robots who did nofap, did i actually help or should i just beat the fuck outta my dick rn?
NoFap worth?
right now i`m on day 1. my record was like 15 days and i felt awesome but somedays you just get realy lonely and sad and that`s the time that i relapse
Beat it bud
It depends on the person. I did nofap and it didn't help me at all. Some claim they gained superpowers like being able to sleep with any women and levitate. It's up to you, man. Give it a try and don't push it if it doesn't work. I did 100 days myself but it just made it worse for me.
on day 4 lmao thinking of doing it because im mildly horny. maybe i will maybe i wont, hoping this thread sways me
how tf did you do 100, im on 4 and i kinda wanna nut already
It really helped me gain the courage to overcome my social ineptness, and it boosts your T by 40% every 7 days so working out is easier. Your dopamine levels go back to normal (if you abstain from porn also) and girls start to notice you more (something to do with pheromones). Music sounds better, conversations with people are less spergy, and your mind becomes clearer.
i feel like the "pheromones" attraction thing is bullshit and it's really you just acting less spergy bc you didnt JO
You should try noporn first. I believe most of the benefits come from that.
I've been doing NoFap since the end of September (24 days). My sex drive has completely disappeared at this point. I don't even have to think about it anymore.
is that bad or good?
does clothed pics count? or zero visual stimulation at all?
nofap is shit
moderated fap is great.
also noporn is the real way to go.
so JO without porn but still do it ? sounds boring
>boosts your T by 40% every 7 days
cite your sources, kiddo
I've had all the same effects as from NoPorn. The NoPorn made me do nofap at first and I was really horny and confident all the time, but then as I got used to fapping without porn I went back to normal. Now I do /infrequentFap/ where I only do if I'm legitimately horny, as opposed to what I used to do, which was to just fap everyday preemptively so that I wouldn't get an inconvenient boner.
>Music sounds better
I've noticed this but I only just realized it might be correllated with NoPorn. I'm getting a music degree and this year I have a few classes where we're being encouraged to really actually enjoy music and not take it too seriously so I thought that was why, but I've just randomly had a few day periods where I just completely fuck with everything I hear and even simple shit like hot cross buns gets me grooving.
Regulating your masturbation is way healthier than stopping full stop, user.
I felt way better just having 1-2 wanks a week. More confidence, more energy and happier overall.
Doing no-fap just kinda starves yourself off necessary relief and fucks your hormones up long term. It's cool to do no-fap for a while before you limit your fap sesh's if you need to.
Doesn't always work, but its natural instinct for women to go after someone who looks like they have their life together. Better chance at passing on genes biologically hardwired meme
Good, considering that my goal is complete lifelong celibacy.
volcelling ? why wtf sex is great
There are no set rules that I know of. If you can do clothed without slipping up, that's a pretty good place, I would say.
Asceticism, my friend, asceticism.
Yes, No fap is worth it
it granted me to ability of giga virginity shield and +10 autism strength which allows me to pumble any and all chads
i will go like 4 days of no fapping no problem, but when i try to do nofap i get horny as fuck constantly. after seeing this thread im going to try again. i havent fapped since sunday.
buddist huh, cool for you, im not good enough to do that shit. peace upon you tho my man
On nofap your voice tends to deepen, might not be good for singers if their style is higher pitch.
Its honestly a complete meme. But if its helping robots get their shit together, good for them.
Who is this stupid ugly faggot anyway?
did nofap for 31 days once. it helped but the problem was that i wasn't ever in any situations where there were women around. if i were around some girls my age i definitely would have made moves and might have gotten laid.
just couple it with actually doing something where you can capitalize on your horniness and the energy it gives you and it will actually benefit you.
nfkrz youtuber
guess its not for me ig
believe it or not im pretty charismatic and can hold a light hearted convo w women.
well if you couple that with nofap maybe you'll get laid. it gives you a sort of weird confidence and sexual energy boost. i guess it's like the male equivalent of when you see a girl that you can tell is really girly and they have soft skin and their energy feels feminine. it makes you feel more manly.
hm, stll dunno if i should nut or not. fuck