Oh boy, look at the clock

time to hit the gy

Attached: 1518958065637.webm (854x480, 2.99M)

Get an umbrella

just drive. how much of a pussy do you have to be to complain about getting wet for like 10secs tops

How does rain affect you going to the goddamn gym? I could understand if you were planning on going on a run or something, but you do realize that you're going to a building with a roof, right?

This is a thinly-veiled homegym superiority thread.

get your running shoes on

Attached: mh0618-fea-min-12-1526931503.png (480x599, 410K)

*Gets in my 2007 Honda Civic*
*Arrives in the gym 4 minutes later*

gyms have roofs?

Faggots can't handle a little bit of rain, you need your precious cars and umbrellas

Umbrellas are for pussies.
>drive to the gym
>literal 76 IQ brainlet
>rain stops you from running

only normal people here