You fell for the oneitis meme

>You fell for the oneitis meme.

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Rome was garbage, Athens was way better.

I don't have a oneitis anymore. The last crush I had was a co-worker, and she basically told me to go fuck myself when I tried to make a move on her.

Oneitis got a BF. RIP.

I had already quit being an orbiter after high school. After she ghosted me I haven't seen the point in trying to obtain any woman's contact information.

The last time I had as crush was 6 years ago.
Only had a hand full before that as well.

Devastatingly incorrect, you ignorant child.

Post the full pic of this suicide whore

Is there one of these with Socrates instead?

Trust me its underwhelming dont fall for dickbait

>suicide whore
what's her name?

Orbiters are really just people who dont know how to get with women. They initially are too shy to make a move so they think hanging around and showering women with compliments is a way to win them over. They feign love because theyve seen romcoms and the guy always gets the girl after he confesses his love

Oneitis is love, oneitis is live.
Change my mind.

Obsessing over a girl who doesn't even know you exist can only end in pain. You're a brainlet, lad.

Sometimes a man has to do something himself

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I pity the man who is afraid of pain.

Then I hope you're a masochist, because pain is the only thing you'll get out of it.

It isnt. shit sucks fuck off.

Last time I fell for oneitis was like 9th grade.
Today at 21 I'm not sure I'm capable of developing oneitis anymore because I convinced myself every feeling is fleeting and I probably won't meet the perfect woman any time lately.
When I do get to meet a girl I am automatically convince myself it won't work and I shouldn't even think about getting with her.

I have an oneitis. It's ridiculous but at least I'm entertained with my suffering.

>spqr posting
>one off
Leave you nigger! You've already stolen too many GETS

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If only I could be a son of Mars

Ultraviolet darling. You better fucking keep me in your prayers. I went through a capchkapt for you

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Men fucked little boys in Athens, and when an army finally figured out a way to destroy their phalanx they literally couldn't deal with it and gave up.

She doesn't have a penis? I'm actually pretty fucking disappointed now.