You think next year will be different, huh?

you think next year will be different, huh?

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Don't think so

I know it, buddy.

It gets worse and you know it.

Hopefully not. 2018 was fucking awesome.

we are expected to make progress
but we are not allowed to

Last year I:
>started lifting and gained 20lbs lean
>got accepted to a PhD scholarship
>got a gf
All because I stopped being pathetic and started taking responsibility.
You guys can do it in 2019 if you try.

This year was different. Next year will be even better.

For sure. You've gotta stop giving up to get ahead though. Easier said than done.

Yes i plan to break up with my gf.

Yes actually. I have finally got my squat form down and I put 25 pounds on it in the past 2 weeks.

I highly recommend leg press to anyone who has issues with their chest falling (which essentially turns the squat into a good morning and makes it much harder to progress)

here's the secret

>coffee enemas

i've said too much, look into it user

So leg press helped your squat form?



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Was depressed as fuck at the end of 2017, just kinda been on the recovery all throughout 2018, just going through the motions. Literally haven't felt "motivation" to do anything all year. Haven't fapped in almost a week, and I feel it bros. This year, is gonna be different. This is my year.

>the body transformation on test+deca+var
>30lb muscle gained and up about 23% on all lifts from being natty
>Literally the most female attention ive ever gotten in my life
>Shit job i clung to seems trivial as fuck now, want to seek out new challenges for the sake of failing them
>tfw 28 and the gains keep flowing

Its never too late, but do whatever it takes.

I hope so man I hope so.
Just struggling to believe right now.

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This is almost exactly what my dorm looked like during my 2nd year at uni. Spooky

Next year will be different because this year was different, and last year was different too. Slow progress is progress. We're going to make it.

A thread died for this pity party.

This year I can’t squat 315 for reps.

I can only get 305 for reps. Next year I think I should be able to get it desu. So at least in that regard, it will be different.

So in at least one

New Years 2018 was the greatest New Years of my life, and midway through 2018 I proceeded to throw that all away.

If 2019 is as good as 2018 that would be welcome

My lifts will be heavier but my feels will be the same

feels get heavier faster than your strength goes up

>start browsing Jow Forums and lifting
>girls like me more now
>new high standards of what I should be from here and Jow Forums have given me fucking enormous insecurities and i can't even imagine being with a woman without feeling like a curse

How can I deserve someone when I'm a skinny failure who lives at home and makes shit money. Why the fuck did I even start, I'm so fucking weak and useless why did I think lifting was going to fix me when it just showed me how pathetic I am

what are these panties called. I want to tell my gf about them when I get one in 2019

2k18 was the best year of my life desu, and 2019 can only get better

It will only be different if I try

Lol bro, if you're not white just date within your race. Le epic nordids are ugly as hell anyway. Just imagine yourself as the king of the world, and people will start treating you as such

Sure hope so, op

can't wait for New Years Eve and to lie my parents yet again how I'm going to a party while in reality I just roam the streets for about 6 hours straight just so that they don't think I'm as much of a friendless loser haha

>Things are gonna change, I can feel it

My girlfriend is going to university next september. I am working and will stay in my city. She really wants to make it work but I don't want all the stress of freshers, partying every night etc. Should I break up with her? If so, when?


Holy shit the word filter takes effect no matter how many Os you type

I'll make damn sure


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This year was incredible for me and I have every intention of carrying that momentum into the next year.

We are all going to make it.

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I am white

Last couple months have been pretty great acutally, hoping that this isnt still beginner gains.

>graduate high school (18 y/o)
>leave my part time job and get a full time one
>save for trade school
>get my drivers license
>save for car
>hit 1/2/3/4
>dont kill myself
It'll be different in a good way, hopefully.

yeah, I'm moving out

Good for you. She was a mistake.

Nope. Just drink coffee 30 minutes before regular enema. Duh.

The only thing I hope for is to put on more weight and get into the Army.


>finished grad school
>lost fat gained after a 4 year relationship with little future, which ended after I got dumped for going back to school
>made gains too, now at 10-12% bf
>got a great job, will start on March 2019

I think this was a great year, made a lot of progress in more than one way and will be able to acquire currency next year, maybe a gf too

Challenges for 2019:

>currently 30
>not American
>trying to pay student loans
>despite my age and having just gotten a second MS in a different field, I am interested in going further into it and doing a PhD, can't help being a nerd

2019-2020 will help me see if I can properly integrate here or not, and actually find a partner who supports me in what I want to do

Congrats. What's your PhD in?

unironically kept this thread open for 30 minutes, stared at my mouse, imagining pushing thoughts. elasticity and ideas, same cycles for 15 months. my spiders legs are effective

My life was completely stagnant for 2018, I did nothing, nothing changed. There was nothing to look back on.
It was so boring and such a blur. It left me so uninspired that I can't even have great fantasies about 2019, I honestly have no hopes or expectations for it

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Based strokeposter

Gene editing

Me too bro. But lucky I've got close to my family this year. This next year is mine to conquer.

Different as an worse.

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Things are just going to keep getting worse

It will. I'll start a job abroad the further away I can from my current country. I'll have one year of full dedication to myself, professionally and physically. No will to enter a relationship, no will to think about others. In one year, I hope I'll be ready to think about finding a significant other and raise a family with her again.

I haven't had a job in nearly five years. I'm fucking doomed.

Same boat as you bro almost exactly 18 as well. Good luck nigga

>Gonna start my PhD
>Move out again (after moving in while i was looking for a PhD scholarship)
>Start lifting again after injuries/op
>Get >gf

It was way better than 2017.... Not because of anything I did though.

It will be. I broke up with my gf yesterday and I'm moving to another city. Godspeed to me.

Its called a swimsuit. Females usually wear a special bra/panties for swimming.

Unlike most of you i'm in a real shitty place in life. I've been a NEET all my life, no friends, lonely 24/7, rarely leave my room, never worked because of severe social anxiety, been thinking of suicide, but I feel different for this upcoming year, i'm going to self improve greatly. I'm ready.

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How do I give up on thots and strive for peak aesthetics?
How can I diminish my sex drive while having healthy test levels, are SARMs a good option?

can somebody fact-check this please, I don't believe this guy

will be cuz i'm finishing uni. then ill be a miserable 21 y.o. unemployed celibate.

nofap and quit being a bitch

Nah, I've been begging for each year to be different since I was 17 or so. The wish never came true, although it got close in 2017 during the crypto thing.

This will be the year I'm supposed to 30 and the entirety of my 20s were suffering. I really don't feel like bothering with the 30s as it's undoubtedly going to be even worse than the past decade was.

Same here

>I'll start a job abroad the further away I can from my current country
This does not help, you will still be retarded but you will be retarded in a different country

Once you realize that nothing really matters, and that we're living in a simulation, you stop worrying.

What's the point even? I'm 31 and bald.
Life's fucking unfair man, what's even more unfair is that we don't get to choose to be born or not.

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>you think next year will be different, huh?


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Did that a couple of times feelsbadman

in 2018 I escaped the NEET life, got a job, started lifting and got into reading. I will make 2019 my cumsock.

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I'm gonna try to escape the NEET life in 2019, wish me luck.

Can you edit my hairline back?

go to employment agencies and ask friends/family for work.

I might quit drinking. Or rather only drink when it socially benefits me which is never since I am a friendless NEET. Might be able to start legally growing weed soon if that happens I'll definitely stop buying booze.

She's most likely going to cheat on you user.
Women in uni are pressured into being whores by their peers.
You might get lucky, but you most likely will not.
If the uni is in your city you might have the ability to keep control over her, if she's moving away from you...

In the last 1-5 months I dumped the asshole I was dating, got my foot between the door in a fitness association, passed all my classes, and added 20kg to all my lifts (noob gains but still count)

In 2019 I'm gonna get my own place again and focus on me, I'm starting as a weekly fitness instructor, and I'm more motivated than ever to keep kicking ass at uni, the gym, and life in general. I'm planning to work until the summer while studying and then backpack in southern europe during the summer. It's gonna be hard work but I'm determined. We can all make it.

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I'm rooting for you, user.

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Nice user! Now go impregnate your gf and edit the embryos genes for them to become 8'6 400lb lean 200IQ super humans.

>southern europe

what kinda fag are you exactly? bojler eladó?

I found my 9th grade journal yesterday. In it I talked about how I wanted to be a 3d modeler so I can work on games and how I planned to go to an animation school, get really fit, and have a wife with 4 kids.

18 fucking years have passed since I wrote that...time sure does fly, I'm 34 now. A highshool dropout, stocking shelves, skinnyfat, virgin, very lonely, and no hope for any of the dreams I once had to come to fruition.

I started crying after I read it. I was so full of hope and ambition. That's all gone now. Younger me would be extremely disappointed in current me.

But heres hoping 2019 will be any different...maybe I'll finally win the the lottery.

Same bro. This year's been the greatest of my life. I'm stoked to see what this one will bring

we're all gonna make it bros

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>31 and bald
Dude i started balding at 16 get your fucking act together you pussy

gotta take control of your own destiny man

Same user, I only leave my apartment to hit the gym, work once a week and shop grocceries. I wanna learn a trade, but I don't know how to start, is it too late for us?
t.24 y/o neet

Trips and everyone in this thread gets a gf next year.

Yes because I will be leaving Jow Forums behind.

Trips and no one gets a gf

I gained 10kg this year and will gain another 10 next year

Dubs and everyone except me gets a gf

No I don't think it's too late for us. If I, and probably you too, could really tackle this social anxiety issue, then life would be much better. We'd be able to do much more in life, so that should be our biggest focus.

dubs and all our gains will be doubled next year

I have a massive oneitis that I have had for years. I keep seeing her through mutual friends and at work sometimes.
I have already told how I feel multiple times. She does not feel the same but is still friendly.
This is true pain. Will it ever end?

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you heard it here first folks. and remember your face pulls are non negotiable

where do you work bro? its never too late to start, if you really want it then go for it

dubs and we all live a happy ignorant life

Me too, bros, me too