Why is pedophilia bad? Is it not ok to love someone if they are too young?
Why is pedophilia bad? Is it not ok to love someone if they are too young?
A lot of pedophiles end up raping and harming children
But you see normalfaggots take this and apply it to all pedos, so people who were born attracted to children (with no choice) are all seen as monsters and told to commit suicide even if they don't plan or want to harm children or try and seek help
well i think you can have sex with someone underage without hurting them or raping them. legally they cant consent but as long as they are ok with it why is it bad to have sex with someone underage?
It's can fuck there mind up in the long run. Grow up and realise they were being used by and adult who only wants to have sex with then.
that's a fucking yikes
It isn't. Normalfags just don't like arguing with logic rather than their feefees.
Based and Factpilled
The age of consent exists for a reason dumbass
social conditioning makes this impossible.
not all pedos just want sex
Are pedophiles even real? Don't people just identify as pedophiles when they're really just adult-avoidant?
>he's not pretending
holy shit lads
who said anything about "useing them for sex"? i mean a romantic relationship where sex can be involved. why would having sex with an adult fuck them up in the head as long as it wasnt a parent or someone trying to manipulate them
btw im 16 and im not sqaaying i would ever do such a thing im just wondering why its wrong
Not the user
They're kids who've been on this earth much less than anyone who's above the legal age has. They haven't matured, they know nothing about this world and you want to do an action that's used for reproduction purposes. You'd have to be retarded to not understand that.
also im not talking about under 12 i mean underage girls as in teens and preteens
alright whatever fuck this im leaveing
Humans are a species that engages in sex for recreational needs, you'd have to be retarded to not understand that sex doesn't always equal reproduction.
Kids can understand a lot more then you give them credit for, and everyone knows what actions feel good.
You're making someone who wants to feel good very happy in a mutual act of enjoyment, one just happens to be a kid.
Why so black and white user?
You don't have to be exclusive to be a pedo.
Exclusives who are aduly avoidant have mental issues.
It doesn't make sense to say somebody is attracted to children because children are just adults but less. It only makes sense to frame it as being avoidant of certain qualities.
>saving thumbnails
>hurrr durrr y is pedo bad???
Checks out.
>lmao dude she's 17 years 11 moths old you twisted degenerate
Because aoc
I think 13 is fine
I agree, go on Instagram these days and 12-13 seems to be the age girls cross the whore threshold
Because until they reached their 30th day of birth, humans can't understand shit unless it's been drilled into their brains.
An animal also can't legally consent to you sticking your dirty noodle into their privates, that still doesn't make it ok. Their minds are underdeveloped and cannot even comprehend whats happening.
The act of preying on a child is destructive and will turn the victims into dysfunctional adults.
As long as you don't involve anyone in your shenanigans, do what you want or get the rope.
ez as 314
>you can only love someone by sticking your dick in them
kys faggatron chomo
Love is usually brought on by having similar personalities, experiences, preferences etc so pedos must literally be brain damaged or deficient in such a way that they are mental children. As such they are subhuman degenerates and should be exterminated.
are parents brain damaged?
No. Parents don't love their children in the same way. When pedos claim to love children they mean romantically, which is fucked up coming from a parent especially because of inbreeding.
Is somebody a rapist just because they think about having sex with somebody who isn't currently that into them, but probably will be in the future? Is forward thinking a bad thing?
Bluepilled as fuck. Men and women are generally very different in terms of personality and experiences. If you applied these standards across the board humans (heterosexuals) would never have sex and we would go extinct.