
You're only supposed to blow the bloody doors of edition

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First for taking a big, smelly Moni.

Didn't want the nightwatch to miss this important post because of thread death lads:
Spent a bit of time looking at and thinking about different drawn cocks. Got off to the thought of them having a go on the back door. When you say it out loud it does sound a bit gay, but they were attached to very female bodies with big tits so I think I'm in the clear.

Me right now lads, real

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reposting as terrible timing

Why do I want to abuse fat girls more than other girls?

stop posting links early faggot it's not a race

more like pee roasting

James Bay?

If you were locked in a room with a cute trap and couldnt wank how long before you absolutely savaged their arsehole?

Because they deserve it
Futa is hella gay lad, it's the gayest of the gay

As long as it takes to realize we're not getting out.

Something to do with low self esteem. I guess it would make you feel like a big man or something?

>On the waiting list for autism diagnosis
>Been on it for almost 8 months now
>Was told at the beginning the wait is about 9 months
Soon lads, very soon I will be an official autist

sounds realistic but hareems have master lad

If they wanted to make out and 69 and rim that would be fun :3

Because they had the potential for beauty and they ruined it by being a weak pig.

The truth is I'm attracted to trannies and women. Simple as. Trannies have feminine qualities and a nice cock. I like cocks but not attracted to manly men. Quite a weird. Feel.

Probably this


I do have low self esteem, but I don't want to abuse slim girls nearly as much as fat girls

Pretty much the same but i don't like cocks you chaser

Would you lads be so kind to link hentai and doujins of Goblin Slayer. In one of moods to wank to something i just watched.

na I can't for the life of me remember the name, I don't think he's very mainstream

seem to think from glasgow maybe?

I won't have this dick for long if I have anything to say about it. Which I don't so fuck me I guess.
Either way no one gets to touch my dick but me. Although I can't cum anymore anyways so w/e lol.

When did I become a boomer?


Bit quiet at the moment eh lads

I fucking love Neil Young and I'm 19, I know your pain

Fuck, posted in the wrong thread like a mong.

Fuck, I replied to the wrong post like a mong.

very sore tired eyes good night lads

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no lad you'll need to go down that rabbit hole yourself

Night lad
Been down it and made big cummies on hand but have no hand handwash

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wahey a speciaI snowflake

go wash your hands you filthy bugger

Thanks to the lad who posted Quicksand, didn't get around to replying
can hear life in mars in there a bit

I did with dishwasher stuff
Does have that vibe lad and no sweat lad, some say the song is about hitler killing himself in the bunker.

I like modern stuff too, just like lots of 60s/70s stuff, doesn't make me special

what are your favourite things in the world?
for me its,

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stormy weather
simple as

I miss being happy and watching sunsets

Absolutely patrish.

*siiiiip*, yep
>Neil Young
now THAT was an artist

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could actually murder a white monster right now

I've never had one. Are they very different from the green ones?

youtu.be/imn0DrtEuJM hope you like this lads, some weird timing in this video as well

What did Youtube mean by this, lads?

Does Google know I've been wanking to traps?

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yeah, more like weird flavored lemonaid

sure if you use google and search traps on youtube, just use duckduckgo and go incoginto

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I love how YouTube just happily suggests all these right wing videos for me to watch despite being owned by google.

Thanks guys

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Rate my team lads

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Bing is good for porn too, heard from an ex-MS employee that Bing actually used to have a dedicated team at one point for making it good for porn searching

Totally shite/10

quite bloody drunk tbqfhwyl
what you all upto

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getting ready to go to bed because my eyes feel like they're gonna start bleeding

>what you all upto
watching shit horror movies on Amazon Prime

What movies? I remember binging the Paranormal Activity movies a few years ago but I don't generally watch movies.

>The Diabolical
spooky ghost
>Dark Signal
spooky radio signal ghost
spooky time loop

>tfw gonna have a McDonalds breakfast later
>tfw it's actually my dinner

Im out of control

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You still eating that shit, Ebin?

anyone here bet on dogs or horses? thinking of getting into it

Got into it for a couple of weeks thanks to Ebin but gambling isnt really my thing

what do you think is gonna happen to that massive crowd of south americans trying to get to murica? someone said all the gangs in mexico will fuck them up

How long til they reach Mexico?

I don't think most of them will reach the border. Apparently it's really fucking hot in whatever disty shithole they're walking though. Barely any of the previous caravan made it either.

naa im just some random bloke

Listening to gta v tunes
Comfy nostalgia

Funny that it's like that now, doesn't feel that long ago

I think that game came out in my second year of sixth form. I never played it because no PS4 but it looked fun.

Most will be blocked at the mexican border and the ones who make will be picked off my police and gangs, then they have to past the border and evade ice agents while they illegal stay in america.
Ilegal immrigrantion as gone down quite alot to america from southern america since trump, not because or some walls or tigher security but illusion of it being far harder than it used to be.
They have changed alot of shitty loopholes though now.
Thats because mexico blocked them at the southern border

2013, was on the old consoles
Put a lot of hours into it
I'm younger so it was year 11 for me

Above anything I'd like to go back to the innocence and ignorance of that time
Not having any self awareness
Being happy because I thought I had reason to be

>gta v tunes
>Comfy nostalgia

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>just stop drawing when you reach his hand bro it looks great

T. Spacker
It could be exactly the same for someone 30 years old, the game is 5 years old, that's the point

keis some mad lad in this movie stiched 3 women together

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I'm trying to calculate how much of a vote this bitch gets and frankly my math skills are lacking.

Wouldnt she need photo ID to be registered to vote? She wouldnt match any because she's got a mixed up face

if someone in their 30's wanted nostaigia they would get the old san andres kdst on the go, not gtv 5 with the average player being 12 and still being popular today.
user is underaged or a zoomer 15 -19 thats my point

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I haven't thown up but I can faintly taste vomit every time I breathe out.

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Whatever lad. Banter is banter. I enjoy it and it has a meaning to me now, even though I never thought it would

Eric Clapton is the biggest hack of rock stars

i feel the same way about gta san andres and maybe gta 4
it's a generational thing my wee laddy


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dunno lad, bob dylan exists

I literally can't name a song song by SafetyRails McGillacutty.

please take that back lad

the way he sings sounds like he's trying to push out a rock hard shit

woefully overrated

few more hours before an agonizing 6 hour bus ride to london lads

why you're going to london?

mcm comic con

What you dressing as laddo?

try and takes some snaps of trap cosplayers pls

My sister's there. I'd have went too if I wasn't an absolute sperg.

this is my costume(before alterations/diet), looking for cute guys, not gonna bother with girls unless theyre some sort of fetishist and make the move.

there are tons of literal autistics and physically disabled people in mcm, you wouldnt stand out in the least.

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>there are tons of literal autistics and physically disabled people in mcm, you wouldnt stand out in the least.

I just don't like going out tbhwyl. Let alone to fucking London.

Why do the materials on these costumes always look wrong? I can't describe exactly what's off about it but they always look a bit plasticy.

It's cool though. I'd cosplay Astolfo if I didn't have a father to further disappoint.

things almost never translate well into real life unless you spend thousands or someshit(hours spent crafting counts as money), and that still kinda depends on the material/armor.

have you seen the armor in world of warcraft movie? that shit costs thousands and looks like plastic fucking shit compared to a real knights armor.

what pantsu you wear with that?

i'll go and give you a good bumming
t.cute guy

you dressed up as that anime trap kinght?

i just wear black boxer briefs that kind of resemble spats.

the skirt is ridiculously short and exposing when I sit, which is a bit of a problem, luckily I have one of those cute tofucute bags I carry to just cover up.

>things almost never translate well into real life

That was another problem with the trap cosplays. The vast majority of dudes are too big to do it. Ends up looking like some Ru Paul shit.

Yours looks fine though, and it'll be even better after the alterations/diet.

lol failing for this "trap"

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