Wow 70% of the population are virgins aren't they

Wow 70% of the population are virgins aren't they

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Not where I live. Even the ugliest autistic kids have had girlfriends and relationships and I really hope that people saying that they are like 25 years old and have never kissed a girl or even held a girls hand are just baiting for (yous)

I'm 33
Earn six figures
Never had a gf
My life focus was never on women
I feel horrible everyday now

Not a full virgin though

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Someone I know is about to be 30 and I know for an absolute fact he's a kissless virgin who's only ever asked one person out. (She said no)
It's not surprising because he's never worked on himself at all. about 400 lbs, lives with parents, has worked a service industry job for 10 years right out of highschool, no college (Not that college is necessary, but it's another thing on top of all the others)
My main worry is that he's gonna snap someday and kill someone.

>about 400 lbs
oh thank god i thought you were talking about me

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What are you talking about, OP? We're all getting laid regularly for a long time now. You're not saying you're a virgin, are you, OP?
>lol he's a virgin, Stacy!

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I told myself for years I needed wealth and status. Than I became successful and just worked on my career/built a business
Now I'm over 30 and holy shit. I'm a virgin and have no contact with women at all

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..okay, I think I might have just been out-trolled. :-(

Join a church, even if you don't believe, I guess (not like religion is real anyway, LOL). You'll meet women there who are interested in LTRs. That's one way I guess.

this struck me on a trans-dimensional level

Trust me its getting worse
Will gladly throw my life and career away for a woman
I never focused on being like other people and I went my own way. Everyone who knows me thinks I made a great decision with this business
Problem is after 30 I realized wow you're a virgin and haven't really achieved much
I'm losing my drive and motivation to continue living desu

I didnt understand at the time you didnt need money to fuck women
It's all about game