>tfw kidney stone
What am I in for brehs
>tfw kidney stone
What am I in for brehs
quick someone post that disgusting kindey stones image
should have drank more water
I’m pretty sure you’re thinking about this one but they’re gallstones as far as I’m aware
get ready for hard pee pee
no gallbladders are tiny little green sacs
I've heard multiple women describe them as "worse than child birth". Sorry about your luck bro.
Not the worst pain I've ever felt the problem is that it keeps going for ages
Enjoy pissing out razor blades.
The pain is unreal
you dun goofed, buddeh
Well shit,I'm pretty sure I passed the thing into my bladder yesterday now I'm just Waiting to piss it out
You didn't prepare me for this Jow Forums
what meme did you fall for so you ended up with a kidney stone?
keto? fasting? gomad?
Shoulda just drank more water when u had ths chance, bud
I drank around 2 litres of milk a day for a long time for easy calories and for a year or so I have been taking proton powder too,not sure if that's what actually caused it but that's the only reason I can think of
We believe in you, user. You can get through this.
Just drink more fucking water from now on.
I'll try user
Feeling like you have to piss all the time
Really fucking bad pain
Getting better once the stone passes from the ureter to the bladder
Peeing into a sieve to collect your stone to get it analyzed
How bad does it hurt when you finally piss it out
Depends on the size/shape of the stone. I don't recall the pissing out of my stone really hurting at all. It's when it's in the ureter that the pain associated with Kideny stones manifests.
can I have this one in formaldehyde please?
my first kidney stone I blacked out from the pain. woke up in my own vomit and blood.
Every time I see this image I immediately drink a few glasses of water
Really? Well shit maybe I'm over the worst of it then
I got some weird disease and passed two already. Didn't feel shit. If the bottlenecks along the way don't get smaller each time then you probably won't feel much. No one tells you this shit, but lots of people don't feel anything.
i heard a story on the joe rogan podcast where the guy was having sex and because it felt good he didn't notice it much and when he nutted it forced it almost out and so later when he went for a piss it came out really easy. but who knows... its the jre
i have drank milk all my entire life and im fine
you are a fucking genelet
Had a 3.5 mm wide spiky motherfucker that was lodged for a while in my ureter
It was like I was getting stabbed over and over again and I had to go into the ER for pain medicine, after they scanned me they doped me up on morphine till it hit my bladder and gave me tramadol for the road and I went home. As SOON as I felt a tingle in my dick I popped one of those motherfuckers and smoked a j and pissed out the stone no problem, I even have pics of it in a little specimen cup.
no u
Yea. The worst is most likely over. The pain for me was from the Kidney to the Bladder. Once it reached the Bladder I pissed it out and didn’t even realize until I heard it hit the toilet.
Also tramadol and weed is top notch
I want to feel them
I've had this pain in my right side where my kidney is for the last few days, other than that I haven't had any other symptoms of kidney stones. Hopefully its just the way I'm sleeping.
The best wank of your life, motherfucker.
>tfw you pass it right when you come
Sell it to Beard or the Ecologists, they pay a shit ton for artifacts
You didn't prepare me for this Jow Forums
There are Bisping hydration threads pretty much daily, buddeh.
Oh no, what in the world made you think drinking shitloads of milk would be a good idea?
Thank goodness for that,because I was sweating went white as a sheet and felt like vomiting when it was going from the kidney to the bladder, i dont want to deal with that shit again
All dem calories and protons
>>A 21 year old patient was admitted to the medical emergency department by his family physician. His complaints were intense pain, constant urination, and fatigue for more than one week. Four days before admission, he went to his general practitioner for these complaints. His physician prescribed hydromorphone and oxymorphone. Upon presentation, he had mildly elevated systolic/diastolic blood pressure (>137/>86 mm Hg, measured repeatedly), and otherwise normal parameters. Clinical examination was normal. Routine blood tests showed a normal serum creatinine. Haptoglobin levels were normal. Urinalysis showed a normal sediment, urine and blood cultures remained sterile, except for strongly elevated calcium oxolate levels indicative of kidney stones. Ophthalmoscopy was completely normal, as was a routine chest X-ray. Renal ultrasound demonstrated kidneys with a diameter of 18 cm. Due to uncontrollable pain, our patient was hospitalized at the intensive care department where intravenous fentanyl was started, with good instantaneous control of pain. A renal biopsy was performed within 72 h after admission. The kidney biopsy showed an overwhelming acute failure in kidney function. Patient was told that his life expectancy with dialysis could be 5-10 years and 10-15 years with transplantation. Patient was further informed he would need a complex drug regime, dietary restrictions and indefinite outpatient follow-up.
Like nigga just shake them out and put that shit back in stupid
I heard that story, the guy's name was Chris Ryan fwiw
How long does kidney stone pain usually last? I'm guessing it has to do with size, but still what would you say for average? I ain't ever had a kidney stone, but my mom has. I drink a ton of water, but my diet is like half good, half bad, and high protein, and less than ideal sodium consumption so I'm always worried.
your dick is gonna hurt like fuck when you pee
enjoy the ride
Not the useful form tho. Just the toxic pollutant form
My pain came and went over a month. Stones don't really appear in singles. Bouts of hellish pain could be from 30 seconds to 30 minutes, a few times a day.
Make sure to hydrate if your pee is yellow.
Wait, your pain while pissing lasted over a damn month?
And so far, my piss is mostly like half yellow, half clear, at times it's clear. It's very rarely dark yellow.
Holy fuck that sounds pretty awsomw.
Kid I worked with had em over summer. They basically laid him on his side and jackhammered the shit out of his kidney area to break everything loose. He was back to work in a couple days and back to normal a few weeks later
I didn't really have pain while pissing. The pain came from the stone tearing up my shit on the way to the bladder. Peeing would be difficult at times, needing to piss every 5 minutes, sometimes nothing comes out, sometimes niagra falls unleashes (true unadulterated bliss)
But the pain was just me doubled over like a bitch while something felt like it ate away at me. Threw up twice because of it.
imagine the smell
how do I avoid stones? avoid milk, drink lots of water... what about apple cider vinegar?
Im not fucking brave enough to enlarge. Im a huge vagina i dont care im shivering from the thumbnail.
Jow Forums gave me trypophobia when someone posted some fucked up japanese porn manga on /b/ where some girl shoved dildos everywhere into her body until she was covered in bloody holes like a lotus pod. It still haunts me
Well user, on the scale of pain kidney stones are on the second place between bone cancer and giving birth to a particularly big baby, with bone cancer being at first place
Have fun
Overconsumption of protein = kidneystones.
Your 4 scoops are going through your dickhole user.
pic related
Had this as well. Started as some lower back pain until one night it started hurting like hell.
Doctor said I was consuming too much protein.
Have fun pissing this out
>when you never drink water ever
reading this thread...im so fugged
Drunk cola and apple cider
The acid doesn't just go to the kidney line that.
He just needs to drink loads of water.
Guys I'm gonna be so rich pissing gemstones and stuff
>gallstones are in the kidney
Imagine the satisfaction you'd get from tweezing out every single last stone from the whatever it is.
Like popping bubble wrap
It's not that bad desu.
I've seen way worse stuff and I open the image every time I see it.
Exercise videos, that's what I can't open.
Saw one where a woman's legs bent backwards and I NOPE'd hard enough I can't watch Jow Forums exercise webms anymore
Imagine that picture in your urethra.
How do I avoid them bros? I drink at least 3 liters of water a day
this is what happens when don't sip between sets, you got memed
I'm 36 and I've almost never drink water at all, I drink soda and coffee full time and never had any problems.
>violently drinking water intensifies
This is why I dont do leg press anymore
You know they are bullshitting, calm your tits.
It can be bad but it's not anywhere near as bad as people make it out to be, most women have a very low tolerance for real pain which is where the "it's worse than childbirth meme" comes from.
You can take over the counter painkillers and bypass the pain quite easily most of the time, which shows it's not that bad.
>on a forum full of people who lift weights
>afraid of a little pain
Pathetic pansies.
this thread makes my pp retract in fear
I drive an ambulance and have seen hard men cry like a little bitch because of kidney stones.
Granted they didn't take painkillers before it started.
Nigga your going to have a kidney nuke. Unless you shove shit up your urethra and past your bladder Into your kidney to enlarge the tubes your not escaping.
My kidneys hurt...
That's what you deserve for only drinking pop and never water
Dumb kid