ITT: Answer how often you do the following

Alright guys, it's been a while since I made one of these. Time to check up on your hygiene; and remember- honestly is the best policy.
>Brush teeth
>Clip nails
>Cut hair
>Do drugs (including cigs, weed, alc)
>Drink coffee
>Eat food

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every morning
>Brush teeth
every morning
>Clip nails
when they get long
>Cut hair
when it gets too long
>Do drugs (including cigs, weed, alc)
every day
>Drink coffee
every day
>Eat food
every day

Normie as fuck, right? Except I'm a mid-20s KHV.

once a week
>brush teeth
once a month
>clip nails
few times a year
>cut hair
irregularly, maybe twice a year
>do drugs
>drink coffee
every morning
>eat food
4k calories a day

Almost every night
>Brush teeth
2-3 times a day
>Clip nails
>Cut hair
2-3 months
>Do drugs (including cigs, weed, alc)
>Drink coffee
>Eat food

Once every 3 weeks or thereabouts.
>Brush teeth
Last time I did it was around half a year ago. If we're talking consistently, 2 years ago or so.
>Clip nails
Never. I think my mom did them for me sometimes when I was a child, but since around 6 or so I've just been biting/ripping them off.
>Cut hair
Once or twice per year.
>Do drugs
I've never tried any drugs or alcohol.
>Drink coffee
Once or twice per year when I really want to stay up for two days in a row for whatever reason.
>Eat food
2-3 times per day with a lot of snacking in-between.

Once every 2 days, sometimes 3 if I'm feeling like shit
>Brush teeth
Twice a day
>Clip nails
Once every 2 weeks or so
>Cut hair
Once every 3 months or so (this will probably become more frequent)
>Do drugs (including cigs, weed, alc)
Don't do drugs regularly
>Drink coffee
I drink a 7 cup pot everyday
>Eat food
3 meals, with a snack between lunch and dinner and occasionally something sweet after dinner

Once a week
>Brush teeth
When I feel like it
>Clip nails
A week or two after they get too long
>Cut hair
When it gets too long
>Do drugs (including cigs, weed, alc)
Every day
>Drink coffee
>Eat food
Once a day or two

in the evenings
>Brush teeth
whenever i feel that gunk on them
>Clip nails
>Cut hair
usually grow it super long then shave it myself because fuck going to a person to get your hair cut.
>Do drugs (including cigs, weed, alc)
used to drink every day, then every weekend, trying to go first week without booze
>Drink coffee
>Eat food
twice a day

Twice a day
>brush teeth
Twice a day
>clip nails
When they get long
>cut hair
Once every 6 weeks. Maybe longer.
>do drugs
I dont do recreational drugs. Im on an antidepressant.
>drink coffee
Every day
>eat food
Twice a day every day.

never on my own, my mom usually makes me do it after a couple of weeks
>brush teeth
literally never
>clip nails
I bite them constantly so don't need to do it
>cut hair
When my mom makes me, usually every 7 or 8 months
>do drugs
never drugs, but i smoke every day and drink all that i can
>drink coffee
a few times a day
>eat food
many times a day

Every day
>Brush teeth
Every day
>Clip nails
Bite them twice a week or so
>Cut hair
2-3 months?
>Do drugs (including cigs, weed, alc)
I drink a little bit, I love the tastes of various drinks but not getting drunk
>Drink coffee
Literally right now
>Eat food
Daily/bmi of 23 fat% of about 25%

Every morning
>Brush teeth
Every 2 days
>Clip nails
I eat them so i don't know
>Cut hair
Every 2-3 month
>Do drugs (including cigs, weed, alc)
>Drink coffee
Twice a week
>Eat food
3 times a day

Damn dude. Why?

Original comments

Shower if I smell bad when I need to go somewhere

Brush teeth 0-1 times daily

Bite my nails

Buzz cut every 6-12 months

Smoke weed all day, smoke cigarettes if I leave the house

Only drink coffee sometimes when I'm sober

Eat some trash food whenever I can will myself to get up. It's usually late in the day when I finally feed myself and not very much. probably my worst habit, taking the worst tolls on my health

Daily morning, might skip a day on weekends
>Brush teeth
Three or four times a week
>Clip nails
Nail biter
>Cut hair
Once every couple months
>Do drugs (including cigs, weed, alc)
Drink rarely, like twice/three times a month
>Drink coffee
When it's available, every couple weeks or so
>Eat food
Daily, around one or two medium sized meals

First, hi mr nsa man
once a day everyday one on weekdays
twice a day everyday
>clip nails
only when they need to be
>cut hair
only when it gets to that point but in reality i get a hair cut once a year
>do drugs
I drink lots of alcy on the weekends uwu
>drink coffee
only when attending college
>eat food
i survive off frozen pizza and frozen food and whatever foods we have around the house
i don't like cooking and i try to avoid spending money as much as possible

when I go into public or about every 4 days
>Brush teeth
once a day, at night, usually
>Clip nails
bite them
>Cut hair
no set schedule, usually about twice a year
>Do drugs (including cigs, weed, alc)
>Drink coffee
>Eat food
once a day when everyone else is asleep

Few times a week, on a good week
>Brush teeth
>Clip nails
When they are long
>Cut hair
When I need a trim and feel like trimming it
>Do drugs (including cigs, weed, alc)
Beer and cigs erry day
>Drink coffee
No, energy drinks instead
>Eat food
Lunch and dinner and sometimes breakfast

wtf are you guys doing biting your finger nails? There's dirt and old dead skin underneath them. Buy a pair of clippers!!

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Morning and most evenings. 1st time to get clean, 2nd time to feel warm
>Brush teeth
Evenings before bed. My parents never reinforced it for me as a kid, so I've had to really push myself to take care of my teeth now that I'm starting college.
>Clip nails
Once a week at least. I hate the way the white part of a nail looks on anyone, especially me
>Cut Hair
Haven't gotten a haircut since August, but my hair's fine enough I think. Clean, anyway
>Do drugs
Never. Don't drink or smoke. I'm only 19 and really paranoid already, don't feel comfortable throwing anything else into the mix
>Drink coffee
Either with or as breakfast most mornings. I just like the warmth, caffeine doesn't really effect me
>Eat food
Two meals on a good day. Gonna fast tomorrow, we'll see how I feel the day after.

Usually when I feel like it. Could be everyday, could be every 3 days.
>Brush Teeth
Do it everytime I take a shower
>clip nails
Once every 2 weeks
>cut hair
I have bangs so probably once a month
>do drugs
Whenever theyre available, so usually once every 2 or 3 months
>drink coffee
>eat food
Dont eat all day but start eating around 7 pm

felt good to see how not alone I was daysue
if you don't eat your fingernails, you aren't a real robot

I used to bite my nails but then my teeth started to hurt. now I just let them soak in the shower and chisel them off with my other nails

every 2-3 days
>brush teeth
>clip nails
i bite my nails so every day I guess
>cut hair
every 2-4 months, I like it long but my hair grows really quick so it ends up looking like shit for a month until I decide to cut it.
>do drugs
>drink coffee
dinner and lunch, anxiety doesn't like it when I eat breakfast.

Why, what? All of it? It's just convenient and I don't see a problem with it besides the teeth. I don't want them all to fall out, but despite having tried to get back into the habit of brushing them, I haven't been able to stick with it.

either once a day or once a week depending on external obligations
>Brush teeth
i wish it was everyday, but it's more like once a week
>Clip nails
>Cut hair
it has been years
>Do drugs (including cigs, weed, alc)
>Drink coffee
once a week
>Eat food
every day at least

Every two days in winter, every day to several times a day during the summer
>Brush teeth
Every morning usually, sometimes the evening too
>Clip nails
Never, I bite them instead
>Cut hair
On a whim, when they bother me. Usually during the summer as they feel sweaty and hot.
>Do drugs (including cigs, weed, alc)
Next to never (is laughing gas a drug? If yes, then... once or twice a year I think)
>Drink coffee
Depends on the week. Three times a week on average
>Eat food
Two times a day without fail. Fatties gotta fat.

Every evening and sink washes in the morning.
>Brush teeth
Pretty much never but after going to the dentist last week and being told I have gingivitis I'm probably gonna start twice a day.
>Cut hair
Recently I've been growing my hair out so only had like 2 haircuts the past year but usually have one every 6 weeks.
>Do drugs
Smoke weed everyday (usually use a vaporizer but sometimes roll joints, do it once or twice a day depending on time/plans)
Smoke cigarettes (3-6 a day)
Drink alcohol once a week usually on a Friday.
>Drink Coffee
Usually drink 1-2 cups of coffee or cans of energy drinks a day.
>Eat food
If I go to uni I'll barely eat anything in a day, but if I'm at home I'll eat 3x more than I normally do.

3 times a week
>Brush teeth
every other day
>Clip nails
every two weeks, unless im am playing my guitar a lot then its more often
>Cut hair
every 2 weeks
>Do drugs (including cigs, weed, alc)
4 times a week for the first half of the month and about once a week for the second half
>Drink coffee
2 times a week
>Eat food

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But they will end up all uneven! Also I hate how my nails feel them I touch certain fabrics like jeans or metal so I have to cut them short.

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>There's dirt and old dead skin
this helps to boost your immune system. same way eating boogers does. its like a mini flu shot for robots.

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once a week or so
>Brush Teeth
when they hurt (ab once a month)
>Clip Nails
nail biter, including toenails
>Cut Hair
balding so hair cuts are free
>Do drugs (including cigs, weed, alc)
weed atleast 3 times a day and liquor before i sleep
>Drink coffee
i drink 2-3 redbulls everyday
>Eat food
everyday, usually taco bell

Every night
>Brush teeth
Like 1 time every week
>Clip nails
Every day, I cant stand when they are nasty
>Cut hair
Like a week ago, also trimmed beard
>Do drugs (including cigs, weed, alc)
Smoking weed right now :/
>Drink coffee
Last night
>Eat food
Like an hour ago

Once a day
>Brush teeth
Twice a day
>Clip nails
Once a week
>Cut hair
Varies but around once a month
>Do drugs (including cigs, weed, alc)
Very occasionally
>Drink coffee
Every day
>Eat food
Three-four times a day

every day.
>brush teeth
twice a day
>clip nails
only when they get in the way of typing on a keyboard. lets say once every two weeks.
>cut hair
i haven't cut my hair in about 7 years to save on money. when i do it's going to locks for love.
weed and alcohol every day.
caffeine is only in my soda or juice if i decide to have it that day.
>eat food
i think i have like two legit meals a day.

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Dude get a haircut lmao

Once everyday or every other day
>Brush teeth
Same as above
>Clip nails
Whenever they get a bit too long
>Cut hair
Usually every 4-5 months
>Do drugs
Weed almost everyday, drinking like 4 times a week
>Eat food
either on a good diet or just eating anything i want to

Every 2 days
>Brush teeth
Every day
>Clip nails
Once a month maybe? They seem to grow at different speeds
>Cut hair
Twice a year
>Do drugs (including cigs, weed, alc)
Never took drugs, alcohol or tobacco
>Drink coffee
Never had coffee
>Eat food
Sometime skipping breakfast, but everyday lunch and dinner. Sometime late night snack before bed.

3 times a month
>>Brush teeth
with water at least twice every day, with toothpaste once a week
>>Clip nails
I bite them every now and then, including toes
>>Cut hair
I shave it all off 3 times a year, beard 6 times a year
>>Do drugs (including cigs, weed, alc)
>>Drink coffee
>>Eat food
twice a day

>3 times a day
you are scrubbing the enamel off your teeth.

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Once every 3-4 days, I often forget to
>Brush teeth
Once a day
>Clip nails
when they get long or I'm bored
>Cut hair
once every 6 weeks
>Do drugs (including cigs, weed, alc)
alcohol couple times a month, drugs/cigs never
>Drink coffee
>Eat food
??? every day

>Brush teeth
try to do it twice but normally once a day
>Clip nails
>Cut hair
6 months, i have nip length hair
>Do drugs (including cigs, weed, alc)
acid every 4 months maybe and weed every week
>Drink coffee
never, gay habit
>Eat food
noon, 4pm, 9/10pm

>with water at least twice every day, with toothpaste once a week
What's the reason for this? Do you simply dislike the taste of toothpaste?

I just kinda dislike the sensation, and some nazi podcast said it was ze jew trying to fluoride poison me, but the biggest reason is that I'm just lazy.

Every weekday. Only on weekends if I have to go somewhere.
>Brush teeth
Everyday, though I forget sometimes.
>Clip nails
Once a month, is usually when they get long enough.
>Cut hair
Every 4 months. I have a haircut that looks good even when it's longer.
>Do drugs (including cigs, weed, alc)
I used to do a ton of different drugs sporadically. I don't really do that anymore though. When I feel like getting drunk, I drink everyday until the bottle's gone. I do that, maybe every 6 months. I also take caffeine pretty often. Maybe every other day.
>Drink coffee
Rarely. I like it every so often though.
>Eat food
More often than I should. I'm trying my best to cut back, and so far it's going well. I try to eat like a normie, except I skip breakfast. So 2 big meals a day, with snacks in between.

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once a day or everyother day
>Brush teeth
>Clip nails
when they get long
>Cut hair
every six months or so
>Do drugs (including cigs, weed, alc)
3-4 times a month for smoking the reefer and drinking.
>Drink coffee
almost everyday
>Eat food
at least onc a day

Every day, sometimes twice due to work
>Brush teeth
Twice per day
>Clip nails
Every few weeks or so
>Cut hair
Varies. Usually every six months (degenerate, I know)
>Do drugs (including cigs, weed, alc)
Never. Quit that shit.
>Drink coffee
Almost every day
>Eat food
Several times a day. Endless bulk

Once a day
>Brush teeth
Once a day
>Clip nails
When they get long, probably could cut more often.
>Cut hair
Haven't for the last year growing it on purpose.
>Do drugs (including cigs, weed, alc)
>Drink coffee
>Eat food
~2000 cals a day.

At least once in the morning, depending on the day up to three times a day.
>Brush teeth
Every morning
>Clip nails
Every month or two
>Do drugs
None that aren't prescribed
>Drink coffee
>Eat food
Usually twice a day

>that webm


once to twice a day
>Brush teeth
2 to 3 times a day
>clip nails
once a week
>cut hair
every 1-2 months maybe longer just depends on the look i'm going for
>Do drugs
>Drink coffee
twice a day
>eat food
usually have 4-5 small meals in a day

why do i still feel gross?

you don't ingest the fluoride in toothpaste, what are you fucking eating it?

Usually every night unless I don't get out of bed which is rare
>Brush teeth
At least once during the day, some nights
>Clip nails
>Cut hair
Whenever it's too hot
>Do drugs (including cigs, weed, alc)
Every few months
>Drink coffee
Too often
>Eat food
Not often

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>Brush teeth
After eating and before sleeping
>Clip nails
>Cut hair
Twice a year
>Do drugs (including cigs, weed, alc)
>Drink coffee
>Eat food
Twice or once a day

Daily, twice if I work out.
>>Brush teeth
Twice at least.
>>Clip nails
Whenever they get long, usually on e a week.
>>Cut hair
Whenever it gets too long, usually every 2 or 3 months.
>>Do drugs (including cigs, weed, alc)
Nicotine every day, alcohol once every other weekend or so.
>>Drink coffee
Twice a day.

>>Eat food
4-5 times a day.

>every night
>every morning
>every 1-2 weeks
>every 1-2 months
>every other day
>1-2 times a day (poorfag, spooky skeltal)

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No I spit, but some particles will obviously be swallowed, and chemicals can enter your body though your gums.
None of these are large amounts however if you do it twice on a daily basis it could have negative consequences on your health

Source: random nazi podcast

But as I said, I'm just lazy.

>brush teeth
>clip nails
as needed
>do drugs
never, religious stuff and under drinking age so even if I did I could lose my job/scholarships
>drink coffee
never, religious stuff
>eat food
when I get around to it

you are a pussy desu

twice a day
>Brush teeth
twice a day
>Clip nails
once a week
>Cut hair
buzzcut every four months
>Do drugs (including cigs, weed, alc)
>Drink coffee
>Eat food

Everyday with a bathing cap on every other day. washing hair too much has often left my hair a bit dry and brittle. It's such a delicate thing
>Brush teeth
Twice a day
>Clip nails
Every month or so. I like keeping them long and painting them or getting them manicured
>Cut hair
Once a year. Also like my hair long. I like braiding it into twin tails that run over my chest or leaving it naturally flowing over my back. Reaches the small of my back currently.
>Do drugs (including cigs, weed, alc)
Used to smoke a cig at least twice a week, then twice a month, now I quit
Still drink kinda often though. Usually rakija, wine, or bourbon
>Drink coffee
Fucking daily
>Eat food
5 smol meals a day and some snacks. At least 3 have to contain some fruits and vegetables

probably like 5 times a week on average. I skip a day every now and then when I have nothing to do, but can't go longer than one day without, starts feeling oily and gross
>>Brush teeth
once a day before sleep
>>Clip nails
when they start getting in the way of playing guitar. Probably around every two weeks
>>Cut hair
Been over three years now
>>Do drugs (including cigs, weed, alc)
I'll smoke a black and mild once every couple months or so because I have black friends who do and it's kind of fun every now and then. Always regret it afterwards because the stench sticks in your mouth and on your clothes but in the moment it always seems fun lol. Also a few beers just a couple days a month. Used to smoke weed but can't now because my brain suddenly decided it was pure anxiety fuel
>>Drink coffee
3-4 a week
>>Eat food
2-3 times daily, it's wild

Every few days.
>Brush teeth
every day
>Clip nails
when they get long
>Cut hair
When I can after its long
>Do drugs (including cigs, weed, alc)
Alcohol on friday nights alone
>Drink coffee
When I feel like a warm beverage for work
>Eat food
During break

Every day unless I'm just hanging around the house all day
>Brush teeth
Morning and night
>Clip nails
Every one to two weeks
>Cut hair
Every 2 weeks (blackcel here)
>Do drugs (including cigs, weed, alc)
I'll maybe have a beer once a week, but other than that I'm pretty vanilla
>Drink coffee
A couple times a week, sometimes once a day. Starting to just drink my coffee black though
>Eat food
2 to 3 meals a day, usually shitty food desu

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Every morning
>>Brush teeth
Every Morning
>>Clip nails
probably every week
>>Cut hair
every month or two
>>Do drugs (including cigs, weed, alc)
fuck no
>>Drink coffee
I want to try to get into coffee
>>Eat food
I only eat dinner and sometimes breakfast

3 to 5 times a week
>brush teeth
I'm trying to do twice a day but sometimes I forget and do 1
>Clip nails
Whenever I feel like they're getting too long
>Cut hair
Once every 2/3 months
>Do drugs
Every day
>Drink coffee
Like 4 times a week
>Eat food
At least twice a day
Thanks for reading my blog

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Twice per day (6AM and 7PM)
>>Brush teeth
After breakfast: brush. After supper: floss and brush.
>>Clip nails
When they get long.
>>Cut hair
When they get long.
>>Do drugs (including cigs, weed, alc)
No drugs. No weed. No alcohol. No tobacco. No exceptions.
>>Drink coffee
Decaf mostly. But in the morning, I will often have a half cup of caffeinated.
>>Eat food
Yup. I try to keep it balanced. I eat less meat than the average person.

>every six weeks
>I prefer tea, once or twice daily
>three to five times a day

Every morning and before going to sleep
>Brush teeth
After every meal and upon waking up and going to sleep
>Clip nails
Once a week
>Cut hair
Growing it out currently
>Do drugs
4 times a day
>Eat food
Twice a day

I am a fucking normalfag

what.... what happens to your toenails?

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once every 2-3 days, it depends on what im doing
>Brush teeth
once every 3 days, same as shower
>Clip nails
once every month?
>Cut hair
once per year
>Do drugs (including cigs, weed, alc)
all the time
>Drink coffee
1-3 times per day
>Eat food
2 times per day

Every night
>Brush teeth
1-3 times a month
>Clip nails
Never, just bite them
>Cut hair
Maybe once every year and a half
>Do drugs (including cigs, weed, alc)
>Drink coffee
1-5 times a month
>Eat food
Breakfast lunch and dinner every day plus snacks throughout the day

6 days a week
>Brush teeth
1-2 times a day
>Clip nails
when they get bad, like once/twice a month
>Cut hair
every other month
>Do drugs (including cigs, weed, alc)
>Drink coffee
4-5 times a week
>Eat food
almost every day
i also passed my last pp inspection day

maybe once or twice a week. Usually to nut
>Brush teeth
Maybe once every few weeks. It really depends of if I'm planning on eating
>Clip nails
I clip them when I'm nervous (which is alot). I don't use a clipper I just clip them myself with my fingers
>Cut hair
About twice a year.
>Do drugs
No drugs. I have no respect for anyone weak enough to give into drugs
>Drink coffee
I don't like coffee
>Eat food
I eat food like a normal person

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>Brush teeth
>Clip nails
Every like 3 weeks, not as often as i should
>Cut hair
Every 2 - 3 months
>Do drugs (including cigs, weed, alc)
>Drink coffee
>Eat food
2x Daily, Breakfast and Dinner.

daily. I might space it out to twice every three days during a weekend, but if I have to go outside the next day, I'm showering the night before or in the morning
used to brush less often as a kid but now almost daily
every week or two
last did it back in may or june, and it wasn't by much since I want to keep my long hair
snuck a sip of wine when I was home alone once (the US needs to bring the drinking age back to 18, if I can vote and die in war then I can handle a little inebriation)
sometimes, just did it earlier today
meals are 3x a day, sometimes I skip breakfast/lunch because I woke up too late or I'm just not hungry.

every morning
>Clip nails
once a week
>Do drugs
>Eat food

2-3 times a week
>Brush teeth
2-3 times a month
>Clip nails
>Cut hair
Growing out since 2016
>Do drugs (including cigs, weed, alc)
>Drink coffee
A year ago
>Eat food
Small meals, skip lunch, meals sometime

how do you guys not brush every day? what do you fucking eat?

>never did
>1/3-4 months

>shower twice a day minimum
>brush twice a day
>never clipped nailed
>never took drugs
>have several meals a day

Rate me

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Once a day
>>Brush teeth
Once a weeek
>>Clip nails
Rarely do that
>>Cut hair
Once in every 3 months
>>Do drugs (including cigs, weed, alc)
Never did that before except alcohol
>>Drink coffee
Always anytime
>>Eat food
Mostly something my oma or my aunt made

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every 2-3 days
>Brush teeth
every 4-7 days (dentist says i have perfect teeth, my breath doesn't smell bad because i chug water)
>Clip nails
once a month
>Cut hair
haven't cut hair for nearly 2 years now
>Do drugs (including cigs, weed, alc)
last tobacco was a hookah pipe in January, can't do weed because sensitive to THC, last drink was exactly 1 beer 2 weeks ago, last time i got drunk was 2 months ago
>Drink coffee
only drink coffee to pull all-nighters so i can reset circadian rhythm because hyper sensitive to caffeine, last sip of coffee i had was 1-2 months ago
>Eat food
either only 2 big meals a day usually divided between 8-9 hour intervals, or every 3-6 hours

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Oh, same thing as my fingernails. I just tear the white part off with my hands when it gets too long.

I shower daily.
I brush my teeth two or three times a day.
I bite my fingernails off. I never clip my toenails. My mom does that for me every month or so.
I haven't gotten a haircut in several months.
I don't do drugs.
I never drink coffee.
I eat three or four times a day.

For context, I'm an 18 year old boy living with my parents.

Used to be every day, now only every 3-4 days
>Brush teeth
Once a day, maybe, usually every 2 days
>Clip nails
Rip them off and skin off until nails are tender and bloody, on toes as well
>Cut hair
Have basic long hair/side bang, haven't had cut in 6 months because of anxiety, looks shitty
>Do drugs (including cigs, weed, alc)
Every day, recently out so sober atm smoking ashes, more alcoholic than weed addicted
>Drink coffee
Hate it, but drink a 12 pack of soda a day
>Eat food
Eating disorder, starve myself and binge/purge, used to be obese

Around once a week. Unless I get really dirty or sweat excessively.
>Brush teeth
At least once a day.
>Clips nails
Never, I bite them. Tell me how to stop doing that.
>Cut hair
>Do drugs (including cigs, weed, alc)
>Drink coffee
>Eat food
At least once a day.

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>Brush teeth
Once or twice a month.
>Clip nails
Fingernails I bite regularly, toes I clip every other month or so.
>Cut hair
Once or twice a year.
>Do drugs (including cigs, weed, alc)
>Drink coffee
>Eat food
One or two unhealthy meals a day.

every other day because my hair is a bitch to dry
>brush teeth
eh every once in a while
>clip nails
when they get long
>cut hair
havent in about 2 years
>do drugs
>drink coffee
every day
>eat food
depends on how im feeling


Once per day.

>Brush teeth

Once per day.

>Clip nails

I bite my nails every day.

>Cut hair

Once per month.

>Do drugs (including cigs, weed, alc)

Three to nine tall cans of flavored malt liquor per week.

>Drink coffee

Seven cups of espresso coffee per day.

>Eat food

Once per day.

twice a week
twice a week
once per 10 days
once per 2 years

every second day on average sometimes more often sometimes when im depressed less often
>Brush teeth
between twice and once a day. again when depressed i might skip a day
>Clip nails
every 2 weeks or so
>Cut hair
whenever i feel liek it
>Do drugs (including cigs, weed, alc)
maybe once or twice a week?
>Drink coffee
i drink green tea daily. a lot
>Eat food
twice a day. once when depressed

>shower upon waking
>brush teeth before sleep
>file nails on monday and thursday
>cut hair every 3 weeks
>alcohol daily
>coffee daily
>one big meal before bed, don't really have the appetite for anything more

every day
>>Brush teeth
twice every day
>>Clip nails
never i just tear them off
>>Cut hair
i buzz it whenver i feel like
>>Do drugs (including cigs, weed, alc)
>>Drink coffee
>>Eat food
once every 4 days more or less

>>Brush teeth
2x daily
>>Clip nails
rarely, usually I bite them
>>Cut hair
>>Do drugs (including cigs, weed, alc)
daily drinking and smoking cigs, at least once and usually multiple times daily whenever I have anything else (usually meth or heroin)
>>Drink coffee
2x daily
>>Eat food
2-3x daily

Twice a day
>Brush teeth
Once a day
>Clip nails
Once a month
>Cut hair
Once 6 months or so
>Do drugs (including cigs, weed, alc)
>Drink coffee
>Eat food
A lot

Every night
>Brush teeth
Every night
>Clip nails
Bite them constantly so nothing to clip
>Cut hair
Maybe once every 8 weeks
>Do drugs (including cigs, weed, alc)
Cigs every day, weed most days, alcohol once or twice a week
>Drink coffee
At least twice a day
>Eat food
Skip breakfast, have lunch and dinner

Every other day, it's like a cycle. Sometimes I skip a day though and have to wait another 2 days until I can shower again.
I wonder, did I shower yesterday?
>Brush teeth
Haven't done so since summer.
>Clip nails
Once-twice a week.
>Cut hair
Haven't done so in one and a half year.
>Do drugs (including cigs, weed, alc)
Every day, my prescribed drugs, antidepressants, are legal.
>Drink coffee
Haven't done so in maybe 2 years.
>Eat food
Once a day, sometimes I skip though.

Attached: GUNNER2.jpg (400x216, 28K)

Daily Mon-Thu, rest of the week I don't because I don't have to go out. If I need to, then I'll shower.
>Brush teeth
Once in the morning Mon-Thu
>Clip nails
Whenever they get noticeable
>Cut hair
Same as nails but I wait a bit longer because going to the barber is a bit stressful for me
>Do drugs (including cigs, weed, alc)
My parents might offer me a beer every once in a blue moon and I might sip it but nothing outside that.
>Drink coffee
Even more uncommon than alcohol, even though my parents drink it daily, I only have it with sugar.
>Eat food
at least 3 times a day (maybe more) but not all my meals are balanced and I let a lot of time pass between some meals sometimes.