Fictional goal body thread

Post them Jow Forums
I will hit 1/2/3/4 and then do my best to achieve picrelated in 2019

Attached: goku blanco.png (329x395, 269K)

Attached: minami satsuki.jpg (494x700, 97K)

>those cannonball shoulders
>that roid gut
would that even be achievable natty?

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nobody will be able to get those proportions of his weird as wide fuck obliques and pecs nor have their biceps outlined like that

OP is just an autist with a false goal for his false journey

Why do these autistic posts exist? I lose hope for you guys every day


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DBS is shit; where’s the gore, fucking Akira?

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I care not for aesthetics
Only for fat-thletics

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My nigga
Baki mode is where it’s at

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please stop praising this inconsistently designed character who is a product of an artist experimenting and desperate animators with a small deadline

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How do I achieve wing zero mode?

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Lol looks like several artists by your own infographic.

Also why does a characters design have to remain consistent through time?

Fashions, attitudes and technique changes through time why should goku be any different? Madness

>your power will never be so MAXIMUM that you mog your way into the canon and force the creator to give you a waifu

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Broly was already so popular that he was semi canon.
The shitty nu-broly is mostly hated and the waifu and shitty everything is so poorly designed and barely thought out that people just laugh at it.

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Blow yourself up a few times

having an ideal is the path to better yourself
try to be positive to your peers

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Nice meme autismo, take your meds.

>not wanting to achieve the superior tallgeese mode

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Achievable natty?

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How do i achieve those sternum gains?


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Honestly he best in this thread. Totally achievable natty, you just need a lot of time. Heracles is the ultimate bodybuilder