Daily Reminder

The only thing that matters is functional strength. This skelly could literally kill you and there's nothing you and your (((aesthetics))) could do about it

Attached: Max-Holloway.jpg (615x910, 88K)

>professional fighter with years of training could beat me in a fight
Imagine my shock. Great insight OP

found the brainlet

>gets stroke from weight cut
absolute apex predator leds

Regardless, the most effective form of self-defense is being big. 90% of guys won't start a fight if you look like you could kick their ass.

lets see some of his knockout highlights,

oh weight he fights in a manlet division and relies of the judges (judges dont exist irl btw)
sage in all fields etc

He would literally kill you without having to even think about how

>uses gloves to fight
what a pussy am i right guys?

I could just place my hand on his head and keep him at a distance

jesus christ a human this powerful needs to be destroyed before he comes to the conclusion the end of humanity is the best option