Just had prolapsed hemmoroid surgery class 3. Got answers for questions.
Got it from lifting heavy stuff and being on the toilest extra long on the chon.
Just had prolapsed hemmoroid surgery class 3. Got answers for questions
Is it a pain in the ass?
Yeah it is. Even with pain meds. Apparently its one of the most painful surgeries to get.
>Got it from lifting heavy stuff
why is lifting so gay?
but it didn't even start yet, user
I've heard your next poop will be like birthing a kid
Should eat more fiber and spend less time shitposting while shitting.
>eat more fiber
How this? What, just shovel oats or something? Like what are you supposed to eat, and how much each day?
>when you literally don't understand how to eat more fiber
Jesus fucking christ, the absolute state of Amerifats. Virtually every real, non-animal food contains fiber. This means all fruits, vegetables, nuts, and grains. You eat more fiber by eating something besides highly processed garbage.
Buy something called whole psyllium husks. It's plant fiber, and has no nutritional value (no calories). You mix 1-2 tablespoons in a glass of water and drink it down. Doesn't taste like anything. Not pleasant but not bad either. Best shits of my life. Perfectly formed. Barely any wiping at all, sometimes none.
How do you not know about fiber, supplement form or otherwise.
You'd still have to eat a fuckton of fruits and veggies every single day to get the correct amount of fiber.
You should be eating a "fuckton" of fruits and veggies every single day regardless. You're a fucking idiot and you're going to die of cancer in your 40s if your idea of a balanced diet is junk food supplemented with fiber tablets.
Almost everyone gets cancer before they die. And there's no way you're eating fruits and vegetables in sufficient quantities to consume 25g of fiber.
>fiber tablets
Fiber is fiber. Doesn't matter where it comes from.
>he thinks that 25g of fiber is all he needs in a day
>he thinks that there's no difference between processed fiber supplements and fiber eaten as part of whole foods
It just keeps getting worse. Every study done on the diet of humans pre-agriculture estimates our daily fiber intake at around 80-100g daily. If you think that your digestive system has changed enough in a few thousand years to suddenly require 1/4 the amount of fiber it evolved to get then you're even more retarded than I thought you were.
I have no idea what you're on about. The current recommended fiber intake for adults is 25-30g. That's the current medical science, not anthropology.
Also, fiber is indigestible plant material. It literally can't make a difference.
>The current recommended fiber intake for adults is 25-30g. That's the current medical science, not anthropology.
Yes, that's the DRI. Do you know how those numbers are calculated? DRI numbers are the amount necessary to prevent deficiency. To put it differently, they are the bare minimum your body needs. It's not "this is how much you need to gain the maximum benefit". It's "this is how much you need to not have a deficiency-related disease". These numbers are also based on what the government thinks they can realistically expect the average person to consume.
Let's take an example, vitamin C. The current DRI is 90mg/day. Studies on the diet we ate for the vast majority of the history of our species puts our daily intake at around 500-600mg/day. We used to be able to synthesize our own vitamin C and the most popular hypothesis for why we lost that ability is that we were getting so much from our diet that it was unnecessary to make our own. Or, in other words, your body literally evolved around a diet extremely high in vitamin C. Where was that vitamin C found? In plants that were also extremely high in fiber.
>Also, fiber is indigestible plant material. It literally can't make a difference.
So now I'm at the point of feeling sorry for you. I'm not gonna do your research for you but you can spend 5 minutes googling the function and benefit of dietary fiber and quickly learn just how wrong this statement is. Fiber is fuel not just for your digestive processes but for the bacteria that compose a huge part of your digestive and immune system. It is extremely important and nutrition researchers who know their shit have been saying for decades that fiber should be classified as something more akin to vitamins owing to how vital it is to our health.
Just hit yourself with a brick repeatedly until you learn some humility you arrogant waste basket
where do you get these whole psyllium husks? just the grocery store or something, one of the sections?
supplement shops, GNC, amazon
you want whole psyllium husks though, the loose kind. Don't get "powder" or the pills.
Seriously, stop. You're only making more problems for yourself down the road if you start using supplements as crutches for your shitty diet. If you're deficient in fiber then you're deficient in a lot of other things found in fiber-containing foods. The solution is eating real food, not supplements.
does psyllium husk cause issues for people with ibs-c?
If fiber generally does, then probably. If fiber generally doesn't, then probably not. Isn't more soluble fiber indicated for people with ibs? That's what psyllium is, soluble plant fiber. Do your research tho
It was work related dude. Was working in Alaska and the cold+ hard work+ galley food did it
Yeah im taking stool softeners to soften the blow
Im considering going to shit.
You clearly have no idea what your nutrition profile looks like lmao. Please stop giving advice about things you're not knowledgeable in, thanks. Just a bunch of useless posts.
I have a similar thing. I got a little hemeroid sticking out. it doesn't hurt or anything, it's just there. and when I shit I get like 2 or 3 but they go back in after 5 minutes. so weird, idk what to do because they've been around for a year and the suppositories my doctor subscribed me don't do shit
What's your solution then, what "real foods"? You said fruits and veggies and nuts, well that's shit you can google. What specific things are good to eat for this?
I would see if u can staple it before it gets hella bad like mind did.