Would it be worth it to give myself intestinal worms to aid in my cut?
Would it be worth it to give myself intestinal worms to aid in my cut?
Who is that?
No. If you are considering this then establishing long term diet habits is as losing weight itself.
yes, definitely.
I read someone that said it helped with their gut being less permeable during exercise in the heat but personally i woulnd't fuck with that shit.
Every lifter worth his salt is on tapeworms.
We call them TWs.
TWs are money, plain and simple.
No, why the fuck would you do that? Just reduce your calorie consumption by a few 100.
I used to follow this thot but all she did was post her bf
They're intestinal worms.
>this thread
only on Jow Forums
what do you think?
This is why i rim prostitutes gladly these days. Trying to get every worm and parasite possible to help. Strangely my stomach is getting slightly bloated from the sheer amount of worms building up in my intestines. But I am losing weight overall and losing fat everywhere else. Though I crave junk food heaps now as I assume that is what they love to live on. I now eat only to please my masters.
3x hooker rimjobs a week
2x worm farm diving a day
1x plate of raw fish sushi a day
god i love infecting other hookers now with my toxic cum and saliva bahaha a condom aint gonna save you from my worm deposit bitch
People like you should be burned. You are no longer a proper human and the population needs to be purified.
Just dont eat shit
Nurgle pls go
Just do dnp instead
There isn't anything better than thicc asians
Bro just take CLA, limit your carbs, lower your overall cals, and stop being a lazy nigger.
>considering to go for actually fucking medieval ways of loosing weight just for the sake of looks
Go for it you fucking retard. At this point it's natural selection.