What is the robot view on politics? Is it just a tool for the chads or can we take advantage of it...

What is the robot view on politics? Is it just a tool for the chads or can we take advantage of it? Who should we support?

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not big on politics, don't think it matters in the long run, but liberals disgust me with how full of themselves they are and hillary was scary.

don't give a shit but post more of the grill

>What is the robot view on politics?
Lean left on paper, vote right in reality. Leftists have lost their fucking mind.

Shit flinging in RL for adults.
Only great scientists and engineers advance civilization further.

>Who should we support?
Anyone but the left. They're the ones actively making things worse for robots.

what leftist ideology are you talking about?

Making things worse for everyone actually

Real robots are too detached from reality to care about politics. The only thing I care about is voting against politicians trying to fuck the internet up more than it already is.

Not sure about most robots but I tend to lean left on most issues apart from foreign policy and to a certain extent immigration.

Literally the side that says that people should work less and share more to disabled people are hurting robots?


The ones who think we are rapists and think it is perfectly fine to mock men for being short, ugly, or having small dicks. As long as the left supports feminism, it is our enemy

Basically what said. Leftist ideology is female ideology.

I don't think you understand the difference between tumblr scapegoat feminism and left-wing economics. It's the right-wing, with their traditionally masculine cultural enforcement that truly oppresses robots.

>Literally the side that says that people should work less and share more to disabled people are hurting robots?

Only ones benefiting from this are nigs and women. A white robot would get denied and be left to die in a leftist dsytopia.

Do you have a basis for that theory in contemporary leftist literature? Or do you think a few batshit feminists actually run the left? In my experiences, it's mostly white men who do that.

You dont have to be a leftist to hate capitalism. In fact, its only in amerikwa where capitalism is considered "right wing". The Left is in bed with corporations anyway (eg the largest sponsors of lgbt and feminism are corporations)

The left happily throws nigs under the bus if they offend women (eg Bill Cosby)

You mean the side that wants to MAKE you share the nothing you already have with twice your population number of third worlders that hate you and want to wreck your shit.

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this. also hide your power level.

I think i stay more or less in a center.
I have some left wing and right wing ideas, I hate socialism for being promoting materialism and braindead consumerism and excess of organization. But i also hate the right for promoting hypercapitalism.
I think in the future all countries will either fall into hypercapitalism or socialism and dispromoting our freedom and democracy, so trying to stay in the middle lane is the best course of action for freedom, economical and humanitarian development.

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>The left happily throws nigs under the bus if they offend women (eg Bill Cosby)
But that's because they favor women the most. They still favor nigs and other minorities, but not if it's at the expense of women. And of course, they hate white men the most.

Leftism isn't neoliberalism either. Companies that say they're for LGBT rights and so on are in no way leftists.

The anti-capitalist left was discredited after the fall of the Soviet Union. Now the modern left is just corporations telling us to check our privilege.

i like that a single article about an immigrant committing rape is enough for you to found your entire worldview around a massive global jewish conspiracy
why are polniggers so easy to delude, r9k?

>What is the robot view on politics?
robots don't care. the man in office is never going to make you more or less autistic so it doesn't matter.

politics is a FUCKING JOKE. all you dumbass goys who care about left vs right political bullshit, care about trump, unironically care about the jews, unironically care for immigration, unironically care for this world

all that shit is a JOKE and a sign of a braindead normie retard

the ONLY thing thats important is the emergence of ai, technology and automation. soon we will have artificial intelligence thats smarter than a human being, and it will have full sentience and consciousness. ANYONE who unironically cares for political garbage is a dumbass normie

ai is the ONLY thing worth opening your mouth about. the entire Jow Forums board is polluted with these mouth breathing downie normies. ai is going to change the world in more profound ways than ahmed or tyrone ever could, u fucking RETARDS. same goes for any liberal who hates trump. all of them are fucking stupid and normies

real robots hate politics, and just want to see the world burn, hence the interest in ai

ai is going to become practically godlike and quite possibly be the beast as portrayed in the bible. cut your balls off, matthew 19:12

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Join nazbol gang today

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>moderate centrist who isn't interested in politics
>far-right monarchist who does practically nothing but think about politics

It's been hard hiding it, but it needs to be done. I almost wanted to insult this doctor I work with because he was talking about how much he hates the 2nd Amendment. How can you claim to love freedom when the only thing keeping free is something you are fighting to have taken away?

politics are for normalfags, I tried turning on cable news, got bored after two minutes and switched to anime instead.

We should support politic. We should support Chinese girls doing the lookback with a "nnnggaaaww" look on their face. One dowluh, one dowluh!!

Sweet fucking deal. Can you imagine the body on a half Somali, half Swede girl?
>dat round caramel sundae colored ass tho

Wow is this real? How is this not the most horrible thing we are hearing about?

>How is this not the most horrible thing we are hearing about?
bc we arent ultra-new-newfags that were born yesterday?