Speak out against WM/BF racemixing

>speak out against WM/BF racemixing
>both parties just ignore you or laugh, stick their heads in the sand when you tell them the consequences
>reverse happens, everyone teams up to drive them apart or kill them

Why does this happen? I saw a mixed black at flirting with some Steve Carell looking faggot and I grabbed two eggs from my grocery bag and hurled them at her.

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steve carell is my favorite actor faggot, get lynched

>everyone teams up to drive them apart or kill them
I'm grateful we have the media on our side. Fucking KKKlansmen wanting to fuck ours but we can't fuck theirs?!! The media brings in balance.
Only times I like it.

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>Why does this happen?
Because white men want to fuck non white women and get away with it. Old white women are the most racist people you'll ever meet.
It's all double standard bull shit.

>white men want to fuck who they want in their own country

play by our rules or get lynched nigger

I don't hate him just the caveman that looks like him.

stop posting fucking race bait you dumb Jow Forumsshitter

it's exhausting reading your harebrained attempts to sound convincing

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to be honest, as an arab male, it feels good to get some black PUSSY

>in their own country
Read the constitution you fool! There is no your country. You're an employee! Now get back to work and make us Great [TM]

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>read the constitution your people wrote

Yeah, its our country.

nah it's my country

you don't belong here, you're only here because we didn't merc you all after the civil war

now suck my dick you worthless ape

There are a lot less nigs than whites in the actual developed world you actual ape lmao, projecting yourself onto others isn't an arugment

but if you put their dicks together blacks will cover more distance

stinky ass peckerwood

two "white" posters bickering among themselves

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We fought and died for this land, whitey.

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>>speak out against WM/BF racemixing
Since when speak people about WM/BF in the first place? This is so fucking rare IRL. Also the average guy that speaks out against WMBF racemixing is a black guy with white fever.

I'm okay with this as long as we nuke significant parts of Texas as well.

- t. California

No, you pulled that completely out of your ass. Black women and black Male nationals are the biggest groups against WMBF couples. Where did you even get that retarded idea.

Do these groups see BMWF as less problematic?

No, why would they annon.

From black abolitionist to modern pro black activist there are quiet a few of the very known guys that date white women.

God this is why everyone fucking hates blacks. You make everything so fucking unbearable for everyone else. "A white guy and black girl are talking, guess i might as well throw eggs at them" is this seriously what goes through your double digit IQ brain?

See once a younger couple with an actual cute black girl and a white guy and what else do I see? two black guys around their age harassing them.
I see so many more coal burners and never see people harass them in public.
God damit, I even saw black guys activly harass people that gone by about the fact that there is a white girl hanging with them.