Antidepressants side effects

Anyone else have trouble reaching orgasm on antidepressants? Supposedly this is a common known side effect. I literally just fapped for like an hour and nothing. I gave up, which literally never happens for me. Is it worth it?

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You can still orgasm, you just need to work that prostate.
antidepressants are gay pills

How long since u got on the drug? Depending on what it is and what ur dose is the sexual side effects may go away after a while

I've experienced that tho on pretty much every SSRI I've tried. For some it went away after about a month, others it stayed. For some people different drugs won't give the sexual side effect tho. If the nut matters to you a lot you should try switching if you've already been on this drug for a while

That's why I don't take ADs. They would have been great if not the Magic Man style side effects.

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Celexa did the opposite effect
orgasms felt 100x better

Its been like 2 weeks about so relatively recently but some research convinced me that it probably will be a factor no matter what

Happened to me the first one or two months, too.

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You're as good as dead you stupid fucking NPC

>fluorinated drugs
It's called a chemical lobotomy. The damage is quite lasting to permanent. Also google "zaps", can you believe some people are so stupid they accept "zaps" as a normal aspect of life?

Stay away from Prozac/Paxil type fluorinated drugs. If you are confused, just look up the molecular structure of whatever drug you would like to take, and look for that F- ion

Wait another month or two, the med won't even be taking its proper effect until then. U gotta be patient with this shit

First time seeing this junk. I'm glad I never bothered before

>the med won't even be taking its proper effect until then.
Stop parroting what jew physicians tell you. They tell people that to a) keep them from immediately complaining about inefficacy/bad effects b) to ensure the mark (you) forms a chemical dependency

If it does stay tho just talk to ur doctor/psychiatrist about it. It's their job to know alternative meds and to help you if the sex shit is a big concern for you

take some good drugs like kratom

Lol k thx alex

I'm in Canada limey retards run healthcare here not jews

I never had any problems with orgasms on antidepressants. I just remember the withdrawal syndrome was hell. Nightmares, brain zaps and mania.

>thinks Canada isn't entirely run by jews
>thinks trudeua isn't a jewish puppet
hey fellow canadafag, i got news for you

There is no alternative. All ADs have side effects involving your dick.

Basically you pick your favorite side effect when chosing an antidepressant:

>can't orgasm but want to like crazy and the erection doesn't go away
>can orgasm but don't want to
>can orgasm but it feels like shit
>can orgasm but it feels like shit AND you can't pee, have to wait for pee to come out for like 5 minutes
>can orgasm but you don't feel shit AND you also don't have saliva and your mouth is dry af

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Why did you do that to yourself? The experience?

U sure ur not just a faggot? Ur probably watching the wrong porn

Either way man my meds are (((free)))

Literally all ADs that are based on fluorotic effects kill your dick. There are a few that aren't fluorinated and don't kill your dick.

Oh, it's FREE poison, that changes everything. I mean, it's not even free, tax money is paying for it, but I guess people's brains are too roasted to understand that "free" healthcare is just really guaranteed government contracts for pharmaindustry, and that the more shit people are on, the more tax money pays those companies. I mean, hurr durr who cares i'm taking stupid pills.

Different drugs don't always give u the same dick effects. U have to try different ones to know how it affects u. I'm on Zoloft rn after trying a bunch of drugs that gave me dick problems and this one doesn't

Why did I do what? Quit cold turkey? They made me manic and delusional while also not decreasing my depression. I thought there was someone waiting for me, to tell me something important, in various places. It made me go for walks...but not for the right reasons. No idea why I had such an abnormal reaction to them.

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Prozac was a win-win for me. It made me feel better and I came too quick before I took it so now it makes me last longer.

Well regardless of whether I'm a jew slave, the meds help me get through the day without wanting to off myself or stay in the basement talking to u tards all day. And I don't pay anything for it personally

Should never quit an SSRI cold turkey if u have side effects the withdrawal will make them worse. Going down slowly is always way easier that's why the docs say to do it that way

>why did I
take them to begin with? What do you hope to achieve? Do you know anything about the product and the industry of their genesis?
>abnormal reaction
They're not abnormal reactions though. The shit is literally specialized poison. Side effects don't exist, they're called "effects".

I forgot everybody on here is retarded

right where they want you. look man, if you couldn't protect yourself before, you're for god damned sure going to be even less able to do it now that your brain is simmering. i really wish you the best. the solution to depression is not to make yourself too stupid to know it.

Yeah, I'm well aware. Medfag myself. Like I said though, I wasn't thinking straight.

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>it makes me last longer.

Implying user isn't virgin and has anybody to last longer with

You're the idiot chemically lobotomizing yourself because you got sold a dream of scientific absolution of your conscious worries. And yet here you are, calling someone else (let alone everyone else) stupid. Isn't that something?

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When the race war begins I'll stay inside and od on Zoloft

THIS user if you're on ssri's you may as well take hrt's too and turn into a cute girl/.

>I wasn't thinking straight.

I have a gf but she's 260lbs.

people take shitty drugs as a last resort. I KNOW they don't do shit for me and they give me undesirable side effects after quitting multiple times but there's always hoping for that it does work, this time it COULD work, so you start the cycle all over again.

Congrats user, pig pussy is still more pussy than the rest of us

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Yeah dude, it's like those drugs are working-over the same reward pathways that make people want to keep gambling and playing the lottery and stay with an abusive partner.. it's rough

don't post this shit unless you have tried all ADs
i took citalopram for 6 months by itself and didn't have any of these problems
i then took citalopram and wellbutrin for another 6 months and still no issues

Depends on the drug and the person tho, my current drugs work for me

>don't post this shit unless you have tried all ADs

It's not quite the same thing. SSRIs are fucking with your serotonin levels, which is a neurotransmitter associated more with a sense of wellbeing, along with motor and memory functions. Dopamine is what gambling and sex and food and pretty much every reward system is based on

Whelp, looks like i have to try ALL TEH PHARNACEOOTIKAL DURGS THEN!! Wish me luck! Goldblatt? Hit me with everything you got and charge it to my free stuff account!!!!

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Pls dont try and explain the dopaminergic and serotonergic regulatory pathways to me. There are quite a few nor/epinephrine reuptake inhibitor ADs out there. There are are some that work over multiple systems, not just one or the other.

Ur gay and like men

As I would imagine anyone crying out to Dr Goldblatt to hit him with "everything he's got" would be, of course.

How does St. John's wort compare to (((antidepressants)))?

we're not saying you have to try all the drugs
we're saying don't talk about the drug class like they're all the same when you've only tried 1 or 2 ADs

It's harder to ejaculate for sure, but you get used to it.

>I have a gf but she's 260lbs.

No wonder ur depressed.
reeeeeeeeeee get out noow you fuckin normie

Yes, it takes more time and effort in the fap time, and it doesn't feel as good, it's like I'm on forced NoFap
You feel happier, at times overwhelmed with happiness, but you don't necessarialy go gay

She's actually really sweet and has been making me feel better.

Stop taking these fucking jewpills you idiots. Eat healthy, exercise, get sun light and take vitamin/mineral supplements.

I've got bipolar though. It's dangerous of I don't take my meds :/

i had my doc switch me to diff. pills and it cured my sex side effects. ask your doctor user

Im bipolar and never took my meds. Stop being a little bitch.

>take antidepressant pills
>can't fap
>all antidepressant effects attributable to nofap
>could have achieved same effects with zinc supplement (fapping depletes zinc)
>Cognitive functions, such as learning and hedonic tone, are impaired with zinc deficiency.[3][24] Moderate and more severe zinc deficiencies are associated with behavioral abnormalities, such as irritability, lethargy, and depression (e.g., involving anhedonia).[25] Zinc supplementation produces a rapid and dramatic improvement in hedonic tone (i.e., general level of happiness or pleasure) under these circumstances.[25] Zinc supplementation has been reported to improve symptoms of ADHD and depression.[3][26][27]

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t. browns fan