Why haven't you included running and yoga in your weekly workout routine? The health gains are incredible and you are more likely to get a GF.
I can do 1/2/3/4 for reps and I do this weekly, so what is your excuse?
Why haven't you included running and yoga in your weekly workout routine? The health gains are incredible and you are more likely to get a GF.
I can do 1/2/3/4 for reps and I do this weekly, so what is your excuse?
I do both of them AND meditate you plebeian
I see he has the Lucas beard line going on.
Damn bruh you are ahead of the curve!
Good for you, wishing you all the best in 2019
>you are more likely to get a GF.
i go to yoga and i am better in the gym the next day from it but this isn't true if you live in a big city where people pretend to be living important lives and are always coming and going and don't really talk to or look at anyone. plenty of QTs but they come when the class is starting and get their shit and leave when it's over
Tfw can't bench 2thot
>never do cardio in about 6 or 7 years
>gained about 60lbs since the last time I ran, mostly muscle, maybe 6% fat
>run 1.5 miles today
>Nearly die and puke, blurred vision etc
Fuck I need to do more cardio
Lmao1brap bench
>elbow rubbing their clits
>fist pushing into their tits
>both chicks look ready 4 a hot dicking
Surely this is the peak of alpha exercises.
Of course you have a higher chance scoring a cute GF if you go to classes. You might actually get a conversation going, rather than isolating yourself with earphones and lifting weights all the time high on pre-workout looking down at the floor and avoiding eye contact.
Good for you man, cardio gains comes so fast. 2019 will bring you a cute cardiobunny that will ride your dick for fun, but only if you work on that cardio!
You too my love
>I can do 1/2/3/4 for reps and I do this weekly, so what is your excuse?
I can't do 1/2/3/4, not even close. Shouldn't I focus on lifting first
I'm terrible for not doing running I'm almost at 2/3/4/5 (already got it in squat and binch) but I do my yoga my back stopped flaring up ever since I started incorporating yoga
I don't have time for this shit. I do some short cardio right after lifting and that's it.
Patience is key my dude. If you do either running or yoga on your rest days you will recover better and get a better all-around physique. Also your veins become more visible when you include cardio and girls love that shit.
.... I don't avoid eye contact...
>subhuman slavs
You are a strong fucker! But surely some cardio will be good for you and make your jawline more visible so the cardiobunnys go wild when you hit that PR.
It's rough as fuck being 5'10 225lbs. I feel great now but man I felt miserable then. I need to figure out a way to make my shin splints not so bad. Any advice
> not doing snatch presses
I hope this statement does not apply to you
Short cardio after lifting, for what purpose? You might burn like 50-100 kcals. Go out for a run and push yourself and your vein-gains will be all over the place bruh.
Yeah well I do those and also do nofap, no pillow/no bed, cold showers, and the Wim Hof method. I also astral project and slay demons with my gains in the astral realm get on my level losers.
Ah you're a big fucker, makes running hard. Bicycle is realy good for big guys and takes away all the stress from your knees so you can make them juicy cardiovascular gains.
This guy gets it. All about that astral projection bruh
Problem two.. I'm going into the military so I need the stress
I've started running 3 months ago. Did my first 5KM run last week and i'm participating in a 8KM charity run next week. I hope i won't fuck up.
I'm only willing to try it out if it can be done on your own. I'd feel really awkward going to a class filled with soccermoms and grannys.
Hahah sauce on that please
I do ergometr work, this thing is really time-effective, punishes you hard within a short time of work.
lol this is a great pic mind if I download it?
Well then you better get going, else it will suck for you man. Sure that strength is impressive but you will look weak as fuck puking after 2 miles.
Best in the thread so far, good for you man! Doing your body a favor and also a charity run - good things will come to you for sure.
The yoga might be awkward at first but you will get used to it fast. And with all that running of yours you are clear minded and might be able to find a QT which you can talk about your charity run.
I wish I had it bro. Best picture I have on my computer desu.
Sharing is caring, go for it
Thanks for your kind words. I'm going to look into yoga some more.
Started running 3 weeks ago and now do it once a week. First run I did was a 5k then 6k and just today an 8k. My pace isnt great but I am pushing myself pretty hard. I am 6'0 and weigh 205lbs, I dont think I was built for running. But is it normal that my feet go numb around the 5k mark ? I think it comes from the fact I run in Nike Free Running Shoes and they dont have that much cushion when I strike the asphalt with my foot for so long. I mean I can live with it it is just weird that my legs sometimes almost up to me knees are just numb and feel like I am not even conciously moving them anymore at times.
fuck that is hot
>he isn't jump roping nearly two thousand and nineteen years past the birth of our Lord
Don't get your inspiration from a madman like your pic related and go do a running program that is sensible,what you're doing right now is asking to get injured.
Not trying to shit on your parade,picking up running is a great thing.
Check your laces and make sure they aren't too tight. Also check your form and make sure your feet aren't slapping into the ground. Finally be careful increasing your mileage too quickly as it's a surefire way to increase your risk of shin splints. I think recommended is about 10% increase per week, but that's not really applicable to beginners. To be safest about your shins I'd recommend running more than once per week and getting mileage up that way. Something like two 5ks and a 3k shouldn't give you too much trouble with the shins, especially if you use one of those runs to really focus on technique rather than speed.
Good for you man! Keep it up - consistency is key. I would recommend some chunkier shoes that give you more support. I weigh the same as you and run in New balance 990v4 and they work very well, never feel anything in my knees.
Great advice. Don't burn out yourself so fast, invest in the long run
I dont know user the guy has accomplished quite a lot, I am not that worried about injuries. To a certain degree I actually enjoy the pain if I am honest, it just feels good you know, it makes me feel like my mind can just escape my body by sheer force of will almost like in meditation where you arent really there anymore it feels like you are outside your body looking at yourself. But I am rambling on really...
So you think my feet going numb is just lack of training ? Or could it be runningstyle or shoes ? Doesnt it happen to you if you run longer distances on asphalt ?
thanks for the advice guys
>I am not too worried about injuries
Have fun needing to take a couple months off because you gave yourself shin splints trying to be a badass. The advice to take it slow wasn't because we care about your pain tolerance, it's because we care about your gains. Don't be a fucking retard. If you want more cardio gains than running is giving you as a beginner go hop on something that's low impact like a bike or elliptical while you're steadily increasing your mileage. You're going to fuck yourself over if you run too much too quickly.
My feet only go numb if my shoelaces are too tight or if my form is such absolute shit that my feet are slapping the pavement. Other than that it doesn't happen for me even when I do 6, 9, or 12mi runs.
fair enough, I am thinking it mightve been the shoelaces because I had it two times now. last time they opened while I ran so I made sure they are tight. and this time I put them on very tight to be sure they dont open while running and it was only on one side. so it might just be that...
how do I know when it is too much ? how far should I reasonably push myself ?
Try loosening the laces, but tying a tighter knot.
If your shin muscle is still sore the next time you go for a run it's probably too much. Separation of that muscle from the bone will lead to shin splints, which could lead to stress fractures. One of the big reasons I suggested more short runs is that on a long run you won't really be able to gauge if you're doing too much until it's too late. One 5k run shouldn't get you shin splints if you're a beginner, but a 10k or 15k might depending on your form and lower leg strength. With the shorter run you'll notice you're doing too much before it's too late. Don't fight through the soreness in your shins. Your bone and muscle have to get stronger and it takes time. I've done it before. Went from 0 miles to 15 miles a week and thought I could just work through the soreness like in other excercises, but I got shin splints and had to take two months off after like two weeks of running. Set me back worse than if I never started. You can fight through soreness in your thighs without much issue, though.
Also make sure you're stretching your calves, ankles, hips, and shins.
>the guy has accomplished quite a lot
The guy has also destroyed his body and he is a legit nutcase.
How old are those shoes? Did you get them at a shoe store where they look at your running form before recommending a pair? If not i highly reccomend doing that.
Not him but any personal go to stretches
when I run my shins arent really much of a problem honestly. my calves just start hurting and getting "hard" after a while and my achillees heel starts hurting a little bit but not too bad. only thing I noticed when running (for me) longer distances is that my lower back hurts when I got home so my posture might be a bit shit when running. Otherwise what eventually makes me stop running for now is mostly calves that feel like they might start cramping, feeling like I am about to throw up, my feet going numb or just generally being exhausted. but the day after it has always been fine for now apart from some lower back pain that I cant seem to get rid of (I also squat somewhat heavy twice a week and do a bunch of back exercises so maybe thats why).
these shoes are a few years old, maybe 5 ? also I bought them online, they are likely not optimal for me. pic related are the shoes I have Nike Free 5.0
Shin splint prevention:
Calf- Put the ball of your foot against a wall with your heel on the ground, keep a straight leg and lean into the wall
Shins- sit on your heels with your shins flat on the ground and lean back, pic related
Overall legs
classic hamstring stretches, standing or sitting, whatever you want
Quads- flamingos
Hips- butterflys or frog stretch, squatting or with your knees on the floor, my personal preference is squatting with my hands on the floor so I can push my knees out with my elbows.
Which country and branch?
Best thing for shin splints is to ice them every nights and work on your running form. If you can bring your own shoes with you to boot camp, try to break in a good pair. You'll be breaking in boots and shoes at the same time if you don't
Yoga is satanic. Shouldn't be done by Christians
I have these shoes and they're easily the most comfortable running shoes I've ever had. Only downside is I constantly have to pick rocks out of the little holes on the bottom
I was 6'4" 235 before I started running to get in shape for OCS. You're gonna make it if you take your time, bro. Officer or enlisted? Semper yut
If your calves are sore you'll want to rest more, too. Weakness in the calves will cause your shins to overcompensate eventually. Basically you don't want any of your lower leg to be sore before you go on your next run. One of my buddies at OCS ran through shin splints, which caused his thighs to overcompensate. He commissioned with a stress fracture in his shin, and one in his femur. Necessary for him to run through it to commission, not a good idea for training.
>and you are more likely to get a GF
WTF are you 12 years old? GTFO faggot
>my feet go numb around the 5k mark ?
this happened to me 2 or 3 times in my entire life
are you sure you aren't crushing some nerve with bad posture?
>5 years
It's likely that the gel on your shoes is no good anymore.(rep in my store told me 3 years or a certain milage)
I reccomend doing what i mentioned before and get shoes that work for you,it helps prevent injury.
hmm.. I am not sure maybe that is my problem. Maybe I also have just tied my shoes too tight and sometimes they can feel a little small for me so it might just as well be that.
I am gonna look into that thanks user.
Cardio is honestly super-nice to improve. Like, if you consistently run a couple times for week and push yourself decently, your times and your overall cardio will improve like three-fold.
Compared to lifting where gains, strength or volume, both take significantly longer to notice.
Yeah man i enjoy some cock sometimes, so what? This is Jow Forums bruh
>birth of our lord
Retard you fucked it up trying to be clever