Endless wojak and pepe cancer

>endless wojak and pepe cancer
>tranny shilling
>/r9gay/ thread #4938
>no original content
how do we fix r9k lads?

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I say we start over. It's late to salvage what we can. Only a purge will cleanse this board now. A massive cull of degeneracy.

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you should go back to Jow Forums and stop complaining you worthless refugee

if you don't like it don't come here

I recognize this house. This must be used in a ton of porn videos

Implementing this would be a good start.

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reminder that r9gay is not 400 and however many threads long. i remember seeing it first a decent few months ago at like 290ish. it's not as old as they want you to think

The only way to make r9k somewhat better is to make gay posting against the rules period. Sissy thread? Banned. Trap thread? Banned. R9gay? Banned. This is currently my only idea, but I doubt Jow Forums staff would agree. So much for /lgbt/ being a "containment" board.

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This needs to be implemented sitewide, not just Jow Forums. /soc/ and /gif/ need this badly for example.

but porn should be banned too since it's degenerate.

t. zoomer sissy hypno discord

>ban porn (make Jow Forums a blue board)
>ban LGBT content
>ban phoneposters

go back to faglord

Upvoted origionalorino

desu this desu famalam

that's some edge you got there user

Listen: taking away people's porn will not make them more sympathetic to the church, it will make them FUCKING HATE YOU.
That's how the SJWs lost. They kinked the porn tube, so they got rolled.

>ban excessive gayposting
>ban roasties
>remove the r9k script, allowing faster replies and more content in general
>ban/move blatant porn threads
>ban discord links

If they did the things on the list quality would shoot up in a few days once the undesirables realize they aren't wanted here. too bad the mods are too fucking gay to do any of it though

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>we make a circlejerk board
>move circlejerk threads to containment board
>pic related
every single board at this point has circle jerk threads that most of the board ignores

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It was always fucked up. There isn't anything to fix.

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Easy fix
>ban /r9gay/ threads, the faggots already have their own board for that shit.
>ban thread advertising their shit discord servers.
>ban race bait/tranny shilling


I wish soc shit, gay shit and lgbt shit got the same treatment as mlp

Only post it in their containment board, and not outside of it.

I used to live there.
I was the janitor

Making r9k a blue board is the only true answer and you know it.

discord shill = permaban
ban fag threads (but not trap threads)

permaban discord shills
allow ONE fag thread and ONE trap thread at any given time

It's been saif enough I think. Make Jow Forums a blue board and have actual moderation, not tranny mods. We're b2.0 and should be nuked as it's a waste of a board.

Kill all NPCs, sentience war now.

There's a guy on /vg/ with a program that nukes certain generals. It solves captchas and ban evades, the mods even said that there's no way to stop it. Either make a program and target those threads or find him and see if he'll give the program to you.

made me chuckle in an og way

>make Jow Forums a blue board
>ban lgbt content
Sounds good, phoneposting can stay though

Can you link a thread he nuked please?

>He hasn't taken the Fresco pill

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It was the Guild Wars 2 general, it doesn't exist anymore since that was a year ago. But you probably won't get the program from him since he's an autistic furry.

No I just want to see how he nuked the thread and what it looked like not ask for his program. It was about a year ago and he doesn't use it anymore right? I can't find it in the archive probably, I'm too lazy.

Sauce please?
