Meat causes cancer

>meat causes cancer
>dairy causes cancer
>wheat causes cancer
>any remotely fun meal or desert causes cancer

Literally what the fuck am I allowed to eat? Non GMO Organic home grown green beans from some old fuckin hippy's farm at $35.00 per 100g?

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Cancer causes cancer
Shitposting causes cancer
The dark fate ages is has of causes cancer.
It’s the new girl you are looking for

If everything causes cancer then you may as well be buff with cancer. Chemo is the ultimate cutting method, too.

How will meat cucks ever recover?

>Be alive
>cells are constantly reproducing and replacing
>every time a cell divides theres a small chance it can mutate and turn into a cancer cell
>kill myself so i never get cancer

Attached: just rattle my spoons up fam.png (588x412, 569K)

everything causes cancer
just eat what you want in moderation, you'll be fine


>>any remotely fun meal or desert causes cancer
>>any remotely fun meal or desert
>>fun meal or desert

fucking fatty you deserve the cancer. a fun meal isn't about what you eat. it's about the experience and with the people you share it with.
everyday sustenance isn't fun and it's not supposed to be.

A lot of it is jew psy-op FUD camouflage info overload so you get fatigued and just stop paying attention to cancer reports because you have no idea which ones are legit

It ultimately comes down to your genes so just live your life. Meat and dairy aren't going to give you anything you weren't going to get already. Obviously moderation is important in all aspects of life so just act accordingly.

>unpopular fact

nofap causes prostate cancer

this just in
anything with a high quality protein causes cancer
heck even soi causes cancer appearently now

anything that promotes tissue repair can cause cancer, you cannot avoid the risk
but if you are eating dumb shit like ice cream then you are getting nothing but cancer juice and 0 gains building materials besides the calories.

Carnivore. Eat only meat, it's the healthiest possible.
Veganism is pushed by jews and you should always do the opposite of what the jews want you to.

there's not a single carnivore human population in the world today and we have never found one

Inuits were fully carnivore in the recent past. When western diet was introduced to them, it only caused a bunch of problems.

>what's colon cancer?

Not carnivore.
They eat and ate algae and any other plant they come across, berries were treasured in their cultures as well.
They also have genetic adaptations to said diet that are lacking in non artic human populations.

Like I said, there's not a single human population now or in any of recorded history that was on a meat only diet, none.
We have some data on the diet of the paleolithic human and neanderthal, and it was never carnivore.

try harder next time, veg shill :)

user, I'm not sure how to say this but... you alread have cancer. I have cancer too. Everyone in this thread has cancer.

It's like this user said Every time your cells split, there's a small chance of cancer developing due to a defect (ie. a cell goes way overboard and starts splitting too fast). Usually these cells are 'cleaned up' by your auto-immune system though. You don't "get cancer" unless this doesn't happen.

Merely going vegan doesn't avoid all foods associated with cancer. To avoid those, you'd have to go on some incredibly esoteric diet that would probably end up in you missing nutrients anyway.

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meat ain't linked to colon cancer, that's processed meat AKA junk food

go vegan and die

Red meat in particular was linked to cancer, but I think it was with a factor of 2 as opposed to smoking and lung cancer which had a factor of 18. In other words, the correlation was low enough that it could be coincidence. Or it could not. Can't find anything about poultry being linked to cancer though.

You need to consider relative risks in assessing this.

Consume around 500g of not- potato vegetables a day.

masai aren't carnivore though
you can't find a single human population that is carnivore, trust me I tried, there is none.

claiming dumb shit like "well this barely studied population is on an exclusively meat only diet" are just as fucking stupid as "well cretans and sardinians used to eat mostly plant foods so they were full vegan before the modern day".

Get real dude, you're in a fucking cult-like mentality.

The more natty muscles you have the less of a chance of cancer. Being fat increases risk of cancer. Eat whole foods and work out if you want to minimize risk of cancer.

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a lot of studies make "processed and/or red meat" one category

1. wheat doesn't cause cancer.
2. wfpb vegan is the best way to eat to lower cancer risk
3. don't bake or fry any food. Steam, boil, or eat it raw
4. stay away from dense urban environments
5. exercise everyday

there's literally no good reason to have cancer

>4. stay away from those parts of the country where all the jobs are

great advice you literal child

Testosterone causes cancer AND it's a neurotoxin. Flush that poison out of your system. You don't want to get cancer and die, do you?

Shoot up some tren for a year, and when you stop your testicles will be so shriveled you'll be chemically castrated too! Near 0 testosterone for life!

Fuck off Reiko discord tranny

youre gonna die anyway

People who eat red meat are more likely to get cancer. But that's only if you're a vegan cuck and don't take into account any other part of their diet.

Rice and beans. Not those shitty green beans you mentioned though, ideally some organic black beans from a bpa-free can. Lentils are also God-tier. As far as rice type, don't fall for the brown meme (often high in Arsenic and Lead, and the bran has an anti-androgenic property). White basmati or rice vermicellis are super easy to digest and produce an adequate glycemic response when combined with protein (beans) and fat (coconut oil, olive oil). It's actually very easy to afford when you eat this way so you can buy organic. I also eat about one fruit daily, usually an orange. Rest of sugar comes from a bit of honey and maple syrup, but overall intake is low. For variety I think it's fine to eat like red meat once a week and it seems to increase testosterone.

the peterson family

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That's why I got cancer before I ever started lifting, now that I got that out of the way already i can eat whatever I want

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Wheat is pretty shitty for the gut, especially Iron-fortified wheat which is much more irritating. Look this up :

Basically argues that gluten intolerance would be much less if flour and bread hadn't been fortified with a foreign Iron type that acts like razor blades to the gut linings.

With the importance of gut health (like that greek dude said "All diseases start from the gut"), major systemic consequences are very possible.

>Not knowing about Sv3rige and Milk Jar

Oh yeah packaged cereals are also a major source of this foreign iron. Few brands don't have added Iron, except if you eat whole cereals like oats.

When did you realize "causes cancer" meme is part of the white genocide plan?

I would argue that parotting around that known carcinogens are not really unhealthy is part of the white genocide plan. Just like they made cow milk the official product of right-wing incels, don't think it wasn't planned they choose exactly what gets promoted on the news. They got you if you think your only 2 options are vegan + soi or cow milk and red meat everyday.
>After the intake of cow milk,
>testosterone significantly decreased in men

Which are all not relevant if you don't exercise, are overweight, drink excessive alcohol or smoke. When you fixed these up, you can worry about the meat and wheat causing cancer memes.

>Meat, the food we evolved with and have been eating since forever, causes cancer.

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We tended to die of other things at a younger age before cancer could get us

>be my great grandfather
>born in 1894
>eat and drink whatever there is at hand including cured meat, fatty meat and strong alcohol
>smoke pipe for 60 years
>never even hear about dieting or nutrition values of food
>work every day out in the fields
>live through 2 world wars
>die in 1985 at the ripe old age of 91
Its about lifestyle not food

you know these are got from groups of thousand people and they follow a trend, not anecdotes. Hightened risk is not a guarantee.


may I see the dachshund1 please

Just eat what makes you feel good and what makes your body look good

the rest is irrelevant

I bet he already looked old as hell at 40. Also humans are probably supposed to live up to 200 or some shit, we just never experienced as good conditions as now (except lifestyle is declining but thats voluntary).

>dairy is good for your bones if you don't drink you'll shatter in a nanosecond
>no it's bad a nanolitre will kill you
How am I supposed to know?

You don't need much Calcium when you get enough of the cofactors Vit K, D, A and arguably Boron which is depleted in most soils except in Israel. Like arthritis is calcium-related and the rates are lowest in regions of the world where Boron intake is more than 3mg daily.

Otherwise beans are actually pretty good source. Broccoli, oranges, kale I don't eat a lot of them but they contribute.

Even the sun gives you cancer. Dihydrogen monoxide kills several people every year and its found in 100% of the fluids we drink. Welcome to the age of death!

>Dihydrogen monoxide
Sure it may kill a few people, but it is one of the best ways to make any girl wet.

if you mean gender-specific stress yes its lifestyle

He did look old early as far as I can tell from the oldest photos but he remained active until the very end, he died after he came home from some village feast, they found him dead the next day on a small haystack under a tree where he used to always sleep in summer time. 200 years seems to be a bit too much I dont know if I would want to stick around for that long desu.

You do realize you can potentially kill the girl? People suffocate to death because of it all the time!

GMOs do not cause cancer, it's the gallons of pesticide used to drown them in.

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>>meat causes cancer

Genetic modification, pesticides, growth hormone, tainted livestock feed, diseased cattle, fecal matter. You're eating shit.

>>dairy causes cancer

Same reasons as above, except instead of eating shit you are eating pus discharge.

>>wheat causes cancer

Same reasons as above, except the genetic modification is even more extensive. Wheat is also processed to the point of denutrition.

>>any remotely fun meal or desert causes cancer

What makes a meal fun, or even enjoyable? It's taste, mainly. "Fun meals" involve disproportionate amounts of sugar or sugar syrup, preservatives, corn derivatives, flavor enhancers, etc. Modern foodstuffs, especially fast food -- is addictive. Therefore you have no problem eating these composite artificial meals.

More info user? Whats your diet like? How do you hit your protein intake? Any good books you recommend on this? Thanks bro

pure mom science

I learned a bunch from Ray Peat except I disagree with him about dairy and sugar (at least in excess). Still a good of scientific foundations there. I also learned a lot from searching in studies, which led to not having a lot of variety in my diet because a lot of food is better to be avoided. Legumes are actually fine when traditionally prepared which removes 99% of anti-nutrients and canning has the same effect (it's a form of long-term soaking). Coconut Oil is great to decrease gut bacterial load, I feel it's one of the best addition in my diet since a few years. A couple of supps help cover the lack of variety. My protein intake isn't high, this has advantages based on limiting certain harmful amino acids. I add about 15g from whey taken with 1000mg Tyrosine to limit Tryptophan absorption. Sufficient carbs intake, certain minerals/vits and minimizing anti-androgenic substances are what matters most to develop muscles and a masculine apperance in my experience but at the same time I don't have goals to achieve a huge body which would probably require more protein (which is doable on a low-meat diet, just eat a lot of beans).

this is the most retarded shit in the world. Do not fucking link anything that isnt a peer reviewed paper from a respected journal of science you illiterate cunt.

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The most common assay used to determine if a substance is a carcinogen is the Ames test, which really just tests for mutagenic effects in bacteria. Pro-carcinogens are missed by this, as are promoters, and you end up flagging all sorts of phytochemicals as dangerous when the human body can easily process them. That's why you end up with wonky results like those in the pic you posted.

The bible is fiction, Jimbob. People aren't capable of living that long.

>meat causes cancer

No sweaty, there is no evidence for this. Just some vegan liberal hippy agenda. There is no way to know if meat causes cancer unless you have long term studies on people that only eat meat, its like having someone who smokes daily then when they develop lung cancer you blame it on their consumption of potato's. You cant blame meat when there literally could be hundreds of different environmental reasons for someone developing cancer.

Ignore all of it.

We are living longer than we literally have ever done before and what a fucking shocker, people over the age of 60 are at high risk of cancer/heart and stroke issues.

Just eat lots of veggies, some fruit and various meats/protein sources.

Everything else in moderation and don't smoke. Not cause of the cancer risk, it's just stupid.

>genetic modification is bad

Fuck off.

Also, old lady I worked with was a vegan and got cancer. They put her on a high protein diet, had to start eating meat again. Bunch of chemo and radiation later, she survived.

Probably not for long. But veganism didn't save that bitch.

The lack of meat in your diet has made you retarded.
