Do you wanna talk?

Do you wanna talk?

I do.

Let's talk. What are you waiting for?

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Thanks, I will have to talk to my crush (I'm her crush) about why she has suicidal tendencies.

Now that ought to be fun, right?

Why does your crush have suicidal tendencies lol?

So, take a 9/10 high functioning autistic turbo-ginger in her early 20ies that's smart as fuck and then you're where I am right now.

Guess I will find out. Just not sure if I'm looking forward to it. Ok, probably, it's gonna be interesting at least.

I'd surely love to date a 9/10 ginger who's smart. What does she like to talk about? I would love to have someone who has some interest in intellectual discussions instead of the normalfag NPC shit women tend to be interested in.

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>What does she like to talk about?
Everything, really, she's interesting as fuck. Then we went out again last weekend, talking all night, my brain said "no, she didn't just say "then I want to die", no fucking way she would say that" and kinda ignored it, so she moved on and talked about something else. Tuesday I got a text that very heavily implies that she did say just that.

WTF, I mean I have those tendencies too, but I'm definitely not some of the nicest shit that ever walked the planet. Gonna be interesting. (Hopefully there's a nice ginger for everyone out there)

To be fair, she got bullied pretty much all her life because of autism and being a redhead in the southern hemisphere, and as a bonus got raped at 16, life kinda sucks sometimes.

Well, that really sucks. Is she into philosophy?

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I got a decent amount of things done today.

>I got a decent amount of things done today.
What did you do originari?

Hey degenerate. Glad to see you again.

I think I'm about to drop a couple grand on commodities to sell online and I'm intimidated by it.

I've been doing research for over a month now. I finally feel like I have a market, a logo, a competitive edge, etc. that would make my product successful.

If it succeeds, then I achieve my best case scenario and I will have started my business. If it fails, then I'm out a couple grand and back to where I started. So I have a lot to gain and only a couple grand to lose. It still makes me nervous though!

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There's this hot guy I sit next to in my collage class. About a month ago he asked me for my phone number. Since then he's texted me a number of times, always talking about school stuff. He's NEVER talked to me in person though, except for when he asked me for my number. In one of his texts, he said he was sorry for never talking to me and it was because he's simply bad at talking with people.
Do I have a chance with this guy? If so, how do I steer the conversations off of school related stuff and more into causal conversation? How often can I text him without becoming annoying?

Yes, and it's a really good thing to talk about, especially with that history. Gonna have to teach her to stop giving a fuck about the past.

And girl, if you kill yourself, I'm gonna follow, just because (maybe not, but wouldn't rule it out). I was playing with the idea anyway, hah.

Just tell him you want to fucking fuck him and get out of my thread you dumb roastie.

lol, seriously though. How am I supposed to know this sort of stuff?

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(ginger dating retard here)
Eh, he likes you, but is plenty socially awkward himself. You can't do much wrong I think, it's probably as easy as asking what he's doing this weekend. As long as you get a reply, it's always ok to text.

I finished some paperwork and form filling. I have a test next week for employment (I'm unemployed you see, and lagging behind). I'm studying real hard day and night, slipped into this cycle of waking up in afternoon but I don't think I'm good enough. Haven't taken a bath in several days. Haven't fapped or drunk in days. Good thing?
So many options and you choose to larp here.
Stop enabling the roast.

>Stop enabling the roast.
I'll enable whatever the fuck I want.

If you make any money will you share some with me?

Today I failed a rather important exam, lost over 1000 dollars worth of in-game currency, decided to get drunk instead of preparing for the next test and now I'm at the brink of dropping out.
It was an alright day and I wish yours was as nice as mineI still want to hecking die though

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I'm sorry user :(
How did you lose 1000 dollars in game currency though?
I didn't even think that was even possible.

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>How did you lose 1000 dollars in game currency though?
Playing games of chance, betting and losing an amount of virtual money that would have got me around 1000 real life dollars had I sold it.
To be fair I don't think I would have sold it even if I hadn't lost it all feeding my gambling addiction since that's a good way to get banned from the game but it still hurt

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You gotta stop going to sand casino.

Is gambling fun?

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I would if the game wasn't so boring and lacking in content. Guess that doesn't matter anymore though
It is as long as you keep winning or at least know when to cut your losses and stop. Too bad you are bound to lose everything eventually when addicted.

>How often can I text him without becoming annoying?
Hahahaha you youngsters and your silly worries

Look, answer his texts whenever you feel like it. Don't spam: answer texts as they come, wait for his reply. And when he replies? You reply back! If you ever bother him, he'll just stop replying. That's how texting work: you don't have to answer right away.

It would have to be pretty successful. I'd probably get about 1/3 of total revenue as profit. After that, I have to recoop the original investment and then pay for my own expenses. Entrepreneurship is not the best way to monetary success. There's a lot of other success that I'm trying to get.

Are you into Vidya too?

I have absolutely no understanding of finance and even money in general lol

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imagine being this desperate replying to femanon bait pathetic

I'm sorry, I may have grown unfamiliar with this board over time. What do you mean by "femanon bait", and how is giving advice being desperate?

I'm thinking that you're implying that I'm craving female validation, which I'm trying to get by getting a female human being to thank me for my advice, but that this person is LARPing, and somehow it becomes a bad thing to give me the impression of female validation since it didn't come from a True and Honest Female. Am I right?

>Everything, really, she's interesting as fuck.

My wife is the same way but no one online believes me. She's also a 9/10 ginger but not even I expect you to believe that.

would hang out and drink goy blood with/10

She's not a kike lol.

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