind of a buzzkill.
my comfy husbando is not a chad, he is above all chads
They prefer to surtain a body withing their body for 9 months and proceed to raise it on their own without a father figure, out of wedlock and make it into a failed human being.
Or simply jump from cock to cock until they turn 30, at which point they kill themselves or turn into radical manhating feminists.
>women want to be single moms
Just when you thought Jow Forums couldn't get any more retarded.
My husbando also transcends the virgin/chad paradigm
Your husbando fucks sheep pussy
His gf is such a qt
I wish I could be her
Well, given that births out of wedlock soared to 25% and 38% of all children born after 2000 are to single mothers (and increasing), I would posit that that is the case.
>after 2000
Got any stats from the last 20 years?
>Men don't give a shit about personality
It's not that men don't give a shit about personality, but that they can't afford to give a shit about personality.
Hivemind, or heavy reliance on social validation, is probably biologically given and equality laws and fiddling with diversity quotas is not very likely to change it.
What does it cost to give a shit about personality? Is it above median income?
It costs completely giving up on looks and age, so long as you aren't a top 0.1% Chad.
Heck, I seriously doubt he has the stats he claims to have at all. Also, we have to considerer that a kid who would get beaten by his alcoholic in 1940 might grow up with an awesome mom in 2010. Just because the rate of single motherhood has gone up, it does not necessarily follow that this is a bad thing.
It's a lot more common now to have unmarried couples with children, staying as couples.
Given that far more than 0.1% of men give a shit about personality, it's safe to say you are full of shit.
>Chad personality
>act like an asshole and idiot
>hurt women physically and emotionally
>Chad personality just happens to reign supreme and be the optimal choice.
Either this is nice bait or women are self destructive
>sings hit me with your best shot out of key
Nah, we just love fun and stuff
>or women are self destructive
Woman unironically want that and if they dont they are willing to over look that because chad has high market value so other woman want him and that makes the other women want him. Its sad, but its true
>tfw no Celestia Ludenberg gf
Why did they kill her so early in the game?
Why did they kill her at all?
She was best girl
i also forgot her real name. what was it?
>women cannot think and act out on instincts
>men are half woman by default
people are a shit and they will trample all over your feelings whenever they get the chance,
Commit an sudoku = No more pain.
I think it was Taeko Yasuhiro. They really did her wrong in that game. I guess I will have to make due with Kyoko.
>tfw no burned hands detective gf.
I would help her get over her insecurities, so one day she could take her gloves off. Alas, life just isn't fair.
Fukawa > Kirigiri > Celestia > Chihiro > Asahina > Junko > Sayaka
I totally forgot about Asahina! She has a real big u-uh personality!
>tfw no gf to swim and eat donuts with