How do I clean the surface of my mattress?

I've decided to clean my room.
I haven't used sheets in a while because I've been too lazy to put them on. Is there a way to clean the surface just so it doesn't smell and is clear of dead skin, hair, etc.? I've heard vacuuming helps but that can only get me so far. Any advice would be appreciated.

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Hose it down and leave it in the sun to dry?

you could use a mini carpet cleaner, but you'll still need to let it dry for probably a day or two at least

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just roll it over and get over with it

Febreze(tm) not only removes odors, but it also kills harmful bacteria.

I hope this post helps, friend :)

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too cold outside for that

You don't have to stay outside with it. Just leave it out there and go back inside where its warm.

hmm, okay. Thanks for the advice guys.

Fucking Febrezefag shill.

this is what I did lel

Wow Vergil is old as shit in DMC5

Strips off all the sheets and wash them. Vacuum the mattress, then spot clean it carefully using a cup of water and a tiny bit of dish detergent. Use an enzyme cleaner on your sweat and butt stains. Blot dry. Don't use a lot of liquid on the mattress because you don't want it to get very wet. Then dump a box of baking soda on it and let it set for a few hours before vacuuming it off. Should vastly improve things.

You're still playing video games at your age, you pissant fuck? Try being an adult like this user:

>vacuum the shit out of it
>blast with fabreze
>scrub with towel
>let dry
>vacuum the shit out it again
>mist with fabreze
>stop sleeping on your bare mattress you lazy degenerate animal

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Jokes on you, I'm terrible at being an adult. Playing a Final Fantasy IV randomizer on my laptop right now.

Oh shit, FF4 was pretty good. What's the randomizer do?

Vergil did nothing wrong. Don't you need more power user?

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Depends on which flags you choose. The main thing is you get the airship right off the bat so it's not linear.

Thanks, man. I am remorse for all the mean words I said to you. A rotten person like me does not even deserve this mod.

Oh wait, it's for the shit-ass "FF2" U.S. SNES version. I am no longer remorse, both you and your games are trash.

You can turn on the jap content using the randomizer.

Does that include things like Darkness and removed spells, or just the items?

Items, abilities, and removed spells.

I guess it's alright after all, then. I am, once again, remorse for all the pain I have caused you, user.


You haven't caused me any pain. I was the one you said was an adult. Also, always have the Zeromus flag on. It's damn silly and good for some laughs at the end.

And now's a pretty great time to be into older games because there's a ton of randomizers out there for all sorts of stuff.

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