I hate atheists with a passion. Fuck atheists. I want to murder them on cold blood by being heretics enough to deny the existence of God and our Savior. They want to usurp Humanity and bring people to eternal damnation.
I hate atheists with a passion. Fuck atheists...
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Wow that's edgy as fuck. Consider making the leap of faith off a cliff, faggot.
Zeus could just invite me to Mt Olympus and change my mind you know.
You're going to Hell and you are avoiding your own salvation. Find God and happiness will follow. Become a knight faith.
>I want to murder them in cold blood
>thou shall not kill
u mad lol
>hates atheists
>wants to go to hell because of them
lmaoing at your entire existence rn
Being an atheist is edgy, not hating on them.
A man of great wisdom once told me a story. Two young egyptians became an atheist so their father said:
>you have excommunicated yourselves
>you have betrayed islam
Yeah Atheists are fucking annoying,
So are Monotheists
Based. For Allah, atheists must suffer.
Whoever changes their religion kill them
They all need to die, even her
What if I say I worship Ishtar. Is that any better?
What about Lucifer?
Like seriously YHVH is such a shit god. He's a dumbass Canaanite pantheon war god who decided he was patron god of the jews and told them he was a jealous asshole and they couldn't worship anyone else. Why he had to get such a dominant role over better tempered gods who are gods over better aspects of reality, I'll never understand. He's a shit ruler of the heavens and underworld too. He's such an asshole. I wish I could destroy him.
No I don't actually think he is real. but that's how I would think of religion if I was still religious. I would think every god exists and YHVH is a douche. Truly the asshole chad of the gods.
/thread orioreligional
Those are stupid Gods and the only true real God is Christian's.
>wanting a sky chad
Implying that rule was ever followed, even by God.
Oh yeah some dumb uber-jealous god of war and judaism is better than the godess of night death dreams and darkness, the god of lightning and power, the bringer of light and knowledge, the undead creation goddess of japan, the goddess of love, the god of death.
Like shit man Dionysus is a better god than YHVH. I'd rather worship Hanuman than YHVH. The buddha isn't even a god and he's a better god than YHVH. I'd worship Kratos over YHVH, and he isn't even actually part of greek mythology!
Why can you not accept that god is LOVE. No man in the sky but the power that bring all us humans together.
How does it feel that never feel the embrace of our creator you seathing sack of degenerate shit
Then why did he even command it?
>being this much of a polytheistic pseud who thinks he understands anything about these pagan gods and thinks it's cool to not like YHVH.
I mean, if you're gonna be atheistic be one, but don't come here with all of this polytheistic crap thinking other Gods make any more sense. Other religions are even worse and you're just ignorant if you're one of those "Hurr Durr Christian God bad, other Gods good, although I have never studied theology."
there is no power that brings all humans together. why do you think there is violence? and even if there is some force that brings humans together there is no reason to believe that force created the universe.
I don't really like atheists either, but I wouldn't take it that far.
I don't know if God exists. I'm pretty doubtful about it honestly. But if he does, I really feel bad for him. Looking down on his creations to see them all killing each other, stealing, raping, pillaging, not believing in him and dirtying the universe he made.
I'm just trying to do the best I can to be positive and not hurt anyone. I do think God would understand disbelief. I don't think he would condemn people for that. As long as they're good people and all.
literally any god is better than yhvh. the abrahamic faiths are dumb as shit and YHVH isn't even god over anything cool. And he refuses to admit he's a failure unlike the other gods who were known failures. Everybody in greece knew their pantheon was a dysfunctional mess. Aphrodite would still be a better god to worship than YHVH though. At least she could get me a gf.
Wtf I believe in God now
God is subject to nature. Nature is God's god. Even if you believe God is omnipresent, they can only influence the world through the rules of nature and probability.
Why would I worship a lesser being when God and myself are both part of Mother Nature's embrace?
if i read kierkegaard will girls like me
Nature creates all and consumes all. It is the greatest creative and destructive force that has ever and will ever exist. Everyone and everything shares Nature in common. Nature is not a benevolent mother either.
so you are calling the universe god. Ok. I'm just gonna call the universe the universe and I ain't gonna worship it.
>if i read kierkegaard will girls like me
I have an email address I registered way back when that I have never revealed to anyone. if your Lord and Savior can be bothered to email that address, I will instantly and unconditionally convert to Christianity. But if He is for some reason incapable of doing so, I have no interest in worshipping a being that will not spare a single email for my eternal soul.
>reeeee the hat people don't think like me kill them all
where tf is RitalinBot in this thread
if by girls you mean yourself then no
God isn't the universe, and the universe is not nature. The universe exists within nature, but there is going to be a point where a temporal universe no longer exists. Nature will still remain however. It was here before the big bang, and there will be reason to assume it'll be here long after protons decay/maximum entropy.
God is a temporal being that brings about causes. Nature exists regardless of whether or not there is the capacity for change.
>I'd worship Kratos over YHVH, and he isn't even actually part of greek mythology!
Holy shit! A true man of culture. May Lord Kratos bless you!
Fuck off. There's no afterlife, only a dark empty void.
>all the retards in this thread that have never even opened the bible but feel entitled to comment on it
>all these people that have zero idea what religion is
>b-but why would i ever read the bible, i'm too smart for religion!
The KJV is one of the most beautiful works of prose in the English language. You are literally retarded if you have not read the Bible from cover to cover and live in the West.
yall niggas is a disgrace
>where tf is RitalinBot in this thread
I am Ritalinbot lol
>Find God and happiness will follow.
Ok. So why pick the Christian god? I like Zeus. Should I take a leap of faith and believe in him? Technically I would become a knight of faith, right?
fuck off the bible is retarded from book one and boring as fuck. Even if it was fun to read it wouldn't make it true.
>Kant based philosophy
Yikes. It's not the Victorian Era anymore.
false. it's the mainstream to be an atheist now, the ones who are edgy are the ones perpetuating outlandish ideas for the sole purpose of being mainstream: Christian millennials/zoomers. unless you're done gen x cunt and claim to believe in God you're the one who is a larping edgelord living through his ego trip.
>the most formative work in the entire western canon
>i-its just dumb!
The King James bible is a tangled mess of archaic diction, telling an incoherent tangle of stories with no actual point. Even the Qu'ran is clearer.
I guess you could try, but it's easier believing in YHVH because there's a clear theology to it and stuff.
>It's not the Victorian Era anymore.
Not with that attitude.
Genesis is the one making claims that people lived to be 900.
hey OP, whats the age cut off for this? like if you ask a 4 year old if he believes in god, and he says "whats god?", do you kill him?
Just because something is "formative" doesn't make it good. Most of the musical genres I enjoy descend on some level from jazz, but I'd rather not listen to music than hear imrpov jazz. Yeah, the Bible is popular. So are the Transformers movies and the Big Bang Theory.
Fucking brainlet. It's the best collection of works compiled into a single book ever written and if you think otherwise you have to be shot right now on charges of being mentally retarded. Even Schopenhauer Who was a total atheist quoted from the Bible in his books, so fuck you.
no theres 3000 different theologies/sects all contradicting each other.
>one god makes sense
>more than one don't
man genesis was so bad that when I read it while trying to get deeper into my faith it completely kicked my belief out of my brain. The bible is what made me atheist.
> (You)
>no theres 3000 different theologies/sects all contradicting each other.
Yeah but there ARE theologies. So much has been lost from the Greeks there's no clear theology nor priests to give you any guidance, nor books. There are only half survived plays and books which are unreliable, and not only that, some are direct parodies on the Gods.
>I like Zeus. Should I take a leap of faith and believe in him?
Had Hellenism survived until today Zeus would have evolved into a universal blob just like the Christian god. Hell, they both originate from the same pantheon.
No, it isn't. The average person in the street in the West can name more Ninja Turtles than they can characters from the Bible. Most of the stories basically just have God saving the protagonist in the end anyway. They're terrible stories written as propaganda for a bygone era. Song of Songs is sure pretty good and I think we all like to take mushrooms and read Revelations but it's hardly wall to wall quality. If you told me that a human felt it was critically important that I read these specific stories, I'd assume he was an insane pervert. It's just total bullshit that God himself would include a bunch of stories where he looks like a total tool in the Bible and sill manage to explain nothing about the Big Bang or sexually transmitted diseases or penicillin.
So? I've never been struck by lightnenig so I guess acknowledging zeus doesn't fucking matter because I'm just an insignificant mortal.
>calls others pseuds
>is a Christian for the sole purpose of looking smart and different
fuck off retard
YHVH is from canaan not greece.
He's a Christian because he believes it makes him a good white, when in reality there is no such thing as a "good white".
Anyone who identifies as "white" has been brainwashed.
I disagree with your faith but if your God does exist I hope He bIesses you and cures you of your hate
>So are the Transformers movies and the Big Bang Theory.
These are not formative. Popular and formative are not the same thing.
>I'd rather not listen to music than hear imrpov jazz
And? Are you saying you can't read a book because it has allegorical and mythical elements?
I'm saying genesis was boring as fuck and wrong as fuck. I've tried to read revelations several times but it is written in such a fucking obnoxious way I can't tell what the fuck is happening.
Greek pantheon is Canaanite. There was a Phoenician thalassocracy that spread those gods around.
So what YHVH is Ares?
What kind of blessing would Kratos give ???
>I can't tell what the fuck is happening.
>its bad because im retarded
Okay, whatever.
He's the god of war and patron god of sparta, he'll help you win battles so long as you aren't in conflict with sparta.
The real enemy is catholics.
They think the words of the pope (i.e. a man) are on par with those of the Holy Bible
>These are not formative. Popular and formative are not the same thing.
I didn't say that they were. I made two separate points - 1) the bible is formative because it's popular, and 2) being popular does not make it good. Do try to follow along, I can't leave bread crumbs at every turn in the conversation.
>And? Are you saying you can't read a book because it has allegorical and mythical elements?
When you have to assume a book is an allegory to make any sense at all, you had better hope the allegory makes sense. The great thing about the Bible is that despite having thousands of years to study it no one has made it make any kind of sense, much less explained why God felt it was important to know about Lot sleeping with his own daughters.
>patron god of spart
Hah, fat chance. He was exiled from Sparta, remember?
It's bad because it is written bad because it is somebody talking about a spooky dream they had in the most vague way possible and taking a fucking hour to start talking about it.
YHVH is probably El. If I remember correct El and Cronos are of a similar origin. Too lazy to look it up right now to be totally honest.
What the fuck are you talking about lol. Do you have any sources to back that up?
isnt their a pretty good argument for a common indoeuropean pantheon as the source for hinduism/zoroastrianism/most pre-christian western mythology? like asuras=aesir etc.
His exact mythological origin appears to be a syncretism between a cult of El (evident in "first genesis") and a cult of a Ba'al style mountain god (evident in "second genesis"). I really wish the El guys had won, the world would be much better off today with a more chill and distant God.
Er sorry, Cronus.
>Why can you not accept that god is LOVE
>Exodus 15:3 "The Lord is a man of war: the Lord is his name."
>Nehemiah 1:5 "And said, I beseech thee, O Lord God of heaven, the great and terrible God, that keepeth covenant and mercy for them that love him and observe his commandments:"
>1 Corinthians 6:9 "Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,"
Did you not play god of war 2? he was specifically helping spartans in that game.
I don't remember the name El being greek. Frankly I remember YHVH being a canaanite god of war, and el being a title for him.
i think its been established that yhwh was an ancestral god.
Everything after the original God of War is fan-fiction, in my opinion. The ending of God of War clearly shows him reigning over human warfare for all of history, not being deposed by Zeus two minutes later so he can have another temper tantrum. The first game's story was perfect and self-contained.
The Pope is the closest living being to god though.
I wouldn't be surprised if people back then thought like me that all gods were real and localized. which allows for a mixture of mythology over time. But I thought religion started separately in mesopotamia and europe.
>I don't remember the name El being greek. Frankly I remember YHVH being a canaanite god of war, and el being a title for him.
El is a descendent of An, the sky-god from Sumerian myth that was popularized by the Babylonian empire, which revered all things Sumerian. Proto-Jews were worshipping El long before the Hellenic age, in between somehow teleporting to Europe to keep the superior humans there from developing metallurgy.
I like the rest of the god of war story and it wasn't two minutes later, kratos ruled over war for a long time before the gods got pissed off at him. then zeus stabbed him and he went after revenge then he caused the apocalypse and went to the norse pantheon. hmm again with the interesting idea that all religions are true and localized.
Yeah, again, look into thalassocracies. All of these people were connected to some degree. I imagine religion was started by traveling sailors and bards telling stories.
>(((mainstream religion)))
Does that apply to this guy?
I just know that now the true name of the abrahamic god that you aren't supposed to say is YHVH. and el is wrapped up as a title in modern interpretations. which is why all the major archangel's names end in el. Michael, Helel, Uriel, Gabriel, Raphael.
Yes. God works in mysterious ways and we are not always able to understand his logic.
>god puts the embodiment of the antichrist at the head of the catholic church
>haha he just works in mysterious ways!
>there are grown ass adults out there who believe they will live forever if they worship a dead Jew on a stick
Quote the scripture that says this
>Did this during the enligthenment
>When humans started to bite into Apple from the tree of knowledge again
>Society has only been degrading ever since
And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven."
Matthew 16:18-19
>When humans started to bite into Apple from the tree of knowledge again
The Medici family were the chief founders of that whole movement, though. Literally every major inventor and artist from that era was funded by them. They even went so far as to pay people to go into old churches, bust open ancient chests in the archives, and pull out ancient scholarly texts written by people so far beyond the pale that they were pretty much meta-human in comparison to the people of that period.
Is the current pope Peter?
By the time Pope Leo X was Pope the Enlightenment was already going strong. To me it appears as if God decided to let humans indulge, and see what suffering it brings them. We have technology, but we are losing our souls.
>jesus and mohammet ascend in the literal sky into space
listen I know science isn't your thing but that whole resurrection thing probably didn't last too long