/r9gay/ - #477

we're all depressed and fucked up but we'll make it together edition

Last thread:

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First post for my future bf

Hello I'm your future bf.

Sup user, how are things?

No you're not my future bf

where is my qt university bf or gf at

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>future bf

This person right below me is now legally my bf


No, never never and never.

You can't just own me like that's it'll illegal

The next person with dubs will be my bf

so many faggots in this thread kys

>or gf
Biscum get out REEEEEEE!!!!!!

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Welcome gentlemen to /r9gay/ bingo. Winning bingo gets you a free state mandated bf

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I probably will eventually be patient

Getting a vidya bf is too hard

Getting a any bf is too hard

What does /r9gay/ likes to play?

Vidya bf should be easier

Yeah a Dota bf would be nice, I did some cosplay at their main tourney but I was alone. Holy shit some people are grabby and creepy. It made me fall in love with cosplay so hopefully I can have one that plays vidya and can cosplay and protect me.

Any more so than the rest of this board? lol. At least most of us are idiots that can fall in love.

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Who the heck did you cosplay as a boy that got people grabbing you? I went to TI7, I wish TI8 wasn't in canada or I would've went

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Yeah I guess we're kinda the romantic side of Jow Forums?

i never understand why people saying getting a bf is hard i've not been single for more then a month in 10 years. maybe i'm lucky but i just have a feeling you're standards are to high, like i'll go for any twink bod even if his face isn't good.

>standards are to high
Or im just too bad for normal people

I think we are.
I did trap Templar Assassin, haha. I'd post pics of it but we arne't allowed to post selfies here.

sorry buddy you just sound kinda slutty
>your standards are too high
i just want one person to love for the rest of my life. too high?

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i've only ended one relationship in my life. the guy was just too damn annoying to stay with but some times i still think about him. mostly the relationship gets old and the other guy leaves. i try to keep things new and different, even done sexual stuff i was never into just to keep things new but you can't force some one to stick around and when they say it's time to move on i don't fight it.

What was annoying?

he changed his voice to try and sound "cute" (i asked him to stop and he wouldn't) and he kept trying to fill silent space with singing or something else. i just couldn't take it anymore. but he was a good nice guy. just couldn't stop being annoying all the time. also he was super hot

> no bf to fall in love with and to turn me immortal

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Fucking biscum already here.....

same i've only ended one but i'm probably a lot younger. it can be pretty easy to tell whether it's gonna work out beforehand though, saves me from wasting time with someone who'll just get bored.

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>silent space with singing
Ugh thats cringy. Like in public?! Or was this some long distance thing you did.

Sissy sluts report in!

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Fuck u normie throwing away a perfectly good bf. leave this thread kindly.

baited much?

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No offense but that sounds kinda cute
I like singing when I'm with friends, tho I do it mostly without noticing.

You're clearly a very normal, well adjusted, attractive and social guy then. The kind that's happy to go swipe a bunch of dudes on tinder and can get along fine with anyone. A lot of us aren't that social, aren't that attractive and are nowhere near normal. The pool of people that would be attracted to us is low to begin with. Even if they were we'd find it difficult to get along with someone, especially if they're a generic normalfag. It's hard to find common ground between Game of Thrones (bland normie drama) and Throne of Lilith (obscure rape-themed hentai game).

>i just want one person to love for the rest of my life. too high?
Genuinely yes. Just look at gay people at large and you'll easily see examples of most being unable to just stick with 1 person, for example this guy in the very next post wanting to keep things "new and fresh".

I wonder if he did it in public tho, because then I understand and its cringy for all around. Or if it was long distance and just got irritated by himself.

Try having a severe mental illness and seeing if people will even tolerate your existence.

you don't understand because you don't belong here, do you understand?

just about sums it all up right there

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sad if true, i haven't even gotten a bf yet, and you just made me want to stop looking

Welp I had my hotdog and now I'm listening to the Music Choice Hip Hop channel because that's what I do.
How's everyone?


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I'm good, just had an omelette, fucked up on the flipping part and it broke into multiple pieces. But was still tasty. How are you user?

>tfw will never, ever feel the warmth of another human being
Tell me why I shouldn't go rogue and become an evil man and a scourge to society if I will never get what I want out of this life?

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Buy a heated blanket!

I'm severely depressed and slowly drinking myself to death but otherwise I'm fine.

Actually it's not that slow, a liter of vodka a day for the past 10 years is a pretty intense pace even for a veteran alcoholic.

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Oh well I hope it tasted good nontheless.
I'm OK just a bit tired. Been feeling a bit demotivated lately. I'm thinking on seeing a psychiatrist but I'm a bit tired of doctors.

>a liter of vodka a day for the past 10 years is a pretty intense pace even for a veteran alcoholic.
Give me some

You should totally seek help. I'm sure you're a great guy. I know it sounds a bit hypocrite because I like smoking, but if you quit/reduce your alcohol intake you might as well use that money for something else, don't you think?

public or private, he always enjoyed being the center of everything.

it's hard to tell when things will move into that next relationship step. from i want to be only around you to we are in this together no matter what.

>public or private, he always enjoyed being the center of everything.
How so if I can ask?

Your liver is probably fucked beyond repair desu. Maybe you could find another drinker and destroy your insides together, or maybe you'll even stop drinking so much and live a little longer.

Maybe. I'd have to make an appointment with the poverty doctor which would be pretty degrading. In my experience the staff in drug & alcohol abuse circles really like to shame patients and look down on them. It's pretty fucked up. They do the same thing in the mental hospital, which is ironically where they sent me after a week in detox the last time I went.

I got it checked out a couple years ago and they didn't find any scarring so I'd like to think that it's not on its last legs quite yet.

I'm really sorry to hear user. I wish I could do something to help but since I can't I'll link you to a song I just heard on the radio

Why must you mock me with this 'urban poetry?'
I'll have to blare an anguished cacophony to cleanse my musical palette.
Some kind of harsh noise that's painful to hear.

Not that user. But I was looking at this song wondering what the fuck the title was because I just saw the name of artists. But then I realized it was called The Weekend. It wasn't the artist The Weeknd and that fucked me up.

he would sing in a call when nothing was going on. he would talk or make sounds too just to fill the air. he was very cute at the start but it really got annoying after a while. in public he was always outgoing and full of life to the point of being annoying. he didn't mind making a sceen. even if i asked him to keep his voice down or not to spaz out.

tell me about your crushes /r9gay/
i need to forget a few things

Sorry user I kinda like this kind of music.

i am normal but i'm also a bit clingy and i haven't had a lasting relationship yet so that is something.

he's a really good cook and he spends most of his time playing video games just like me

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I don't want to sound mean when I say this but I don't really care what music you're listening to, and you shouldn't care whether or not I like it. I don't want to sound like I don't care about you but whatever you music you like is what you like. Nothing to do about that.

eh that's not really what i was talking about but okay dude

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How do I actually get a bf? serious question. Can any kind anons please post a detailed step by step guide on how to get a bf?

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>dont be ugly
>dont be too autistic
Thats it

You will have to put more effort into it if you want to get attention.

this is the most autistic way of saying "we just have different tastes and that's fine"

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There's no fucking guaranteed way to get a bf. You have to figure it out for yourself

Hah I thought the same but hey we're in Jow Forums after all

does anyone here like astronomy or stargazing?
>tfw no astronomy bf

Yeah, that's fair. But I don't know that this person and I have different music tastes just because they liked this one song. Taking this into account, I dunno if i'd be completely honest if I said what you did.

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I like astronomy, although I get really introspective and quiet, so that unsettles people.

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No, but you could teach me. We could watch the night sky while you rest your head on my chest and I caress your hair as you tell me about each constellation.

Im a biology boy, I could regale about cool mycology in our area, and try to guess at constellations while camping :)

>talk to me about your passions while i just focus on my need for physical intimacy instead

>be in class in law school
>huge class, nearly 100 people
>room is shaped like a V so I watch the people on the other side while pretending to listen to a lecture I already understand
>always end up looking at the same guy
>cute but I've never met him and I'm too autistic to just walk up and talk to him without a reason
>realize I was staring at him
>he looks at me
>quickly look at the professor
>wait a while, pretending to listen to lecture
>look again
>he's looking at me
>lock eyes
>quickly look away again, basically confirming I was staring at him before

So this is how going happily unnoticed ends...

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They arne't mutually exclusive

>We could watch the night sky while you rest your head on my chest
i-i don't know what to say

actually, found some liberty caps in my back yard today. spore print matched up, they look exactly the same. i'm going to keep an eye on them and see if they can reach maturity before i pick them.

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That sounds perfect. I can't promise though I won't get so mesmerized by you that I will lose sight of the stars.
You're jealous because you don't have that kind of intimacy with anyone.

Before I started looking in more detail I never realized how insanely deep biology is as a field. There are so many subdivisions that mirror the complexity of other scientific disciplines just by themselves. The differences in scale and variety of phenomena alone make it crazy to even approach mastery of the discipline. At best you can master one specialty like medicine, pharmacology, zoology etc.

>i-i don't know what to say
You don't have to say anything other than keep talking me about the stars. You're too cute when you talk about something that makes you feel passionate.

l really want to hug you!

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Very true, its why I love Biology. My dream is to own a flower shop and be cute in a small town and be with a cool dude forever. I'm going with doctor though, since thats where the money is and I do like helping people. But the flower shop is suuuch a sweet dream.

hmm this sounds so nice, I'm pretty cute irl, but I know squat about stars, just mycology and botany.

>talk to someone
>immediately imagine our entire lives together
It IS normal right?

>btw I'm 6'3 seen other people putting their height on their profile does it matter

why does reading this shit piss me off so much?

I was literally about to post this, I should probably leave this thread. I'm way too heartsick and a romantic idiot. Especially since I doubt anyone is in the west coast. If you imagine someone like me as super cute, then... you'd be right. :)

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out of weed. coasting on vodka. sounds like bullshit issues but i have more going on than i will admit.
some men just want to

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>flower shop
that sounds super cute!

No. I will hug you and I will make sure you feel safe. I want to see how you slowly give in into my arms as I hold you tight. You will have to earn it though. First you will have to tell me all about your passion. Then you will have your reward.
Then you could talk me about the flower shop you want to have one day and how you imagine every detail. I would ask you about your favorite flower and the next time we saw each other I would bring you a bouquet of them. It may not be a whole shop but it's a start.

Are you insecure about your height user?

Haha such a flirty tease. I appreciate it, but only makes me more lovesick. Its such a being working to look so cute, but literally no one is ever near me, not a lot of people like cute fem boys

I'm 5'8 but i don't want to encourage the tallfags.

Are you a top or bottom? (I'm guessing top since you seem angry at tall guys) I'm 6'2 btw

>but only makes me more lovesick
And why do I have a hunch that you're loving it? Send me your contact so I can see how cute you are. [email protected]

Well of course I love it, Its why I'm abandoning thread since its not going to ever go anywhere. Romantic flirting makes me feel so warm inside, like that warm nostalgic feeling when you are finally feeling the effects of alcohol.

>Sending Pics to someone on r9k, some creepy throwaway
lol no. People think I cute that boy anime hair though,

short guys are super cute. don't be mad.