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he's actually slim again.

Oops now he’s fat again

Dubs and bale dies

Did he purposely fuck up his hair for the role or is it actually looking like that these days?

He definitely fucked it up for the role

This is inspiring to me. I used to look like a genuine male model, 8.5/10, in the middle of my teens, and now I look pretty bad. Actually pretty gross and scary once I'm drunk. By changing my lifestyle enough I can probably get back to that very attractive mode even though my bones etc have changed a bit since then and my skin is less cooperative

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He should not let himself get that fat at his age

his skin is not going to bounce back

wait that's actually Bale at the end? I thought it was the old guy from Community. Like some kind of shitty meme

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who cares about skin when you're a multimillionaire. Bale has access to all the jew life extending elixir he wants.

sure bud, post a pic and I'll believe you. Mr "male model"

It will because he's got all the money in the world for the best treatment

>doesn't know who chevy chase is

Eat buckshot zoomer.

i'm 30

of course i know who chevy chase is
he's the unfunny old guy from community

That's how I used to look. I look worse now. And other people said that to me

Dubs and he lives till 100

Still no pic

pic related is from an interview earlier this year, so it's safe to say he did it on purpose to more accurately portray dick cheney

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When is he going to take the role?

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I just cut through all the crap and went directly for the last physique.

Bale looks so much like terry in op 3rd pic

I love him so much

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