Anyone here suffering from nerd neck?
I spend 10 hours a day on my PC so my posture is awful. How do I go about fixing it?
Anyone here suffering from nerd neck?
I spend 10 hours a day on my PC so my posture is awful. How do I go about fixing it?
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i spend 14 hours in the PC and cant even assume the position in the left, fucking mouthbreeder scum
these exercises worked for me
I've always slouched and my back is fine. I'm 32 and have been using computers since I was maybe 10. My mouse shoulder sits further forward than my other one though.
I think I remember an article being posted on Jow Forums that said slouching is better for your back than sitting up straight.
Massage your shoulders and base of your neck and lie down on a completely flat surface (ie bed with no pillow) for a while. Also make sure to regularly exercise especially in ways that will increase core and upper body strength.
Do you do these things already?
His spines still fucked up on the right.
I work out with a 12kg kettle bell because too autistic to go to the gym, but I don't do stretches.
my mum never shuts the fuck up about it. I stopped paying attention to her. There's just no fixing it.
There are few people I would trust my neck's health than this man. He clearly knows the topic.
Bro you really gotta stretch
Also try the neck massage and laying down thing, it'll help with the stress of moving it back
I have minor kyphosis so I cant fix my hunchback.
Get a posture collar
unironically deadlifts /thread and you're welcome
So if you have "nerd neck" you basically become Dev-Catscratch?
by not spending 10 hours a day on your PC
Well there's nothing else I can do other than reading or practising my guitar, and both of these activities require slouching.
Get a taller, shallower desk that has a keyboard shelf under the main part of the desk. If its close enough and eye level, you won't need to hunch forward. If your eyes strain, you lean back.
Other than that, just stretch often, take 10-20 minute breaks every hour or so to just walk to the kitchen, get a drink of water, and just stand up and look out the window. Pet your dog. Do something that makes you not hunched.
both OP postures look unnatural to me
>There's just no fixing it.
This video is actually pretty great. Only thing is he should have included at least a couple exercises to help with rounded shoulders in this video because it plays a huge role. (I know he has a separate video on that, but still)
A little. My shoulders and some kind of RSI/nerve problem in my mouse arm is what gives me the most grief. Oh, and my lower back from sitting on my ass all day. Recently begun stretching my shoulders and so far its helped.