Well r9k?
Well r9k?
>30 minute video about how people who don't have sex are violent psychopaths who are going to go on a murder rampage because they don'thave sex
yeah no thanks I think I'll pass on watching this anti male propaganda.
what is this board's obsession with trannies? is it because most people here are white?
>this thing probably had sex with multiple people countless amount of times
>i'm a healthy straight heterosexual male and I'm still a virgin
what the fuck dudes???
she is good looking and you're not
fuck of degenerate shill
don't @ me you reactionary inbred shit eating maggot
I'm sorry my man, in an original way
You clearly haven't watched the video.
Contra actually manages to empathise with incels and try to understand them.
Give it a try and watch the full thing.
I'd like to sleep between her thighs
Don't @ us or call us inbred, you hypocritical transmutant.
she's just doing it so her colleagues can cash on inceldom through prostitution
you guys are naive
If he doesn't join the incel cause, he was never trying to begin with. Gas the degenerates and fillet the hons.
>tranny trying to talk down on men
Fucking typical. He's not one to talk, maybe he should solve his mental defects before projecting flaws onto others
He probably wants to turn them into trannies themselves like reiko. Trannies need to be flung from rooftops.
this faggot is near the top of my list of people I wish were killed off
Jesus, this board really is pathetic.
>try to offer help
Face it, you dont want to change to get better, you want to have everything handed to you
I'll take help from a wholesome male that doesn't look like he's a bad day and a few drinks away from sodomizing an eleven year old with a broom handle.
Your """""help"""""" will only hurt people.
>look, mom, I posted the tranny video again
>listening to the mentally ill.
Try Jordan Peterson