How depressing is it to realize that every job that’s sounds entertaining or interesting has wack pay? I wanna be a paramedic but also don’t want to live in the ghetto.. I want a lot of money but unfortunately every high paying job blows so much dick. I’m in finance now, time to kill my self.
Gains related question: how much can you bros bend over row with decent form? I can do like 200 for reps.
I can double jumbs. Also engineering is pretty easy and fun
Nathan Allen
Intersting and pays well
Brayden Williams
This isn't some coincidence, they pay well BECAUSE they're difficult and uninteresting
Jonathan Mitchell
Pick two if you are lucky. Depends on your drive, education and connections. Finance is good, if you are serious about it you will do fine, in the end you still have to work.
Lucas Hughes
Tax Law, for example, isn't difficult or uninteresting. It's just so fucking boring it hurts. Actually, representing the words "tax law" in my mind legitimately makes me anxious.
Adam Diaz
I'd say a boring job is an uninteresting job
Charles Cruz
If you're in finance, stay there, nigger. Paramedics make dick and they have to deal with all sorts of random bullshit like HIV positive junkies leaking infectious blood all over the place after getting stabbed, et cetera.