Be me

>be me
>start fapping to some god-tier hentai
>measure penis on a whim
>mfw it's about 5 1/4
>mfw I thought it was 4.5"
We're all gonna make it, lads.

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Make it? Dude I have a 5'9 and it's still a baby dick
The fuck are you going to do with your 5 1/4

Why do you have to try to piss on my parade?

because you've got an itty bitty penis

OP is probably going off of the outdated info that often gets spread around saying the average penis size is like 5-6 inches. But what people repeating that info don't realize is that it is outdated for various reasons. For example, demographics have shifted and there are now more nonwhites in the USA, shifting the average penis size upwards. Maybe 50 years ago a 5 1/4 inch penis was enough, but nowadays unless you are packing AT LEAST 6.5" then you WILL be laughed out of the bedroom 9 times out of 10. And even then I would be sweating bullets if I were pulling my pants down to reveal a tiny 6.5" chode.

You've been watching too much porn, lad.

I'm not surprised this comment isn't original.

I was 6" when I was 14 years old. Not even memeing.
I feel baby dicked guys, I am over 7" and I still feel I am small.

Sorry user
I'm happy that you feel happy.
Don't worry about size, as I said mine is 5'9 and I still had sex. It might sound like a stupid joke or a "just do this bro" but trust me.
No matter what all these virgin faggots tell you, there are normal girls. More than you would think.
I always had a gf even though i'm 5"4, even though i'm chubby
If I break up with a girl there's always a new one.
I'm not lying to you when I say that as long as you have good speech, good humour, and interesting topics. You will always find people to date
You don't need to have "chad" looks.
Most people here are just to afraid to even try and then brand the world and society as the culprit but it is only on them
Good luck brother
And leave this site altogether. Once I left my life got much better. These people just bring you to their level. It's not worth it.
I only came here to laugh nowadays, and occasionally give some life advice

It's never too late anons
Remember that

For some reason flaccid im like 2'' but erect i'm 6.5
Is this normal bros?

I wouldn't worry about it too much. A length of 7" is just around the lower end of average, so I don't think most girls will be too disappointed. However, if you have a few pounds to lose you could try slimming down because that could reduce the size of the fat pad near your penis, giving you more length.

Apparently the scientific way to measure your dick is to press the ruler firmly against your pubic bone, depressing the fat pad. This made me almost 7inches.

Made my day lads.

Average penis length is literally 5.16 inches

my dick is 6.4 inches and i cant fit it into a toilet paper roll. still seems pretty small and feelsbadman.

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I don't think you're gonna run into any problems in that department bro.

you mean a girl will never want me anyway?

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Not with that attitude, friend. I'm not worried about my shit; if she's not satisfied with five inches she can use her hands.

>tfw legitimately 7"
>tfw haven't even measured in a while
Why is 7" the go-to exaggeration size by the way? Is it cause it's a realistic but respectable size?

5.16 inches? This is very unsettling.

Attached: very_unsettling.png (689x184, 15K)

>Not with that attitude
grill msgd me "you are always welcome into my hole :)"
followed by "omfg that sounded soooo weird LOLL"
did she do it on purpose?

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Honestly I'm ducking envious of you OP. You're gonna get into SPH and it's gonna be all the more intense for you.

Honestly tho, girls do not give a fuck about dick size. It's the most minor thing to them. I have a regular size dick and I'm heavy into sph, and while my girlfriends have always humoured me with it, I've come to accept that most girls actually just aren't that into monster cocks :(

I already am into it desu. I wish more actual porn stars would do it. I can't stand those shitty camgirl videos that look like they were recorded in fucking 2006.

>7" dick
>only fucked 3 girls due to crippling shyness

It doesn't even fucking matter robots

I have a 7" dick, but I'm still a virgin.

Fuck I'm packing a 7 incher but my girth is so slim. I'll never be able to pleasure a woman.

If it doesn't fit in a toilet paper roll you're fine.

Yep everyone's 7 inches plus again, now it's a penis thread