Chris Chan

It finally happened boys, I saw Chris Chan irl the other day, ask me anything.

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Why are you stalking him?

If you didn't fugged her then it was in vain you absolute mongoloid

That's HER you transfobe

Don't be a douchebag thats a guy

Do you live around there, go to UVA, just visiting?
Did you say hi?

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He came into my work

Did you have any kind of interaction with him?

why didn't you say that you were a fry cook?

Do you work at Gamestop?

I live in the same town he does, he came into my work so I was obligated to talk to him a little bit.

People actually live in Ruckersville?

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No I work at Lowes

Virginia for Virgins and all that my dude

What's he building?

Has anyone been able to tell if Chris-Chan ever had a chance to "make it?"

If you are so autistic that you can acknowledge something as bad but still refuse to not do it, then are you really autistic or are you insane?

Trust me its like the boonies out here. Literally half the population has the same last name lmao

Isn't he in court getting endless continuances again?

A coworker said he got lightbulbs the day before, this time he was getting a piece of tile and a bucket of patching stuff

no he is in a special program for criminal retards where he checks in with the court every other week and if he has been good he gets gift certificates and ice cream and shit
I believe it, if I ever drive by the area I'll make a pilgrimage
what's the last name?


this post is not very original, but let it pass once please

Is he still dressing like a woman now?

Are you for real? Lmao whata fuckig disgrace

huh, that surprises me given how little family Chris has

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>special program for criminal retards
What specifically was his crime?

Shifflet. But theres a lot of variations. They had to spice it up somehow

Just making shit up

Macing a Gamestop employee

Him and his mother attempted to murder the owner of a card gaming shop, and then Chris went on to spray mace on a Gamestop employee trying to stop him from defacing copies of Sonic games.

Omg his outfit was so bad I had to hold in my laughter when he came to checkout. Hes got some cosplay like vest with some shoulder things coming off it that he painted blue stripes on, a sports skirt with a fucking pair of jeans underneath. And a crossbody bag thats more duct tape than bag

ah, thank you, I figured it wasn't Chandler
do any of them have stereotypical traits of inbreeding?
trespassing at the mall again, most immediately. but, largely, the pattern of trespassing places, macing that nigger, hitting the jew with his car
he's in a sort of diversionary/probation program right now like they do in drug/family courts but for the mentally exceptional
if he doesn't commit another crime or miss his hugbox appointments it's as if it never happened

Thank you gentlemen for your kind answers.

Now tell me about the smell.
Does he still smell like rotten watermelon?

What is it like to talk with him? Does he sound autismal or retarded?

>he got banned from the game place because he lost a Pokemon battle to a little kid and Chris called him a nigger

>he proceeds to harass the owner of the store until chris' mom finally decides to end it by fucking running him over w/ car. Both go to jail overnight but let out bc autisum

> protesting at GameStop because they made Sonic's arms blue in the new game. Employee tells him to fuck off and Chris proceeds to peeper spray the guy

>There is alot more shit but cant recall all of it and too lazy to go to the wiki

Every so often you see some obvious inbred people. Like you can just look and tell their parents are cousins or siblings

this fucking faggot is getting away with too much shit. On top of getting a slap on the wrist for his various assaults he also gets $1,000+/month free government money while shitting on the taxpayer. He continued begging for money right after making this tweet lol. I hope they foreclose on his house

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Honestly I didnt notice any peculiar smell maybe I got lucky and he showered that day.

Better then expected actually, I mean his actually voice is classic Chris chan. I could hear him talking to himself at self checkout. But he told me to have a good day first when he was leaving

He is not wrong you know, truly woke.

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except for Stalin it's more like "in CWCville, everybody works!"

How is northern Virginia treating you user?

how does he keep getting on the news

make a CWCKipedia article about his spackling purchase, we don't want this valuable info to slip into the void

Because he made sonichu

Chris chandy is oh so handy
He love the sonic brandy,
We know he doesnt understandy
His waistline will forever expandy

Its alright. I make trips up to nova every once and awhile to play rhythm games. The people here are really rude though

1000 X 12 = 12,000
That isn't enough to stay afloat in life these days user, is it any wonder why he is getting sued for unpaid debts and is reliant on selling blankets?

Pic related is him getting sued over unpaid debts by the way.

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imagine being able to mail out doodles for 50$ a piece and getting sued for unpaid debt

He takes out loans and does massive credit card spending all the time, this shouldn't surprise you one bit, especially since his parents are nearly dead and he wasted his life so bad that he is past the point of no return.

How's his peyronie's disease holding up?

>Virginia Beach what if Chris-Chan isn't even autistic, but is just making fun of us all

did she smell awful?

I think he's around the bend of it now

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I'm eagerly awaiting the Death of Barb Saga to finally begin.

>tfw don't like to laugh too hard at Chris because had a few things gone differently I could have ended up like him.

I recently moved to Virginia, and I realized that Chris's vote counts exactly the same as mine. Kind of frightening.

Where did you used to live? Why did you move to VA?

I moved from Iowa with my family to be closer to extended family and such.